fairy flame

Chapter 183

"Excessive words! I only know that you were not arrested at that time. If I let you go easily this time, then what is the majesty of us immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage! Aren't we going to be laughed at by monks of the same level in the future!" There were bursts of cold light!

After hearing this, the other patriarchs fell silent. Although everyone could see that Luo Yu had no choice but to resist, and since the eagle-eyed old man clearly wanted to grasp this point If you don't let it go, the other elders of Jiedan will not be able to say much.

Moreover, such things as spiritual pressure are illusory, how can Luo Yu be convincing as evidence!

Logically, Luo Yu has no problem, but if he is really picky, Luo Yu is indeed guilty!

However, now that Luo Yu uses Feng Yi as a shield, it also caused headaches for several law enforcement elders. As the deputy head of the sect, Feng Yi has the highest authority in the Cuixia Sect, and even has a Nascent Soul Stage Lao Tzu backing him up. not big.

And Feng Yi is waiting outside the hall at this moment to show that it is a kind of demonstration, which is tantamount to telling the law enforcement hall that if you do not satisfy me, then you will be completely hostile to the Feng family!

None of the people present wanted to offend Feng Yi. Although the Law Enforcement Hall was sandwiched between the Feng and Liu families and usually favored the Liu family, they never really expressed their position. Therefore, the Feng and Liu families only tried their best to win over the law enforcement. The elders of the hall are also polite, which is exactly what the Hall of Law Enforcement wants to see!

Now Luo Yu is the most troublesome thing for these people. He can neither kill him nor let him go!

"Actually, fellow seniors are overthinking. He is not an unreasonable person. He never thought of executing this son. After all, Junior Brother Li is not in the sect now. If we execute his disciple, I'm afraid it will make Junior Brother Li feel resentful. Seeing this, how about sending this son into exile and suffering from the evil spirit possessing him for half a year?" The sharp-eyed old man saw that the other law enforcement elders were silent, so he understood that no one wanted to offend the Feng family, so it would be okay if this stalemate continued. Not a way, so he came up with another way to torture Luo Yu!

"Resentful soul stream! As long as the cultivators pay attention there, although there will be no danger to their lives, they may be affected by the emotions behind those ghosts possessing them, and they will fall into the illusion of human emotions and six desires. It takes a period of time to recover, this old man feels that this punishment is a bit too severe, but if the other brothers agree, I have no objection!" Said the kind-browed old man, frowning.

"Yuhunjian! This old bastard really refuses to let me go!" Luo Yu's face immediately turned pale when he heard the word "Yuhunjian". However, in the place where disciples are punished for committing serious crimes all the year round, for unknown reasons, there are many monsters who had too much resentment before death and turned into resentful spirits by chance after death. It can only be resisted by the strong magic power in the body, it is very difficult to deal with!

And these wraiths were either overjoyed or sad before death, and brought these emotions into the formed wraith after death. Therefore, once they are possessed by these wraiths, their emotions will be transmitted to the possessor , thus making the living become insane and lose control of their emotions!

However, it is rare to hear about the death of disciples punished by Wraith Souls. Wraith spirits will disappear after a period of time after being possessed, but the pain in the process is really unbearable.

Even those disciples who were punished and died in the Wrathful Soul Gap committed suicide because they were too possessed by Wraith Spirits and became insane.

Therefore, in the minds of low-level disciples, the Wrath of the Wronged Soul is a tormenting Abi Hell. Of course, there must be some exaggeration in it.

"I think this is the way to deal with it! I didn't offend the Feng Family, and it's impossible for others to say that our Law Enforcement Hall has partial behavior. I agree with He Daoyou's method!" After several patriarchs thought for a while, one of them spoke first.

And most of the others also had this idea in their hearts, and it would be best not to offend them, so they nodded their heads too!

Those who can cultivate to the alchemy stage are not as cunning as foxes. Hundreds of years of experience in dealing with things have already made them human beings.

"Hehe! Now that fellow Taoists have agreed, Luo Yu will be exiled to Yuanhunjian and punished for half a year!" Seeing this scene, the sharp-eyed old man immediately rushed to say, as if someone would go back on his word.

"Luo Yu, do you have any objection to this sentence?" The old man asked after nodding his head in agreement.

At this moment, Luo Yu could only grit his teeth, swallow this breath, and must hold back. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. It is not important to debate whether he is guilty or not after this kind of result. At the mercy of others!

"Junior...no objection!" Luo Yu almost squeezed out these words from between his teeth, his lips were tightly pursed, and he didn't even raise his head, but it was to hide the anger in his eyes, so as not to be caught by the other party again Let's talk about it!

"If that's the case, then send a guard from the Law Enforcement Hall in the Foundation Establishment Stage to send him to the Yuanhunjian!" The old man Piao Ran also heard the dissatisfaction in Luo Yu's heart, but said indifferently.

The others naturally agreed, and afterward, the eight alchemy masters took Luo Yu out of the law enforcement hall, and there were three people standing outside the gate of the law enforcement hall. When they saw Luo Yu coming out, they all looked away Look over here!

"I've met the deputy sect master!" The eight elders first saluted Feng Yi respectfully, and then greeted the ancestor of the elder Jiedan who was surnamed Xu.

"Brothers, why are you so polite!" Feng Yi said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Luo has come out! How is it, the result is..." Luo Yu looked up, only to see Feng Xiaohou suddenly rushing out from behind the deputy sect master Feng Yi, asking with a worried expression.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Feng, for your concern. Luo is fine. He was just punished to spend half a year in the Hunhun Jiansi!" expression.

"How is it possible, since I haven't done it, then..."

"Shut up! These are all elders, you don't have the right to speak!" Feng Yi angrily interrupted Feng Xiaohou's words, and glared at Feng Xiaohou with an unfriendly expression, who immediately shrank his head in fear , dare not speak again.

The second update of "Xianyan", please bookmark and vote, there will be a third update later

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