fairy flame

Chapter 186 The Land of Wraiths

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Luo Yu again, and said slowly: "Of course, if you say no now, the old man will not force you anymore, lest others say that Zeng bullied you as a junior!"

"If that's the case, then I'll buy a copy for this junior. I'm going to be a sinner now, and the most important thing is to save my life!" Luo Yu nodded, pretending to be enlightened, but actually sneered secretly in his heart. The map itself does not know whether it is true or not, so this person can say whatever he wants.

Now a hundred spirit stones are nothing to Luo Yu, if the record on this map is true, it will definitely be useful to Luo Yu, a hundred spirit stones are worth it.

If it's fake, it's just a waste of money to eliminate disasters, lest this foundation-building immortal cultivator say nothing, but after you go in and ask some people inside to cause you some trouble, it's too worthless!

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu took out a hundred spirit stones from the storage bag, and after handing them to the old man, the old man immediately put on a polite and enthusiastic look, stepped forward to open the restriction in person, and then accompanied Luo Yu in.

Originally, Luo Yu thought that the other party was doing this because of the one hundred spirit stones, but he didn't expect that on the way, the old man actually took out a few treasures that he said were treasures, saying that they would treat Luo Yu Surviving in Yuanhunjian is very helpful, but this time Luo Yu didn't buy any of them, and he even wondered if he had been fooled just now. drilled in.

But the old man just smiled and didn't say a word to Luo Yu, as if he didn't care, saying that Luo Yu would naturally come to him again when he saw the danger inside!

Putting on an inscrutable demeanor immediately made Luo Yu full of doubts, but he didn't know what to say.

The two passed through a secluded canyon, and there were dozens of restrictions placed in the middle of the canyon, of various types, and Luo Yu was amazed by the power of these restrictions.

No wonder no one can sneak out of the Wrath of Souls, this is basically tantamount to death!

"This is..." After Luo Yu and the two passed through the restriction, they walked through a gravel path in the canyon, and found that they did not know when they were standing on the side of a mountain, but at their feet was a deep valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. The most strange What is surprising is that there are actually a group of gray huts under the deep valley!

There are more than a hundred rooms in this group of huts, and there are four or five streets intertwined in the group of huts, like a small village.

How could there be so many huts in a place like Yuanhunjian, this is really hard for Luo Yu to imagine, and it is even more inconceivable.

What's even more strange is that this group of huts are blocked by a high circular wall. Except for a gate on the west side of the high wall, the other three sides are sealed, and the west side is also the only exit of the crater. When Yu saw the endless depths of the dense forest to the west, as if some terrifying beast was hidden, he immediately thought of Feng Xiaohou's reminder that the depths to the west were the most dangerous, and Luo Yu immediately became vigilant.

"Hehe, going down from here is where the Wraith Gap is. It's not yet the time when the wraiths are haunting, and there will be no danger for the time being. When you go down by yourself, you can find a hut to live in first. As for the future, it will be natural. Someone will tell you!" The old man explained while standing on the mountainside.

Although Luo Yu was full of doubts after listening to it, he also knew that these doubts would be cleared up after he went in, so he cupped his fists respectfully at the old man, and then walked down quickly, and soon his figure slowly disappeared in a road going down the mountain. The trail was on, and after watching Luo Yu go down, the old man stood alone on the spot, stroked the mustache at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly sighed, wondering what he was thinking!


When he came to the valley, he heard some noisy voices in his ears. There should be many talents in this valley. Luo Yu walked over without hesitation.

When Luo Yu walked to the front of this row of huts, the people inside found him, and suddenly a group of gray-clothed monks strode over, one of them was a young man with a round face, dressed gorgeously, and he looked so handsome. The group of grey-clothed monks all obeyed this person.

"Are you new here?" Wei Zhi stood not far from Luo Yu and waved his hand. Immediately, the pair of people behind him stopped in an orderly manner, and the young man Wei Wei stared at Luo Yu and asked. road.

"Here, Luo Yu, he is indeed a newcomer!" Luo Yu glanced at the cultivation bases of this group of people, and found that except for the round-faced young man who was at the tenth level of the Qi training period, which was the same as himself, the others were eighth and ninth levels. Luo Yu has everything, so he is relieved, there is not much danger for Luo Yu in the same rank, and of course the other party is not here to trouble him.

"Since Fellow Daoist Luo is a newcomer, he is eligible to be allocated a hut, but the time is only three days. Fellow Daoist will follow me in, and Ma will tell you the rules here by the way!" The round-faced youth stared at the room. Luo Yu looked at the map in his hand, then said solemnly, and then asked everyone to make way!

Luo Yu is not familiar with this place at all, if someone can talk to him, it will save a lot of trouble, so he walked in unceremoniously.

Along the way, the round-faced youths all put on dead faces, and coldly talked to Luo Yu about the rules of this place, but Luo Yu didn't care. After all, it's best if no one is interested in you. When he put on a smiling face to Luo Yu, Luo Yu's first feeling was that the other party had a purpose and plotted against him!

This is also no way, to survive in the world of cultivating immortals, one must always be on guard.

While the two were chatting, the round-faced young man slowly brought Luo Yu to a seemingly messy hut. The hut looked messy, and the door was still covered with dust and some spider webs. No one has ever lived.

And Luo Yu took advantage of the round-faced young man chatting with Luo Yu for a while, and gradually understood some things about Yuanhunjian.

It has to be said that there are quite a few rules in Wounded Soul Stream that require vigilance and attention.

All the huts here are managed by this round-faced young man, which means that if you want to live in it, you have to get his consent. This is because an ancestor of the round-faced young man once made great contributions to the Cuixia Sect. However, he died in the mission to save his fellow disciples, so in order to repay him, the Cuixia faction let his descendants manage the hut in Winghunjian, allowing each newcomer to live for free for three days, and after three days if they want to continue to live , you have to deliver a certain number of spirit stones every day, and you have to go out to hunt a certain number of wraiths. The specific number of hunting has to be calculated according to your cultivation level!

If the specified amount is not reached, or those who are unwilling to deliver the spirit stones, they don't need to tell you more, and report the matter directly to the tower guards outside, and there will be immortal cultivators in the foundation building period looking for them there. you!

Moreover, the newcomers who have just entered the Winged Soul Stream can still contact their friends and relatives outside within three days. The main reason is to let them bring in some better defensive treasures or pills to increase their cultivation. This is the most important thing, after all. Those who are punished will stay here for a period of time, and without the assistance of pills, it will be very slow to improve their cultivation base. However, the time to get assistance from the outside world is only three days, which means that newcomers come in three days. In the future, it will be impossible to find someone to send things in.

After Luo Yu heard about this so-called connection, he felt a big headache. This must be done by outsiders. Pass the message out, only wait for someone outside to contact you!

Luo Yu believed that if Luo Qingqing knew about her situation, she would definitely find her. The question was whether she would come within three days, and whether she would take the storage bag Luo Yu gave him.

Now that the result of the trial has been obtained, the matter has come to an end, so Luo Yu doesn't need to be afraid of anything, and the magic weapon in the storage bag can be used. At this moment, Luo Yu's attack methods are too few!

"Fellow Daoist Ma stay here, Luo can just go in by himself. Luo will keep in mind what fellow Daoist and I just said." The round-faced young man is named Ma Song, and the ancestors of their Ma family were made for the Cuixia sect. The one who made the contribution, now all the members of the Ma family live in the small house here, but the one with the highest cultivation level is only the eleventh floor of the Qi training period, and he is Ma Song's elder brother.

"Since Fellow Daoist Luo understands, then Ma will not say much. You can rest for a while now. After the sun sets today, those resentful spirits will attack this place frantically, and at the same time, the high walls surrounding these huts will be destroyed." Activate the formation - the 'Xiao Huan Ling Lei Formation' to kill these wraiths, but at times like this, in addition to our Ma family's children, many immortal cultivators who have been punished will also take advantage of the wraiths trapped by the formation. During the time they lived there, they killed the resentful spirits, and the resentful spirits they killed at this time are also included in the mission, if Fellow Daoist Luo is free, you can come out and have a look." Although Ma Song still had a straight face , but this person spoke frankly, and he didn't hide anything at all.

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