fairy flame

Chapter 193 Half Year Plan

When the green shadow on the opposite side saw the white shield, he didn't react much, but the powerful momentum and the Buddhist holy mantra made the green shadow stop in horror, as if seeing the nemesis of the natural enemy, After the green light flashed wildly for a few times, he wanted to run away!

But only a faint white spiritual power popped out of the white mask, and it suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ying's eyes in a flash. The latter had no time to react. Without any resistance, it turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated.

And after the green shadow dissipated, the white mask on Luo Yu's body was retracted in an instant. Luo Yu immediately raised his right hand and looked at it. When the white light disappeared just now, the string of white jade Buddha beads on his wrist The white glow moved lightly in a flash, and a sense of coolness rushed into Luo Yu's mind instantly.

After Luo Yu rushed into his brain with the idea of ​​coolness, he suddenly felt clear and thorough. For some reason, this feeling also appeared when Luo Yu was taking Zishen Dan, but the refreshing effect of taking Zishen Dan The mind is much stronger than the one just now, and Luo Yu is not sure whether the cool mind just now is the effect of the increased spiritual sense.

This string of Buddhist beads was given to Luo Yu by Luo Qingqing, and it contains the powerful restrictions imposed by the Patriarch of the Dandan Stage. Luo Yu did not dare to use spiritual research indiscriminately to avoid any accidents. Who knows how powerful the Patriarch of the Pill Formation Stage is? However, Luo Yu's current cultivation base is only considered as an introduction to the world of cultivating immortals, and there is still a long and arduous road to go in the future.

At that time, according to the third sister, this treasure had a strong restraint effect on the resentful spirits in Yuanhunjian. When the resentful spirits rushed to them just now, Luo Yu originally wanted to use the Qijue Yinfire Blade to kill them all at once, but suddenly remembered this string of ghosts. White jade beads, then input spiritual power into the white jade beads!

Unexpectedly, there was such a big commotion. Dealing with the Wraith is indeed as Luo Qingqing said. The white light attack is extremely sharp, and the Wraith has no power to resist. However, the mana absorbed by the string of white jade beads just before the attack It's too much!

When Luo Qingqing handed it over to Luo Yu, she only said that Luo Yu needed a little spiritual power to use it, but the target of this little spiritual power would not be a cultivator at the alchemy stage. Nearly a quarter of his mana was crazily lost. Even if he could deal with the wraiths like this, Luo Yu couldn't last long!

It seems that in this world there is no such thing as dropping a pie out of thin air. No matter how good a treasure is, it needs a strong cultivation base to support it, otherwise it is useless to hold it in your hand.

After Luo Yu sighed, he immediately took back the purple net and the two black throwing knives with one hand, and the black light flashed out from under his feet. At this moment, Luo Yu did not use the Shining Step That's right, the whistling of the wraith just now will definitely attract all the other wraiths nearby. Although Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade and the White Jade Buddha Bead have been tested tonight to completely restrain the wraith, Luo Yu doesn't want to be caught. Hundreds of vengeful spirits are besieging, it is best to leave quickly at this moment!

Holding the 'Southern Astrolabe' in his hand, he set the direction, and while the light under his feet flickered again and again, Luo Yu flew away from the dense forest. Since Luo Yu has already buried the 'Seven Unique Slaughtering Formation' formation here, he will not use it tomorrow What are you worried about, as long as the other party follows, Luo Yu will kill those two!

After about a cup of tea, Luo Yu went back outside the hut wall, looked around, and found that there were no immortal cultivators on the street outside the hut, and immediately jumped back to his hut.

After entering the room, Luo Yu began to meditate to restore the spiritual power that was consumed just now. In this strange place, only when the spiritual power in the body is constantly filled can he cope with some unknown dangers.

Several hours later, the spiritual energy in Luo Yu's body was fully restored, but Luo Yu went out late at night, and now that his spiritual energy has recovered, the sky has already become slightly brighter, and the so-called brightness in Wounded Soul Gap is just that the sky is gradually graying out!

Luo Yu exhaled lightly, turned his palms over and took out the map to look at it again. When the old man in the Foundation Establishment period sold it to him, he mentioned that there were some elixir in some special places in the Winged Soul Stream. But at that time Luo Yu had no way to deal with the wraiths, so he didn't pay much attention to those things.

But now the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade and the White Jade Buddha Bead in Luo Yu's hands can restrain the resentful spirit to death, so Luo Yu can go to those places for a break!

"Blood deer ears! Sure enough, there is such a elixir!" Luo Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart. The several elixir marked on the map really contained blood deer ears, the main medicinal material for refining Jingyuan Pill!

Luo Yu just had some doubts in his heart, but he was not sure that there must be this elixir in it before looking at it.

Because the sky is shrouded in gray clouds all year round, this place is only suitable for growing some cold-type plants or elixir, and the blood deer ear itself is a kind of cold-type medicinal material that is not too difficult to find!

However, it is recorded that the blood deer ears grow on a cliff, and it is still on the mountainside. It is a place where there are a lot of resentful spirits, so if you really want to go, you still have to take some risks!

"Seek wealth and danger!" After thinking for a while, Luo Yu found that he still couldn't resist this temptation. Now he just wanted to improve his cultivation quickly, and the magic weapon in his hand could restrain the wraith, so Luo Yu had to hold back This impulsiveness is really not in his character, and he really can't fight it, Luo Yu still has the confidence to escape.

Just like that, Luo Yu thought about his plan to spend half a year in Yuanhunjian in his mind.

Time passed quickly, after Luo Yu thought it through, he got up and walked out of the hut, first went to inform Ma Song that today's three-day period had come, and after Luo Yu received the tasks that needed to be completed in these seven days from Ma Song, he turned his head. He flew away from the valley where the hut was located without returning!

When Luo Yu came out, there was no one following him, but he didn't dare to be careless. He kept his spiritual sense fully open all the time. Not long after Luo Yu entered the dense forest according to yesterday's route, his spiritual sense suddenly detected some abnormalities. Two not-weak mana fluctuations are approaching him from a distance!

Sure enough, the two couldn't bear it anymore!

There was a cold light in Luo Yu's eyes, and without changing his expression, he slowly flew towards the place where the Qijue Tuling Formation was set up yesterday, and the two people behind him followed closely, even shrinking the distance!

Not long after, Luo Yu came to the place where the formation flag was buried yesterday, stopped immediately, injected a wave of spiritual power into the main formation banner hidden in the sleeve robe, and felt a little bit of the Qijuetu that he had planted. The spirit array is still there, so relax!

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