fairy flame

Chapter 23 Jumping off a cliff

Luo Yu raised his head and saw the middle-aged man squinting his eyes and looking at him with a sinister smile on his face, "Boy, don't say that I caused you to go to the Underworld, our brothers are also forced to do nothing, anyway, anyway You are already a dead person, so I will mercifully tell you who is going to kill you, so that you will not be a fool in the underworld!" The middle-aged man seemed very complacent, looking at Luo Yu with a look of contempt on his face.

"Cough! Cough, if you want to tell me that Commander Feng is the one who kills me, then there is no need, I——I don't believe it!" Luo Yu stared at the middle-aged man without fear, with traces of blood on the corner of his mouth, Difficult way.

The middle-aged man only looked at the expression on Luo Yu's face, but he didn't notice a flash of determination and sternness in Luo Yu's eyes. The right hand that was gripping the stone had been slightly loosened, and it was aimed at the middle-aged man, and it was quietly clenched. Fist.

"Oh! I'm young, I know a lot, so I'll keep you, die!" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed coldly, he raised his right foot, and pointed at Luo Yu's hands that were still in his arms Step on it, so that if he is stepped on, Luo Yu will either not let go, his hand will be trampled into pieces, or if he lets go, he will fall off the cliff and be smashed to pieces, but the former is just dying.

At this moment, even the young man with the hooked nose next to him relaxed his expression. Just when he felt that the matter was about to end, a sudden change occurred. Before the big foot fell, he saw a black awn coming from Luo Yu's right It shot out from the arm sleeve, and the light shot towards the middle-aged man's head in a flash. The distance was so close that the middle-aged man had no time to react. He could only tilt his head based on years of experience, but the black light was too fast. Although he tilted his head, he was still shot into the eye.

"Ah!" I saw the black arrow shot into the eye about half an inch, and the arrow was laced with corrosive poison, which caused a sharp pain in the middle-aged man's eyes, screamed, and immediately fell to the ground, rolling and crying. , excruciating pain.

At this time, the young man who had been watching the opera seemed to be startled by the scene in front of him, and he was stunned for a moment. How could he have thought that this frail scholar would hide an arrow in his sleeve, watching the big man rolling on the ground, his heart jumped, and he secretly said in fear "It's a good thing I didn't do it myself just now, otherwise I would have been shot by the arrow!" With a flash of footsteps, he quickly ran to the big man, bent down and tapped him several times to stop the bleeding.

"Brother Xiao, are you okay? I'll kill this kid to avenge you!" After finishing speaking, he took out a folding fan from his back and walked carefully towards the edge of the cliff. He saw Luo Yu's swift sleeve arrow just now, and said he was not afraid. It's a lie, staring at Luo Yu with both eyes, slowly approaching step by step, his body tense, as long as Luo Yu makes a slight movement, he can escape instantly.

"Brother Zhou, don't kill him, the arrow is poisonous, force him to hand over the antidote first!" The middle-aged man was startled when he heard that the young man wanted to avenge himself, and he shouted in spite of the pain, "Little bastard, hurry up!" Hand over the antidote, and I can give you pleasure, or I will let you taste the taste of a thousand cuts." When the young man heard that the arrow was poisoned, he couldn't help feeling even more frightened, but he still said bravely.

"Hey, cough, the antidote? Go to Lord Hades to get it! Remember, if Luo doesn't die today, you will definitely pay in blood in the future. Luo swears to God!" Luo Yu didn't even look at the young man, knowing that he would die again Shooting is also useless. At this moment, Luo Yu only hates why he has not practiced the immortal technique, even if he can break through to the first level of Qi training period, at that time, he can use some low-level spells recorded in "Fengyang Jin" to kill Mortals are like slaughtering dogs effortlessly, but now it is too late.

Luo Yu lowered his head, looked at the hidden stone crevice that he discovered just now, and the withered vines hidden in the stone crevice, blood flashed in his eyes, and his face instantly turned into a color of determination. Xiang Xiang jumped down obliquely, and saw that thin gray-white figure slowly shrinking in the field of vision, and finally turned into a black spot and disappeared at the bottom of the dark mountain.

The hooked-nosed young man saw Luo Yu swearing to death, and he was so fierce when he was about to die. He didn't feel that his body seemed to be haunted by a ghost, and his back felt cold, making him uncomfortable. But the middle-aged man was still planted with an unknown poison, I have to find a place to detoxify quickly, and I am afraid that someone from the mountain will see them. If the news about their murder of the third son of the Luo Mansion is spread, with the power of the Luo Mansion, there is absolutely no place for them to hide in Yuanjiang Country. .

Thinking of this, the hook-nosed young man didn't dare to hesitate. He rushed to the side of the middle-aged man, put it on his back, and ran down the mountain quickly. The figure quickly disappeared from the trail and disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, Hu Xiaoya returned to its usual calm. Except for some blood left on the ground, which could prove that there had been a fight here, there was nothing else.

Three days later, in the capital of the Song Dynasty, in the Luo Mansion in Anding City, "Old Feng, is there no news yet? It's been three days!" An anxious voice came, the voice was very strange, with a hint of deepness in the majestic voice, and spoke It was Luo Zeng, the owner of the Luo Mansion, the Minister of Rites at that time.

"Back to Master, I have sent out all the people in the mansion to look for them, but I haven't found them yet. I just found out that Master Yu left yesterday and went to the south of the city. I just don't know where he went?" Luo Mansion There was also a hint of worry in the voice of the great commander.

"This time the other party obviously made a plan. First, they stole the master's warrant, lured me out of the Luo residence, and then tricked Young Master Yu away when I was not in the mansion. However, master... I don't know if I should say something." Commander Feng's voice hesitated when he said this.

"You and I have been master and servant for many years, and I have treated you like a brother. At this point, there is nothing more to say." Luo Zeng urged hastily in a somewhat impatient voice.

"Okay, since that's the case, let me tell the truth. I live not far from the study room where the master keeps the warrant. It is impossible for outsiders to enter. Martial arts have reached my level, and I can produce a feeling out of thin air. Within a hundred meters , I can sense any abnormalities in the wind and grass, so" when he said this, his voice suddenly stopped.

"Old Feng, you want to ask, who have I brought into the study recently?" Luo Zeng instantly understood the meaning of Commander Feng's words, and there was a trace of vicissitudes in his voice, helpless, and even his speech was a bit intermittent.

"No, are they really not afraid of death? It's settled. I dare not do anything. I dare not kill them. Why do you force me? Why?" Luo Zeng frowned, his expression painful, his voice became softer and slower Slow is like talking to yourself.

"Old Feng, go and find out who Feng'er has been in contact with recently. Anyone who has anything to do with this matter will be arrested, and those who disobey will be executed." After several sharp lights, his voice sank, and he said again: "It's time for Luofu to change!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Commander Feng Chengcheng said. "Also, take back all the people you sent out, and only send out those private soldiers you think are absolutely loyal. There are too many people in the mansion, and there are eyeliners everywhere, so you can't rely on them. Besides, if there are too many people, you may startle them. Forcing the other party to jump over the wall in a hurry, regardless of everything, that will only harm Yu'er." Luo Zeng warned seriously.

"Yes, master, don't worry, Master Yu is auspicious, and nothing will happen." Before he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door. Just as Commander Feng stepped outside with one foot, Luo, who was thinking silently, Zeng raised his head suddenly, stared at Commander Feng who was about to leave and sighed quietly: "Old Feng, if you get to my step, will you do it?" Hearing this, Commander Feng standing outside the door was silent for a moment, His body disappeared outside the door in a flash like a ghost, and only a faint sigh came slowly from the place where he disappeared.

"It's time to make an example!" Luo Zeng heard this, his body moved slightly, and he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, but the back under the luxurious brocade robe seemed a little lonely and lonely.

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