fairy flame

Chapter 302 Amazing guess

"Hehe, we are all disciples of the Six Factions Alliance, so it's fine to have a sparring session. There's no need to hurt your temper. Fellow Daoist Luo is superior. Just now, Zhang made a rash move. Please don't take offense. If you offend me, please forgive me." Fellow Daoist Luo, please bear with me." The one who helped Qianya was Zhang Meng, the No. 1 qi training period of Guyaomen. At this moment, the other party had a kind smile on his face, and he was completely intimidated by Luo Yu's powerful strength. I don't want to cause any serious damage to Qianya, lest in the puppet hall, the Cuixia faction dominates, and the ulterior motives are clearly revealed!

"Since Zhang Daoyou opened his mouth, Luo is not an unreasonable person, so the matter just now can be bought and sold." Luo Yu flicked his fingers, and the two-color mask disappeared immediately, and then he said with a half-smile.

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he deliberately glanced at Qian Ya who was gnashing his teeth in anger. The latter immediately put on a gloomy face and snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

To be honest, he never thought of fighting Qian Ya to the death. After all, there are many factors that determine the outcome, and it doesn't depend on strength to win.

And if this person is killed, the Nine Swords Valley will definitely not let it go, and Luo Yu may not be able to eat and walk around. Besides, the six factions are now in the period of uniting against the enemy. Pai wouldn't stand up for him, a cultivator who didn't even reach the level of cultivating immortals in the foundation establishment period, and would probably sell him as a sacrifice.

How could Luo Yu not have thought of this, Zhang Meng's shot just gave him a step up.

Even if it has reached the Foundation Establishment Stage, it is really nothing to a sect.

"Thank you Brother Luo for saving your life. Otherwise, Fengmou would really lose his life this time. Unexpectedly, Qianya has reached the point where Jianxin is psychic. It seems that I have to hurry up and practice after I go back." After Qianya's Han Chi demon soul flew back, Feng Xiaohou took back the Qingyu mirror magic weapon with a pale complexion, then took out two healing pills, swallowed them in one gulp, and then reluctantly walked over to thank Luo Yu .

"Brother Feng is too polite. Speaking of it, Luo came a bit late, otherwise such a thing would not have happened. Brother Feng, you don't need to thank you." Luo Yu smiled politely, but he really came just in time , After crossing the lush forest, he saw Feng Xiaohou's life-and-death scene. Luo Yu said that he would repay him once and return his favor, so he saved him without saying a word.

As for Qianya's Qiyue Zhan, only his Qixing Yinhuo Blade's unique move 'Seven Jue Zhan' has a chance to compete.

"By the way, why did Brother Luo come here now? Could it be that he was teleported to a remote place in the secret realm? As well as Brother Luo's cultivation base, the twelfth-level True Underworld Art in the next qi training period is somewhat unclear, could it be" Feng After Xiaohou rolled his eyes around Luo Yu's body once, his face suddenly became puzzled.

In the past, even if Luo Yu was at the eleventh level of the Qi training period, after restraining his breath, he couldn't hide his Qi-watching technique, but now Luo Yu's random standing like this gave him an unfathomable feeling. It feels like, unless Luo Yu has reached the peak of the twelfth level of the Qi training period, he has fully exerted the power of the ancient kung fu, and the mana is far more profound than him.

But this possibility is too small. The way to immortality is difficult every step of the way, and there is no shortcut. If Luo Yu really reaches the peak of the Qi training period, unless he encounters

Feng Xiaohou's puzzled face suddenly turned into surprise, and he thought of a possibility in an instant, and was extremely shocked in his heart, and then contacted Luo Yu's "Fengyang Jin" kung fu characteristics, if he can use the three flavors that can only be used by the cultivators of the foundation period Huo can only reach the last step!

The more this person thought about it, the more surprised he became, and his expression kept changing because of all kinds of horrifying possibilities!

"Brother Feng probably figured it out, and Luo Mou won't be a fool. Yes, my cultivation has indeed reached the peak of the Qi training period, and I was lucky to meet the Five Elements Condensed Base Divine Light in the secret realm." Luo Yu said that he had no intention , but the listener was interested, the two Qi training period disciples, He Feng Xiaohou, were so shocked that they closed their mouths together!

It turned out to be the rumored five-element condensate-based divine light!This is too unbelievable. While the three of them marveled at Luo Yu's cultivation, they couldn't help secretly envious of his luck, why didn't they have such a blessing.

"Then I really want to congratulate Brother Luo. Since Brother Luo has reached this level, among the disciples in the secret realm this time, Brother Luo is definitely the number one deserved. If so, our previous agreement will be cancelled. Brother Luo's Strength, even alone is enough to break into the puppet hall, cooperating with us will only drag Brother Luo, not to mention that Brother Luo has taught Qian Ya a lesson, presumably the other party will not dare to easily fight against us again." Feng Xiaohou After thinking for a while, he suddenly said something surprising.

"Brother Feng, what are you..." Luo Yu asked with a startled expression.

"Senior Brother Feng, Senior Brother Luo is with us so we can take care of each other, and it is much easier to deal with the dangers inside. Why do you want Senior Brother Luo to act alone?" The disciples of the Cuixia faction on the side also said.

These people just took a fancy to Luo Yu's strength, and as a backer, they might be able to pick up some bargains by following Luo Yu.

"I've made up my mind. Fellow Daoist Luo is powerful. Following us will only drag him down. What's more, with his ability, any treasures he discovers will naturally belong to him. Presumably, if this is the case, the two junior brothers will feel unjust in their hearts. It's better to separate." Feng Xiaohou still insisted.

"Since Brother Feng has made up his mind, Luo will not say anything more. However, you still have to remind Fellow Daoist Feng to be careful of Qianya and Zhang Meng. Both of them have ancient artifacts from the sect. We met in the puppet hall, so avoid as much as you can, after all, it's not worth losing your life for the sake of treasure." Luo Yu pondered for a while, then figured out the pros and cons, what Feng Xiaohou really meant was to tell everyone , if Luo Yu joins, then the distribution of treasures will be a big contradiction at that time, and no one will be tempted to see the ancient artifacts inside.

Feng Xiaohou said it a step ahead. Although it was a bit out of the ordinary, Luo Yu felt that this person was straightforward, and the two of them didn't say that they had any feelings for each other, at least they would not calculate each other, and Luo Yu just saved his life. , It can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the year, and I don't owe him anything.

"Brother Luo can understand Fengmou's difficulties. It seems that Fengmou really misjudged the person. By the way, I wonder if Brother Luo has met Liu Zonglin from our sect on the way here. Speaking of which, this person is not inferior to me. , logically, it shouldn't have appeared yet, unless he has been teleported out, or was killed!" Feng Xiaohou said at the end, his tone gradually showing a trace of heaviness!

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