fairy flame

Chapter 194 The Power of the Evil Formation

However, not long after Luo Yu arrived here, he found a green shadow wraith hovering on the edge of the formation. Naturally, Luo Yu would not let it miss him. He slapped the storage bag with one hand and took out the purple net method. The weapon flew out with a 'swish', and the green shadow not far away reacted quickly, but it didn't have much wisdom. Luo Yu just made a small plan and trapped it firmly in the purple net!

Although the wraith spirit was trapped, Luo Yu did not kill it immediately. Instead, he showed an expression of extreme difficulty, and continuously emitted purple light to match the green light on the green shadow's body surface. The two kinds of light ebbed and flowed. Intense collision inside the purple net!

Luo Yu did this to confuse the people who followed him!

In this way, after a while, the green shadow still couldn't control the seemingly endless purple light of the purple net. After being hit by the purple light several times in a row, it slowly turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated. The purple net was retracted, and after the purple net shrank instantly, Luo Yu took it in his hand and looked it over, and found another tiny green dot. It seems that every time a magic weapon kills a green shadow, it will leave a green shadow on the magic weapon a green dot.

Luo Yu kept staring at the purple net in his hand, as if he didn't see any danger at all, but after Luo Yu calmly put the purple net magic weapon into the storage bag, he aimed at the dense forest with a flat face. opened his mouth.

"Have the two fellow daoists seen enough? Luo asked himself that he had never offended anyone in Yuanhunjian, so he should have no grievances with the two of you!" Luo Yu's face was flat, and he really wanted to know that someone was following him, so he didn't have much fear.

However, after Luo Yu finished speaking, there was still no movement in the dense forest. Could it be that Luo Yu felt wrong!

"Since the two of you don't come out, then Luo won't accompany you. Unexpectedly, the two fellow Taoists have a cultivation level higher than Luo's, but they are as cowardly as mice. They have been following Luo for two days, so why hide their heads and show their tails! "After Luo Yu finished speaking, his eyes turned, and his eyes were fixed on the back of this giant green tree!

"Haha! Now that you know it all, then the two of us have nothing to hide. Originally, you could live a little longer, but you can't blame others if you want to die!" After the arrogant voice finished speaking, Luo Suddenly, two figures flew out from behind the tree that Yu was staring at. After landing on the ground, the two separated skillfully and surrounded Luo Yu in a pincer attack!

"You kid actually knew that we were following you two days ago. Your spiritual sense should be beyond the tenth level of Qi training period, and it seems that you are not an ordinary cultivator!" The short young man surnamed Zhang said with a low laugh.

"So, the two fellow Taoists really want to hurt this subordinate. Can Luo ask, who is trying to kill me? I don't want to be a fool after I die!" Luo Yu put on a face Said with an angry look.

"Forget it! You won't live long anyway, so I'll tell you mercifully that Yan's master is named Xu! Now you should understand." The young man surnamed Yan looked at Luo Yu wildly and said, as if he didn't think Luo Yu at all. would threaten it.

"It's him again!" Luo Yu gritted his teeth coldly, this man was a cultivator in the alchemy stage, but tried to kill him time and time again regardless of his status, he could kill him at will if he really thought he was a disciple in the Qi training stage!

Even a dog will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry, let alone a person!

"So that's how it is! But Luo has never thought of dying, and I can't beat that old man named Xu. Today, I want to take your lives as interest and get some back first!" Luo Yu laughed back angrily, In an instant, he took out a small black flag from his arms, waved it lightly with one hand, seven black lights shot out from the flag, and disappeared into the ground in a flash!

Afterwards, there was a loud rumbling sound, and seven bucket-thick black beams of light broke through the ground, and each black beam of light was connected by a layer of black light curtain, and these seven black beams of light happened to cover the two people!

"Be careful! This kid has planted a formation here!"

"The one surnamed Luo counts you as ruthless! When I go out, I will definitely have your cramps skinned!" When the young man surnamed Yan and the young man surnamed Zhang saw the black beam of light, they immediately realized that they had been tricked, and couldn't help cursing, but The two still feel that even if Luo Yu has a formation to help, they are not the enemy of their joint efforts!

Seeing the appearance of the array light curtain, the two of them immediately took out their magic weapons. Under the flickering of the spiritual light, they turned into several startling rainbows and hit the black light curtain. However, to their surprise, the black The light curtain took away the magical artifacts of the two with just a light roll, and the black light curtain was still closing. If it could not prevent the black light curtain from enclosing, it would not be long before the two of them returned to the underworld.

Only then did the two of them feel the fear of death, they repeatedly slapped the storage bag, and threw the talisman magic weapon desperately, but those low-level magic weapon talisman hit the light curtain as if it was tickling, and it had no effect. The light curtain is still slowly closing in, as if it has not changed since ancient times, and the attacks of the two can only cause a wave of waves!

This is the true power of the Qijue Tuling Formation's so-called 'Evil Formation'!

Luo Yu even took the weapons in at the beginning, but he expected this would be the case. Now unless the two of them have the power of Tianleizi to consume the treasures at once, it is delusional to get out of trouble!

"Originally, you could die a little more normally, but Luo suddenly changed his mind, and took your flesh and blood essence to pay homage to Luo's Yinhuo Blade!" Shaking, seven black lights shot out like lightning, then rushed into the light curtain, divided into two waves and attacked the two fiercely!

Seeing this, the young man surnamed Yan was terrified, and took out a red shield to block in front of him, but the man was not happy in the future, only heard three "puff puff puffs", and the red shield was unexpectedly caught by Luo Yu's black throwing knife. Three big holes with thick wrists were stabbed out, and behind the big holes was a young man surnamed Yan with an unbelievable face. This man had three black throwing knives stuck in his chest, and strangely, there was no trace of blood flowing out of the place cut by the black knives. !

But if you look closely, you will find that the young man surnamed Yan's complexion quickly turned from rosy to pale, and then his skin gradually shrank, and within a short while, a white skeleton appeared instantly!

At this time, another young man surnamed Zhang saw this scene, and his expression changed drastically. He was quite smart just now, and he did not try to catch Luo Yu's black throwing knife like the young man surnamed Yan. Qi Feijian escaped, but it happened to dodge Luo Yu's black knife dangerously!

"Fellow Daoist Luo! You and I have no grievances or enmities! I'm just obsessed with money for a while. As long as fellow Daoist is willing to let me go, Zhang is willing to give me five hundred spirit stones!" Being cornered and his life in danger, this person shamelessly begged for mercy!

"Let you go!" Luo Yu waved one hand, and the black throwing knife that was attacking the young man surnamed Zhang stopped immediately. After the corner of Luo Yu's mouth whispered once, it seemed that he was really moved by the young man surnamed Zhang!

Seeing this, the youth Zhang Xin on the opposite side was overjoyed and said, "The spirit stone of Zhang is in the storage bag, now... ah!" The smile on the face of the young man surnamed Zhang has not yet dissipated, and a black light curtain suddenly appeared behind him. Roll it up with one click!

At the same time, the three black throwing knives that had just been fixed in the air moved instantly, turned into three black lines, passed through the black light curtain, and flew back to Luo Yu's hand.

At this moment, the black light curtain enveloping the young man surnamed Zhang dissipated again, and a white skeleton with no trace of blood suddenly appeared inside!

"I'll let you go, I'll let you go and report to the old man surnamed Xu! Luo is not so stupid!" Luo Yu said with a sigh of relief, if the Patriarch Jiedan who was surnamed Xu knew about it, he wouldn't know what to do. How to deal with yourself.

However, now that the two are dead outside, no one will know about it. As long as Luo Yu takes care of this place, God knows who killed them!

Then Luo Yu entered the formation and tore off the storage bags of the two, and directly used his spiritual sense to check!

With just a slight sweep of Luo Yu's spiritual sense, he could clearly see the items in the two storage bags. Except for the young man surnamed Yan who somehow contained more than 800 spirit stones in the storage bag, the others were some There are no low- and middle-level magic weapons, and none of the high-level magic weapons!

Among these things, apart from spirit stones, magic tools and talismans, Luo Yu really doesn't like them. With his cultivation base and net worth, except for high-level magic tools, other things are of little use. The feathers are sold to those merchants in the market.

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