fairy flame

Chapter 22 Dead End

Thinking of this, Luo Yu couldn't help feeling a little cold. Even if he was killed, no one would know about the barren mountains and wild mountains. As a half-assed immortal cultivator, he didn't have any means of attack, so he was no different from a mortal at all, slightly more powerful. Every martial arts master is much stronger than the current self.It must be too late to escape now, so I can only look for other exits.

Luo Yu looked away, with a calm face. At this time, those hidden people should not be able to see the flaws. They pretended to be innocent and watched while walking, and sometimes even touched the flowers and trees with their hands, as if they were going up the mountain to play, but My heart is very tense.

After a while, when Luo Yu took a rough look around, the expression on his face became very ugly.

"There is no other exit here!" Just now he looked around and found that there are cliffs all around, and the only way up the mountain can go down, but this is tantamount to a dead end!

Luo Yu leaned back against a big tree that could only be embraced by two people, and grabbed the bark with his hands backwards, trembling a little. Now, he really can't calm down, after all, danger is nearby, and sometimes death is worse than death more terrible.

"Huh! This is..." Luo Yu turned around in surprise, as if he had caught something with his hands, and stared carefully at what he touched just now, it seemed to be...

"Purple Ivy" How can there be purple ivy here?Didn't it mean that the purple ivy disappeared long ago? "It's no wonder that Luo Yu feels strange. Luo Yu accidentally saw this kind of plant from an ancient book that records flowers and plants. This kind of vine is extremely scary. It is said that it has three major characteristics: fast growth, extremely long , extremely poisonous.

In ancient times, as long as this kind of vine appeared, it would cause unimaginable harm to the people, because it was not afraid of swords, no matter how many sections you cut it, it would come back to life in a very short growth cycle, the more The more people kill, people can only kill this vine by burning it, and also burn the farmland where this vine appears, so as to avoid future troubles.

And because this vine also contains strong toxins, it was also called "Broken Heart Vine" at the time. This vine is not green, and its skin has dried up. It seems that it must have been dead for a long time, otherwise Luo Yu It's impossible not to notice it just now. The vines are off-white as a whole, and they are just inlaid in the middle of the tree cracks. They are extremely concealed. If they are touched by accident, they cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Luo Yu looked along the withered vine, and saw that it was hidden in the grass and extended to the back of a huge rock on the edge of the cliff in the distance. The color of the vine was no different from the soil, so it was hard to detect. With a calm expression, Cheng walked towards the boulder as soon as he lifted his foot, his face still showed a childlike innocence, playing casually.

"Brother, what is this kid doing? How long do we have to wait? I'm about to suffocate to death in this shitty place. Why don't I just send him on the road with a knife? I don't know why Elder Gao is doing this. Trouble?" A gloomy voice sounded quietly in a bush.

"Shut up! It's not up to us to take care of Mr. Gao's affairs. This time, Mr. Gao has issued a death order, and there is no room for any mistakes. If you ruin a major event, you will have to taste the taste of "thousands of insects". , don’t trouble me when the time comes.” There was another voice, which was thick and airy, and also lowered its voice very low. After hearing these words, the two people inside didn’t say anything, and fell silent for a while, as if they were here just now. Nobody is the same.

At this moment, Luo Yu had just walked to the side of the boulder, stretched out his hand to support the boulder, looked down along the vines, and slowly turned his gaze to the bottom of the cliff. Suddenly, his body felt startled, and he hugged the boulder back with both hands, his face paled in shock. Said: "This is too deep!" Luo Yu's voice was tinged with fear.

Just now Luo Yu looked under the boulder, and saw a piece of pitch black below, nothing could be seen, like a boundless abyss, but if you look carefully, you will immediately feel confused , as if there was a force pulling him down again, as if there was some terrible beast below, with his mouth wide open waiting for the person above, making his body want to jump down uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Luo Yu was alert immediately, and immediately grabbed the boulder behind him, otherwise Luo Yu felt that he might not be able to control himself and jump down.Exhaling lightly, Luo Yu leaned forward slightly, and when he regained consciousness, he held his breath and took a look, trying to suppress the fear in his heart, not looking at the abyss, but observing along the direction of the withered vines.

I saw that the withered vine was also hidden in a crevice of the cliff, stretching all the way to the black hole below. I don't know how long it is?

Just when Luo Yu could see the sound, a black sounding arrow, with a puff of black smoke, rushed to the sky with a "swoosh", and disappeared in the distance in a moment, without a trace.

"Haha, it's finally here! But I'm suffocated to death, boy, come to grandpa to have a good time, so as not to suffer more!" It was the sinister voice in the bushes and grass just now.

"No, there is indeed an ambush here!"

Hearing the voice, Luo Yu knew that he had been duped, and immediately thought to himself, and quickly turned around to look at the place where the voice came from, only to see two figures slowly walking out from the bushes, the one on the right talking was a man with a hooked nose. The young man in brown clothes was next to a middle-aged man carrying a nine-ring sword. As the middle-aged man walked, the copper bell on the knife behind his back jingled, and the sound was harsh. The two seemed not afraid that Luo Yu would run away, so they did not let go. Quick pace.

"Did the two of you make a mistake? I've never met you before, it should be," Luo Yu said with a glimmer of hope.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to blame it, blame you for not being born in Luofu and offending someone you can't afford."Before Luo Yu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young man in brown.

"What are you talking to him about so much? Don't forget that we are still poisoned. Hurry up and do him so we can go back to work!" The middle-aged man seemed a little impatient, kicked his legs, and walked towards Luo Yu quickly. As he rushed over, he saw that the middle-aged man was running, and his legs were only a little bit far away. It was obvious that he had practiced his light-weight kung fu very well.

When Luo Yu saw this, he didn't know that he was being plotted by someone. The most important thing was to escape first, so he used all his strength to run to the nearby woods, hoping to use the cover of the trees to give him a chance to hide.

I saw that I had only run more than ten meters away, and as soon as I reached the edge of the woods, I saw a figure flashing in front of me. The middle-aged man kicked Luo Yu's stomach with a ferocious face, and there were bursts of "whoosh" from where the shadow of the leg passed. Huh! The sound of the wind was so strong that Luo Yu thought something was wrong, turned his body reluctantly, and crossed his hands in front of him to block it.

With a sound of "Puff", there was also a sound of bone cracking, Luo Yu immediately felt an extremely strong energy rushing into his body, this energy was rampant in his body, and then a tearing pain spread all over his body .

Luo Yu immediately couldn't stand upright, and flew backwards. In fact, this is not surprising. Luo Yu grew up in Luofu, and has never had actual combat experience with those masters of the rivers and lakes. How could a master of martial arts be an opponent of this kind of martial arts person who licks blood on the tip of a knife? Fortunately, he has often done some physical work since he was a child, and his body is hard. The internal organs were shattered and died.

"Cough..." Luo Yu's figure flying upside down vomited a mouthful of blood in the air. After vomiting blood, he woke up from the severe pain. Seeing that his body had fallen to the edge of the cliff, he immediately endured the pain and grabbed the edge of the cliff tightly. A protruding rock, hanging in the air like this, is extremely dangerous, if you let go, you will fall to the bottom of some dark cliff, and your body will definitely be smashed to pieces.

I hope you will bookmark it more after reading it. Youdao is infinitely grateful for every bit of support from everyone. Thank you. There will be another chapter later!

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