fairy flame

Chapter 195 Cautious and decisive

After sorting the contents of the storage bag into his own storage bag, Luo Yu cleaned up the scene carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, Luo Yu took back the Qijue Tuling Array buried everywhere with confidence. Dharma utensils.

After Luo Yu put away all his things, he took out the map of Hunhunjian that he had bought to look at, and then took out the Nan Xingpan he had developed and gesticulated for a while, a thoughtful look flashed across his face. Only after confirming the correct position of the blood deer's ear from this place, there was a flash of black light under his feet, and Luo Yu flew out in a hurry!

It is recorded that the blood deer ear grows in a place called 'Mo'er Cliff', and it is still on the mountainside.

Because there are many resentful spirits in the place where the blood deer ears grow, so in order to preserve his strength, Luo Yu used the resting formula to the extreme along the way, not daring to leak a little breath, for fear of being discovered by the resentful spirits along the way. Had blood deer ears, but he didn't have much spiritual power to deal with the resentful spirits. Wouldn't it be a waste of effort.

And as Luo Yu continued to go deeper into the west of the Wraith Gap, more and more resentful spirits were discovered along the way. Once, a group of resentful spirits even rushed towards Luo Yu aggressively, scaring Luo Yu. Fortunately, Luo Yu Yu was calm enough, clutching the magic weapon tightly in his hand and didn't dare to make a move first, but tried his best to restrain his aura, but the group of resentful spirits really didn't find Luo Yu, they just flew over there like a blind cat hitting a mouse, but even In this way, Luo Yu almost passed by!

After that incident, Luo Yu became more careful, and his spiritual sense could clearly detect any disturbances in the surroundings. As a result, the road ahead was calm and there were no serious accidents.

Careful and decisive cooperation with Luo Yu along the way really made him approach the place where the blood deer ears grow. Even Luo Yu didn't quite believe it. Could it be that he suddenly changed his luck after entering Wonderful Soul Stream?

If it were an immortal cultivator in another Qi training period, it would be really impossible to reach here.

However, after Luo Yu looked at the map carefully, he was always puzzled. Why did no one take them away, but let them stay here even though he knew that there were some cold-type elixirs growing here, even marked on the map? !

In fact, Luo Yu didn't know that in the Cuixia Sect, those patriarchs in the alchemy stage looked down on the value of the elixir here. Immortal cultivators are also useless, and it is dangerous for immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage to go deep into the Wrath of Souls, and everyone who can cultivate to the foundation-building stage takes their own lives very seriously, so they will not be involved easily!

He will even take risks for the elixir that is of little use to them in the Wrath of Souls.

Therefore, for various reasons, although the cultivators of the Cuixia sect knew that there were some cold-attribute elixir here, there were not many people to pick them, and how many immortal cultivators in the qi training stage were able to protect themselves with so many treasures like Luo Yu? .

After about a stick of incense, Luo Yu suddenly stopped.

"It's here!" Luo Yu double-checked with the map in one hand, and the South Astrolabe in the other to get the direction.

In front of him is a lush chain of hills. The blood deer ears marked on the map grow on a cliff on the mountainside. Luo Yu looked around and saw that this small chain of mountains is really weird. Although the mountain is steep and there are many cliffs Broken walls, but there are some strange small trees growing on these cliffs. These small trees are lush and densely spread all over the entire cliff, without any gaps, and even cover the rocks on the hill!

If this is discovered by those mortals in the secular world, I am afraid they will think it is a tree mountain!

But finally came to this place, Luo Yu will definitely not shrink back because of a little weirdness, as long as he makes a comprehensive plan, there is still a great possibility of success once.

In fact, the most important thing is how to avoid the eyes and ears of those resentful spirits and not be discovered by them, but this is also the most difficult thing to do!

It was only when Luo Yu came here that Luo Yu really felt that what was said on the map was true. It was true that the further he went to the west of the Wraith Cave, the number of Wraiths increased dramatically.

Just at the foot of the mountain, Luo Yu found nearly a hundred green shadows of resentful spirits floating around the mountain, and some of the resentful spirits disappeared among the luxuriant branches and leaves of those small trees after wandering. This means that there must be a lot of resentful spirits hidden in the small tree. According to this calculation, there may be more than a thousand resentful spirits near this hill alone, and this hill is just a small part of the Wrathful Soul Stream. .

Roughly calculated, how many resentful spirits there are in the whole Wrathful Soul Stream is really frightening. Why there is so many resentful spirits gathered in one place in the Cuixia Mountain Range, this is really something that Luo Yu is very curious about. !

However, Luo Yu didn't dare to be distracted at this moment. After holding his breath, the fluctuations in his body's spiritual power stopped. Luo Yu carefully passed through those wraiths, walking among them Luo Yu couldn't help raising his heart to his throat Eyes, if he is accidentally touched by the Wraith's wandering around, even if Luo Yu can escape, it will take a lot of effort!

But fortunately, when Luo Yu thought about being cautious, his mind turned quickly, and he calculated the distance between himself and the wraiths around him in advance. Yu Dao really didn't meet a resentful spirit, but after walking around the foot of the mountain for a while, Luo Yu finally found a steep rock wall that could be climbed up the mountain!

This was only discovered by Luo Yu after wandering around for a long time. It was only because there were not a lot of small trees on this cliff, so there would be no ghosts hiding inside, and the stone wall was relatively easy to climb!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu cast a 'lightness technique' on himself, and suddenly felt a little floating in his body, and then Luo Yu hurriedly hid the fluctuation of spiritual power caused by his casting. Fortunately, the 'lightness technique' 'It's just a low-level spell, and it's already handy for a high-level qi-training cultivator like Luo Yu, so the fluctuation of spiritual power is very small, and it has not been noticed by the resentful spirit.

At the same time, Luo Yu silently used Yanjia Kung Fu mental method in his body. The internal force produced by this kind of secular martial arts circulates in the body when used, and will not cause fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual power, so the resentful spirits cannot detect it.

Speaking of this set of secular martial arts, after Luo Yu practiced to a great degree, basically he had no chance to use it, but because this exercise has the effect of strengthening his body, it has saved Luo Yu a few times, and Luo Yu never thought it would be like this Coincidentally, it really was an unintentional insertion!

After using the Yanjia Kung Fu, Luo Yu's skin began to glow slightly red, and it was not until the red light completely wrapped his palms that Luo Yu took steps to the side of the steep rock!

With a steady push and a collapse of both feet, Luo Yu lightly jumped up and landed on a rock several feet high. After stabilizing, he kicked his feet up and jumped up. With the protection of the red light produced by Yanjia Kung Fu, Luo Yu didn't need to worry about excessive force or friction and injury when climbing fast. Swirling left and right, it kept rushing upwards, like a nimble and agile leopard!

Luo Yu would occasionally stop in the middle of the climb, scan his surroundings with his spiritual sense from time to time, and if there was any abnormality, he would restrain himself and rest, and wait until it was safe before continuing to go up. He was extremely alert!

In this way, Luo Yu jumped up and down, and climbed a third of the distance in a short while. There was nothing abnormal in the middle, which made Luo Yu feel a little relieved. Afterwards, even with Luo Yu's physique as a cultivator, he couldn't take it anymore, so he stopped on a bare stone to rest and engraved.

After recovering his physical strength, he began to climb up again. After repeating this three times, Luo Yu finally came to the cliff where the blood deer ears grew!

"So many!" Luo Yu exclaimed loudly the first time he saw the cliff, his face was shocked!

It doesn't refer to how many blood deer ears there are here, but that there are dozens of resentful spirits hidden in the space of more than ten feet in the cliff. For some reason, these resentful spirits surround the blood deer ears tightly, as if Just like guarding your beloved treasure.

This is really difficult. When Luo Yu saw this scene, he analyzed it at a glance. If he kept his breath and ran over secretly like before, it would definitely not work. These resentful spirits are too tightly surrounded. There is simply no gap to pass through!

The second update of "Xianyan", the competition for red tickets is really fierce, strong book lovers hold on!

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