fairy flame

Chapter 182 Dream Lost Sound

"That's right. Back then, this object really caused quite a stir in the world of cultivating immortals, but in the end it was obtained by Junior Brother Li by chance. After being appraised by the elders of the sect, this object categorically rejected the rumors from the outside world. The object is not made of five-color spiritual wood, and the immortal cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage testify, and others lose their minds about it. After all, the defensive effect of the five spiritual threads is not at all against the attacks of the immortal cultivators of the alchemy stage. How useful it is!" The benevolent old man slowly explained.

"Senior brother is right. The three great sacred trees in the world of cultivating immortals are such precious treasures. I am afraid that they appeared a little in ancient times. It is hard to say whether there are still any in the world of cultivating immortals. Moreover, it was said that this treasure was just based on its color back then. Forged from five-color spirit wood, it is indeed too forced." The old man Piao Ran also nodded.

Afterwards, the kind-browed old man turned his gaze to Luo Yu again, and said, "You have these two treasures. The wood spirit orb can escape the detection of the spiritual consciousness of the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period, and the five spiritual threads can help you resist at least three attacks by the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period. , it is really possible that you escaped from the hands of the cultivators in the foundation building period, but we still need to check your storage bag!"

Hearing this, Luo Yu immediately felt relieved. Fortunately, he had prepared in advance. The things in the storage bag related to this mission had already been handed over to the third sister to hide, otherwise it would be revealed right now. up!

Luo Yu quickly took off the storage bag from his hand, and before he could react, the storage bag flew out of his hand with a "swish", and automatically fell into the hands of the kind-browed old man.

I saw the old man raised his hand and waved away, Luo Yu's spiritual sense attached to the storage bag was swept away, and then the kind-browed old man closed his eyes and began to check. Luo Yu already knew the result, so there was no sign on his face. Any sign of worry.

With the powerful spiritual consciousness of a cultivator in the alchemy stage, the inspection was completed in a few breaths. After reading it, the old man threw the storage bag to Luo Yu again without saying anything.

"There are only two middle-level magic tools and more than a hundred spirit stones in it, but there are quite a few talismans and some spirit pills. It seems that Junior Brother Li treats you really well. What do you think of this person? Mo Mou thinks this person is nothing Suspicious!" After finishing speaking, the old man asked with a light smile and shook his head.

"Senior brother, it is naturally difficult to find out anything through interrogation like this. If this person lies or hides things, wouldn't I be making people laugh at the group of alchemy-stage ancestors!" was the voice of the sharp-eyed old man. said.

"Oh! If Brother He sees something suspicious, Mo is willing to listen!" The old man with kind eyebrows said indifferently.

"If this person really killed his fellow disciples, he is naturally ready to say what to say. He can't ask anything, but there is a way to make this person speak the truth!" The sharp-eyed old man suddenly said with a strange expression.

"what way?"

Not only Luo Yu, but several other law enforcement elders in the alchemy stage also asked curiously. At the same time, Luo Yu felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Returning to the sound of dreams! Brother He is definitely trying to use this method!" The kind-browed old man seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a sudden change of expression.

"Hehe, it's precisely this technique. He's dream-returning sound can definitely make a cultivator in the Qi training period tell the truth and ask everything about that time!" The sharp-eyed old man said with a chuckle.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! Junior Brother He's dream-returning sound is the same supernatural power spell used by a cultivator in the alchemy stage. If it is used on a cultivator in the Qi training stage, Junior Brother has not thought about the consequences. At the least, it will let you down." This person's spiritual sense has been greatly damaged, and he will never be able to reach the stage of foundation building! A little heavier will make him become demented directly! Could it be that the younger brother's move is to provoke a battle between our law enforcement hall and the Feng family?" Shaking like a wave drum, his face stiffened all of a sudden!

When the other law enforcement elders in the alchemy stage heard the words 'Huimengmiyin', their faces changed, but most of them disagreed!

"Junior brother He! I don't think there is anything wrong with this person. As for your dream-returning sound, if someone uses this magical power on your disciple, what will the younger brother think, and the deputy sect master Feng Yi is now Waiting outside, this son's master, Li You, is also from the Feng family. Our actions are undoubtedly to provoke conflicts with the Feng family at this sensitive time. We are just an immortal cultivator in the Qi training period, so why should we be as knowledgeable as him , why bother with him!" The old man Piao Ran also tried to persuade him.

"Junior Brother He, if you don't have evidence, I think you'll let him go!" At this time, the elders on the other pillars also persuaded.

Although most of the law enforcement elders present had some relationship with the Liu family, they would usually favor the Liu family in their affairs, but at this critical moment of negotiation between the two states, both sides are tense, and neither of them is willing to do business in this kind of situation. Conflicts arise from time to time, and if the foundation of the Cuixia Sect is destroyed and other sects take advantage of it, they will be sinners through the ages.

What's more, Feng Yitangtang's deputy sect master is waiting outside, which represents the Feng family. It is obvious that the other party wants to see if you deal with him fairly, so now it is even more impossible to deal with Luo Yu according to the previous methods.

After all, the Feng family occupies half of the position in the Cuixia faction, and the Hall of Law Enforcement is sandwiched between the two families. The most hopeful thing is that neither family will be offended.

"Even if he doesn't pursue his mission, but when Brother Xu went to hunt down this son just now, he actually resisted the arrest and dared to attack a Patriarch of the Alchemy Stage. For this, he can be sentenced to death!" The voice of the sharp-eyed old man was sinister, and there was a feeling of shuddering!

"Masters, at that time, Master Xu released the spiritual pressure of the alchemy stage to the next disciple of the Qi training stage. Although Luo Yu didn't know much about the world of immortal cultivation, he also knew that the spiritual pressure of a cultivator in the alchemy stage was enough to make a disciple in the alchemy stage. During the qi training period, the Dao heart of the cultivator produces a shadow, and this shadow will eventually form a heart demon when he breaks through! Shouldn't the younger generation run away? Master Feng was also there at the time, and he saw it clearly. What Luo Yu said There is no lie!" Hearing that the sharp-eyed old man wanted to execute himself on the ground of disrespect to the founder of the alchemy period, Luo Yu's heart suddenly surged with unyielding blood!

Could it be that if the other party wants to kill you, not only can you not fight back, but you can't even escape!

The first update of "Xianyan", the third update broke out today.

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