fairy flame

Chapter 303 Two Lines of Orbs

"Brother Feng, worry too much. There are many dangers in the secret realm, all kinds of murderous intentions are everywhere, and there are all kinds of strange and powerful monsters hiding in it. Our lives are actually hanging by a lot. On the way here, I have seen The third-level vine wood spirit snake and the fourth-level monster Pu Peng saw a disciple of his sect die tragically under Pu Peng's sharp claws. Fortunately, I hid it well at that time, otherwise it would be hard to say whether I could come here , This kind of powerful monster is not something we can contend with at all, maybe Liu Zonglin also felt that his strength was insufficient after seeing the danger inside, and left." Luo Yu suddenly felt relieved when he heard Feng Xiaohou talking about Liu Zonglin. Tight, but immediately pretended to be nonchalant and explained.

"Pu Peng, a fourth-level monster! Unexpectedly, Brother Luo can escape from the mouth of this top-level monster. It is really powerful. From this point of view, what Brother Luo said is also possible. Maybe all the monsters will leave the secret realm immediately." Feng Xiaohou didn't notice Luo Yu's strangeness, but nodded deeply.

It seems that he has encountered such dangers before, and he still understands a little bit.

"Senior Brother Feng, why worry about other people's safety, he Liu Zonglin is not with us, even if he came, he might not help us." Cuixia sent disciples on the side to see Feng Xiaohou caring about her old opponent , suddenly pursed his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Fellow Daoist Jin's words are wrong. No matter what quarrels Liu Zonglin and we usually have, but now that the nine major factions are gathered together, we should put aside the grievances and grievances of the past and work together to fight against the enemy. Don't go around talking about this Otherwise, if the head of the Liu family finds out, there will be a lot of trouble!" Feng Xiaohou couldn't help but put a stern face on his face, and said seriously.

And the person who spoke just now closed his mouth immediately, looking a little embarrassed.

Feng Xiaohou walked from the edge of life and death, and seemed to have figured out some things clearly, and he was no longer friendly to the two of them as before, but Luo Yu didn't bother to talk about other people's affairs, just take care of himself.

Afterwards, Luo Yu chatted and laughed with a few people, and each of them began to meditate with their legs crossed, recovering the exhausted spiritual energy.

As for the cultivators of other sects, apart from being curious about Luo Yu's overwhelming strength and kept watching the Cuixia sect at the beginning, they all began to sit on the grass to adjust their state. The meditating places chosen by the sect's cultivators are also distinct, and those from the same sect strictly stick to one spot, observing the movements of other people. At the same time, they also keep a certain distance between them as a sign of caution.

As time passed, some disciples who were originally meditating opened their eyes one after another, and their expressions became anxious, shaking their heads and looking around.

Most of these wait-and-see people still have worries in their hearts. Now that the puppet hall is about to open, the people who have made an appointment have not arrived yet, and they are very anxious, worried that something unexpected will happen.

As the time for Banzhuxiang approached, immortal cultivators from other sects rushed over one after another, but it was still the Cuixia sect, Jiujiangu, Guyao sect, and Yunhuan sect who were the strongest. There are all kinds of things, and there are all kinds of factions.

If you meet someone you know well among the rushing crowd, you will naturally go up to say hello with great enthusiasm and lead the other person aside, while those immortal cultivators who are still looking around with their eyes open gradually turn pale, it seems that the people who are waiting will not coming.

However, at this moment, Nine Swords Valley did not stand up to expel those people. After all, there are some disciples of various sects now. They could only be besieged to death, and the disciples of the Nine Swords Valley probably saw the advantages and disadvantages of it, so if these immortal cultivators were allowed to stay here, the tough look just now disappeared completely.

Of course, some of this has something to do with Luo Yu.

The sky was getting darker, and finally when a disciple from the Valley of Beasts rushed over in embarrassment, there were no more immortal cultivators. At this moment, there were nearly 40 people in the mountain depression. That is to say, since Luo Yu After rushing over, more than ten people came behind, so many people wanted to enter the third floor, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Second brother, this Liu Zonglin hasn't shown up until now. I'm afraid something happened. If we don't have his key, then should we change our plan?" Beside a dense grassland, Liu Sisi's lips of Yunhuanzong Said slightly.

Although this woman spoke, the disciples of the Yunhuan Sect around her turned a deaf ear to it, probably using some kind of strange sound transmission secret technique.

"It should be changed. Since Liu Zonglin didn't come, the matter of the Xuanji Jade Bi can only be voided, but I must get the Five Elements Orb inside. This is the most important treasure related to our future achievements, and it will never be allowed. Lost!" After Liu Sisi's sound transmission, at the place where the ancient medicine gate was located, Zhang Meng in red robe responded with a slight movement of his mouth.

"Five Elements Orb? Well, second brother, don't worry, the younger sister will definitely help second brother get this treasure." Liu Sisi said with a slight frown.

Immediately afterwards, time passed for a while, when many immortal cultivators were a little anxious and impatient, a purple halo descended from the sky, and then turned into a tall light gate standing quietly in front of the grass, it was extremely amazing!

The purple halo above the light gate circulates endlessly, like rippling water. This scene is all too familiar to everyone.

"The teleportation ban has been activated! Hurry up and go in, everyone!" Some monk shouted first, and a group of people sitting cross-legged on the ground were awakened immediately, and ran forward one after another.

Luo Yu also walked over with Feng Xiaohou and others, but because there were too many people in front of the ban, he stood a little farther away and watched.

"Brother Feng, I heard that this last restriction will not disappear even when the time is up. Do you know what's going on?" Luo Yu looked at the group of monks who were excited and curious but did not dare to take the lead. He asked meaningfully.

"If Brother Luo asks others about this, maybe few people will be able to answer it, but after our Feng family has repeatedly detected the trials, we have indeed discovered some of them. The three-level teleportation restriction does have a time limit. After a certain period of time, even if someone comes here again, they will not be teleported in, but it is not only after staying in the puppet hall for enough time that they will be sent out by the teleportation ban, because the teleportation ban in front of them is Two-way, people who go in can also be teleported out through this restriction, but as long as they are re-transported out, they will instantly trigger the teleportation restriction on the second layer of Wanhun Cliff, and they will be teleported out directly, but ordinary immortals can't do it with great difficulty. Once inside, who wouldn't want to stay a little longer and spend more time hunting for treasures, so almost no one will be forbidden to return from here." Feng Xiaohou explained carefully.

"Fairy Flame" is an architectural practice at school today, and I just came back, so the update is a bit late, and I ask readers to bear with me.


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