fairy flame

Chapter 178 Hidden Treasure and Crisis

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Qing. I was a little surprised that Junior Brother came to look for me in person, but I happen to have time now. There is a small pavilion on the top of the mountain not far away, so I will go there." Luo Qingqing raised her eyebrows lightly, as if Seeing something, he said with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Just listen to Senior Sister Zhang." Luo Yu nodded.

Afterwards, Luo Qingqing's feet flew together, and he flew towards the mountain not far away, and Luo Yu clasped his fists at the two female cultivators who guarded the mountain, and followed Luo Qingqing's footsteps.

Not long after Luo Yu and the others left, the two disciples who had been smiling just now suddenly restrained their smiles, and unexpectedly turned into a cold face again!

"Senior Sister Yao! Just now, did you ask about this person's background? It is very rare to escape in the Qi training period so quickly. Liu Shao has been telling us to pay attention to people with extraordinary potential in the Qi training period. This person can recommend one or two .” The beautiful female cultivator asked the woman next to her.

"This man has a very strict manner, and he seems to be deliberately concealing his identity. After asking for a long time, he led him around in a circle, and the other party's cultivation base is much higher than mine, so I didn't dare to ask more questions. , there won’t be any good fruit to eat!” the woman surnamed Yao said with a frown.

"It's called Qingyu... I don't think I've heard of such a number one person in the sect, but we'll just tell Shao Liu the name of this person. As Liu Shao is in the Cuixia sect, he wants to find someone. It's so easy for people, maybe when Liu Shao is happy, he will give me some treasures!" The female Meimeixiu talked to herself first, and then said with a nympho look on her face.

"It's true what my sister said, but looking at Senior Sister Luo just now, she seems to be quite familiar with this person, but I heard that Senior Sister Luo is engaged to Senior Brother Jian, so there won't be any... Ha ha!"

The two women guarding the mountain were able to think so far in one go. At the end of the conversation, both of them laughed lightly with their delicate bodies trembling.


At this moment, on an unnamed mountain, a man and a woman are standing there with the imperial weapon. These two people are naturally Luo Yu and Luo Qingqing.

"Little brother, take off your disguise. I want to see why I made such a trouble, and put our two names together, Qingyu...it sounds pretty good." As soon as Luo Qingqing's feet fell to the ground, she He smiled at the handsome young man with a grin.

After hearing this, the handsome young man immediately grinned, and said, "Hehe, I knew I could fool others, but I couldn't fool you, Third Sister. Painting skin can change your appearance, but it can't change your eyes!" Distorted and blurred, in a moment, it turned into the ordinary-looking Luo Yu's original appearance.

Luo Qingqing stood there watching this scene, secretly amazed in her heart, never thought that Luo Yu had learned such a brilliant disguise technique.

"You put on so many disguises, there must be something important!" Luo Qingqing's smile faded away, and she turned serious and said.

"Third sister, you know me well. This time I might be a little troublesome. Originally, the four of us went to participate in the mission of suppressing demons together, but the other three died. I was the only one who came back, and among the three who died there was a foundation-builder." Immortal cultivator, I think the elders of Hengling Palace will definitely make things difficult for me this time, as for the specific process of the matter is like this..." Luo Yu's face turned gloomy when he mentioned this task.

Luo Yu told Luo Qingqing everything that happened at that time, including Chi Yanguo and Qijue Yinhuoblade. He did not hide anything about it. For Luo Qingqing, Luo Yu trusted Luo Qingqing. This mission was too tortuous. It took Luo Yu half a stick of incense to finish speaking.

And when Luo Qingqing heard Luo Yu tell such a dangerous experience, her face changed several times during the half a stick of incense.

"Sister, it is precisely because of these reasons that I want to put Emperor Xuan's black storage bag with you for safekeeping. It contains all the things related to those three people. It is absolutely not allowed to be known to outsiders. This is why The reason why I came to you to make such a famous hall is very important, you must not reveal anything, and when this matter subsides, I will come to you to retrieve this storage bag!" Luo Yu said with a serious face .

In fact, he can hide the storage bag by himself, but apart from his own cave, Luo Yu is not at ease in other places, maybe someone stepped on dog shit to find it, so the things that Luo Yu worked so hard to get are not cheap others.

But if he hides in his own cave, once the matter is reported, the elders of Hengling Palace are very likely to come to search his cave, so it is even more impossible to hide in the cave.

"I heard that the elders in Hengling Temple are very tricky. Will they give you a heavy punishment?" Luo Qingqing's face was extremely surprised after hearing this. It was really unexpected that Luo Yu had experienced such a thing It is even more unbelievable that the immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage would slaughter his fellow disciples for the treasure, and it was difficult to react for a while, but she still put Luo Yu's safety first in her heart, so the first sentence she said was concern Luo Yu.

"Don't worry, as long as the things are well hidden and those elders have no evidence, I will hand in those useless ghost streamers that I have already refined, and they will say that they are the black-robed monks I strangled this time. Come on, those elders should not find a reason to punish me, I'd better talk to Master later, and then go to Hengling Hall to report these things!" Luo Yu nodded and said something that made Luo Qingqing feel relieved .

"Then let me help you find Feng Xiaohou. Their Feng family also has a lot of power in Hengling Palace. Asking him to intercede should be of great help to you." Luo Qingqing said still not at ease. , with a worried look on his face.

Just like that, Luo Yu and Luo Qingqing separated after the two sisters and brothers had a discussion. Before leaving, they handed over Emperor Xuan's black storage bag to Luo Qingqing, and then flew in the direction of Chaoyang Peak in Dunguang.


After a while, Luo Yu controlled the black escape light and appeared at the entrance of Li You's Biyan Cave on Chaoyang Peak with a few flashes from far and near.

"Forbidden formation!" Luo Yu exclaimed, and saw that the gate of Biyan Cave was closed tightly, and the colorful formation light curtain outside was shining, emitting powerful mana fluctuations. Needless to say, Luo Yu didn't dare to approach at all.

In general, the patriarch of the alchemy period fully opened the restrictions outside his cave, there are only two situations, either going out for business, or retreating to practice, no matter which of these two situations, it will take a lot of time Well, it’s better if you go out. Once you retreat, it’s possible that you won’t be able to leave for decades or decades!

But how could Luo Yu have so much time to wait now!

How could Li You be absent at such a critical moment? Luo Yu couldn't help feeling secretly anxious. Although Luo Yu thought that the sect should not impose any major punishment on him, Luo Yu still had some inexplicable worries in his heart.

Now that it doesn't work on my own side, I can only rely on Third Sister's side.

After Luo Qingqing and Luo Yu separated just now, Luo Yu asked her to hide the storage bag, and then set off directly to find Feng Xiaohou, but naturally he would not tell Feng Xiaohou the truth, so he just told Luo Yu's fabricated lie. .

Right now, I can only hope that Feng Xiaohou will make progress. Since he wants to win him over, he will definitely do his best.

Luo Yu thought for a while outside the Biyan Cave, and then flew towards the nameless hill where he practiced. After reaching the hill, he turned around and flew back into his mountainside cave.

The outside of Luo Yu's cave is densely covered with green vines, it's hard to notice if you don't pay attention. After Luo Yu swept away the green vines, he found a red sound transmission jade slip running around in the clear spirit array under Luo Yu's cloth , it seems that someone has come to find him, but the only one who can use such precious things as the Yinchuan Yujian is Master Li You!

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Luo Yu took the Yinchuan jade slip over, took a look at it in his hand, and then put the Yinchuan jade slip directly on his forehead to check.

(Xianyan) The first update, I would like to ask for your support.

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