fairy flame

Chapter 179 Emperor Xuan's Identity

The contents of the jade slip were very simple, Luo Yu finished reading it in a short while, and then slowly put the sound transmission jade slip into the storage bag with a contemplative expression.

"Sure enough, he went out!" Luo Yu said with a sigh. This sound transmission jade slip was left to him by Li You, and it said that the Immortal Realm of Yuanjiang Kingdom and the Shahun Sect of Hezhou would be held at the junction of the two states. In the second negotiation, Li You happened to be among the patriarchs sent out by the Cuixia faction. At the same time, the teacher's wife went with her because she was worried about Li You's safety.

Judging from Li You's tone, it seemed that going out this time was a bit dangerous, and told Luo Yu to stay in the Cuixia faction and not go out after he came back.

But Li You didn't know that Luo Yu had messed up the mission again, and was going to ask him to intercede, it seemed that this way was dead.

Luo Yu thought for a while, and decided to go to Hengling Hall to report this incident first, lest people say that he has returned long ago, but he is unwilling to report the mission, and it will inevitably cause trouble.


After about half a stick of incense, a black ray of light flew into the Hall of Hengling, and not long after, the black ray of light flew out of it, and shortly after Wu Guang left, the Hall of Hengling was like As if something earth-shattering had happened, many immortal cultivators flew out from the inside at once. These people all looked panic-stricken. After they came out, they drove various magic weapons to different directions of the Cuixia Mountains.

At this moment, at the foot of Cangyue Peak, a yellow-robed figure stood on top of the magic weapon, staring at the two-color light curtain in front of him. The entire Cangyue Mountain is shrouded in it, even if the cultivators of the Foundation Establishment Stage want to force their way in, it is impossible to enter, so Cangyue Mountain does not have any disciples who guard the mountain. Apart from the identity of Patriarch Danqi, he can only rely on some special tokens.

The figure in the yellow robe standing here is naturally Luo Yu. After he reported to the Hengling Hall just now, the elder was not too surprised to hear that Shen Meng and Xiao Wan died at the hands of the black robe man, but After hearing that a Foundation Establishment Stage Immortal Cultivator who led the team had also died, his nerves tensed up immediately, and when Luo Yu finally heard that the dead Foundation Establishment Stage Immortal Cultivator was named Wang Xuan, his expression became even more serious. Come pale!

After Luo Yu finished speaking, looking at the face of the elder on duty, he immediately knew that the matter was not simple. Although the man didn't say much, he told Luo Yu to wait for the ancestors of the alchemy period to come to discuss the matter. Go back and wait for news.

But the panic in the eyes of the elder on duty and the reluctance on his face could not escape Luo Yu's eyes. Originally, Luo Yu wanted to ask, but when he thought that he was not related to others, even if he asked the other party, he would not be able to escape. I must tell you, and, seeing that person's reluctance to say more, Luo Yu didn't want to make fun of himself.

At this moment, after Luo Yu left Hengling Palace, he was always worried. Anyway, he had no intention of cultivating under such circumstances, so he wanted to find Feng Xiaohou. Although Luo Qingqing should have already come to look for him, Luo Yu still wanted to ask When asked what was going on, did this Wang Xuan have some special status in the sect?

Luo Yu stared at the two-color light curtain for a moment, then patted the storage bag, and took out a silver talisman, which was given to Luo Yu by Feng Xiaohou. According to him, this silver talisman can be used to open Cangyue Mountain The two-color ban for three times, after three times, it will have no effect.

Half a year ago, because Feng Xiaohou wanted to win Luo Yu over, he gave him a special restraining talisman, saying that he could go to him whenever he was in trouble.

Unexpectedly, God's will is unpredictable, and now I really encountered it.

Throwing it with one hand, the silver talisman flew to the front of the two-color restriction. Luo Yu moved his arm lightly, and a stream of pure spiritual power poured into it. Fly printed on the two-color light curtain.

Immediately, the two-color light curtain rippled like water waves, and then split open, revealing a large crack of Zhang Xu.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Yu flew in with a flicker of footsteps, and not long after entering, the two-color light curtain closed again with a clatter.

After entering, Luo Yu instantly retracted the silver talisman.Afterwards, he glanced at the silver talisman in his hand. The silver light on the talisman had dimmed a lot at the moment, and it seemed that it could only be used three times.

As soon as the talisman was taken away, Luo Yu quickly flew in the direction designated by Feng Xiaohou. The people living in Cangyue Mountain were all the descendants of the Feng family. No one was surprised by his sudden appearance. It seemed that they were all used to it. People often use talismans to break through the restrictions here, and those who can come in should be immortal cultivators who are friendly to the Feng family.

I have always heard that Cangyue Mountain is not only the highest mountain of Cuixia Sect, but also the highest mountain in Mengzhou, but because Cangyue Mountain has always been shrouded by the two-color prohibition outside, it can’t be seen clearly from the outside , so Luo Yu still doesn't know how high this so-called first highest mountain is. Now standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at it, the top of his head is completely cloudy, endlessly hazy, and he can't see the end!

The height of this mountain is really not blown out, anyone who stands at the foot of such a high mountain will feel a sense of insignificance, even cultivators are no exception, Luo Yu is also shocked.

Withdrawing his gaze, Luo Yu looked at the mountain, and according to what Feng Xiaohou said, he began to look for Feng Xiaohou's training place.

Feng Xiaohou's place is different from that of other family's children. The foot of the mountain is the place where some immortal cultivators in the qi training stage usually retreat and practice. As for the place of practice, as for the top of the highest Cangyue Peak, it is said that Cuixia sent a Nascent Soul Stage Supreme Elder to live there, and it should be the Venerable Wind Rider.

However, although Feng Xiaohou is also an immortal cultivator in the qi training period, due to his identity, he lives alone in a secluded valley at the foot of the mountain. The aura in the valley is also the best at the foot of the mountain. As mentioned, the valley was quickly found.

When Luo Yu came to the valley, he was immediately surprised by the layout of the place.

This Feng Xiaohou is really an elegant person, there is only a quiet path outside the valley, which is quite quiet.

And there are colorful exotic flowers and plants planted everywhere inside, and at first glance, these flowers and plants are taken care of very carefully, even the soil that raises these exotic flowers and plants does not seem to be ordinary soil, on the soil, Luo Yu felt a faint aura fluctuation.

Moreover, a narrow path was opened in the middle of these flowers, and at the end of the path was a bamboo hut shrouded in a formation light curtain, which really looked like a master of the fairy family, and the whole valley gave people a sense of A kind of ethereal feeling.

Luo Yu walked to the edge of the formation outside the house, stood there facing the wind, paused and then said: "Luo Yu is visiting, I wonder if Brother Feng can come out to explain!" Although the voice was not loud, it was clearly audible clearly.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, it's you! Why haven't you left yet?" Not long after Luo Yu finished speaking, a voice of extreme surprise came from inside, and then he saw a young man in brocade clothes rushing out of it.

"Brother Luo, why haven't you left yet! This time the incident has become serious!" The figure that flew out was Feng Xiaohou, and as soon as he appeared, he shouted at Luo Yu.

"My third sister came to look for you. He should have told you about it. What's going on? I came to you just to ask about the identity of Wang Xuan, an immortal cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage!" Luo Yu saw this scene , also quickly understood, and said with a sudden change of expression.

At the same time, a bad premonition quietly rose in my heart!

"The problem this time is caused by Wang Xuan! Although this person is only an immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage, he is a disciple of Xu Chang, and Xu Chang is a patriarch of our sect at the alchemy stage. This person is still from the Liu family, and has never been at odds with your master Li Shizu in the sect. If he finds out, he will definitely not let you go. Besides, Li Shizu is going to participate in the second negotiation. I don’t know when Only then can we come back!" Feng Xiaohou said in a hurry, with a very worried expression on his face.

The second update of "Xianyan", I was busy with some things today, so the update was postponed, Youdao apologizes to everyone!

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