fairy flame

Chapter 304 Puppet Mountain and Broken Intestine

After hearing Feng Xiaohou's detailed explanation, Luo Yu suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. He didn't expect that when he asked casually, there are so many tricks in the three-layer teleportation restriction. Feng Xiaohou seemed to have been there before. Familiar treasures, this is the family advantage. Others can avoid many detours from the experience of their predecessors, and are more likely to know the location of some important treasures, but Luo Yu can only rely on himself to explore step by step, which really makes him envious. .

The reason why the other party wanted to cancel the cooperation was mostly because they found the treasure and were afraid of fighting for it, which was also reasonable.

"Hmph! A group of cowards, what is there to be afraid of from the mere teleportation ban!" Just as Luo Yu was talking with Feng Xiaohou, a cold voice suddenly came from his ears. When he looked back, he found that it was Qianya from the Nine Swords Valley. Looking at the crowd with contempt, then with a wave of his sleeves, he led the disciples of Nine Swords Valley into the restriction first.

I saw a purple streamer enveloping them, and then the brilliance was generous, and everyone couldn't see what happened inside. After the brilliance flashed by, they found that the teleportation restriction was empty.

Seeing this scene, some impatient immortal cultivators couldn't wait any longer and rushed forward one after another. After all, the treasures inside are limited, and whoever arrives first will have more time to search.

"Brother Luo, let's go in together, this time is extremely precious." Feng Xiaohou quickly followed the flow of people, and said to Luo Yu with a chuckle.

Naturally, Luo Yu followed closely behind, huddled together with a group of disciples from other sects. After walking into the purple light gate, he saw a purple light spinning around him, and Luo Yu felt the familiar tearing force again. After a moment of dizziness, he found himself on a bare platform, and the sunlight above his head suddenly pierced his eyes. Luo Yu closed his eyes for an instant, but opened them again immediately.

When Luo Yu saw where he was, he was immediately surprised, and other immortal cultivators who were teleported appeared one after another around him. After seeing everything in front of him, the expression on his face was even stronger than that of Luo Yu. exaggerate.

Right now they are on a cliff, and the platform under their feet has already reached the edge of the cliff, and one step ahead is the abyss. Although everyone often flies all kinds of dangerous mountains and mountains, but at this moment the mood is not clear. Very excited, suddenly appearing in such a place, suddenly a little at a loss.

"Brother Luo is also very strange about this. In fact, Feng suspects that the ancient cultivator who built this secret realm did it on purpose. He just wanted to make a joke with us younger generations. There is no danger. Could it be that we cultivators can still be thrown?" You can't die." While Luo Yu was watching, Feng Xiaohou's faint voice came from his ear.

"Brother Feng seems to know a lot about the third floor. No matter how long Luo looked at it, he didn't find where the so-called puppet hall is?" Luo Yu laughed, but he was still a little strange in his heart. There was a green grassland in front of him. It doesn't look like a blessed land of immortals at all, but like those sparsely populated wastelands outside the Great Wall, and there are such scenery in all directions, there is nothing that can be related to the 'temple'.

"Brother Luo really thought that the puppet hall was the shape of the palace in the world of cultivating immortals. In fact, that's just the deliberate name of the cultivators. I think it's more appropriate to call it 'Puppet Mountain'." Seeing the doubts on Luo Yu's face The facial expression, Feng Xiaohou bought it off on purpose.

"Puppet Mountain?" Luo Yu muttered silently, and then looked around at those cultivators who were flying down the mountain, and suddenly his face showed a bright expression, and he stared at the soles of his feet!

"Hehe, Brother Luo seems to have thought of it too. This desert grassland is bare and only this lonely peak exists. You don't need to think too much to know that there is a lot of content in it, and the puppet hall is also inside this lonely peak. Below is a tunnel. At the entrance, everyone else has rushed over, and we followed." After Feng Xiaohou finished speaking, he released a flying boat magic weapon, and it turned into a size of several feet in a flickering light, and he saw his footsteps lightly, and he sat floating in the air. up.

But the other two disciples of the Cuixia sect took no surprise at all, and got on the flying boat right behind them.

"Brother Luo, let Feng take you for a ride. My flying boat magic weapon is made of hundreds of years of red sandalwood. Sitting in it has a refreshing effect, which can just offset the impact on the brain during the teleportation just now. The dizziness, and I can also talk to fellow daoists about some peculiarities in the hall." Feng Xiaohou invited Luo Yu with a smile.

"It's just what I want." Luo Yu smiled lightly, and then moved his footsteps, and the next moment he appeared on the flying boat magic weapon. As soon as he entered, Luo Yu found that there was a fragrance on the flying boat magic weapon, which was similar to his own millennium. Red sandalwood has similarities, but it is not as strong as the millennium red sandalwood.

"Brother Luo, the puppet hall can be said to be a labyrinth. Fellow Daoists must have figured it out. Enter through the 36 broken intestines at the entrance, and you will arrive at a palace-like maze. There are some ancient treasures in it, except for the central hall, which is more precious. In addition, even if there are precious treasures in other places, they have been searched by the cultivators who entered the secret realm in the past. After the Taoist friends enter, it is best to rush to the central hall. I think most of the disciples who enter the secret realm are directed at that place I'll go." Seeing Luo Yu, he was only a little surprised by his flying boat, and didn't show much expression, Feng Xiaohou said with a strange expression on his face.

"I do know a little about the 36 broken intestines, but they are just 36 entrances. The meaning of broken intestines indicates danger, but where is the central hall? What treasures are there?" The flying boat slowly landed down the mountain, and Luo Yu heard Feng Xiaohou's voice. After the explanation, he asked with a strange expression on his face.

If Luo Yu remembers correctly, the jade slips he got from Li Lingyu mentioned the central hall, and the most critical Xuanji Jade Bi was also in the central hall.

Who is not greedy, Luo Yu is still very curious about the so-called Guxiu inheritance.

"I don't know what's in the central hall, but I think it's nothing more than ancient artifacts, jade slips of ancient exercises, ancient talismans and some special ancient treasures. There will definitely be no pills, no matter how good they are. The elixir can't stand the polishing of the years. Over time, the effect of the medicine has long been lost. As for the exact location of the central big spot, no one knows. There is a maze inside. Whoever is lucky can find the treasure first. However, according to past experience, after Brother Luo enters, whenever he encounters an intersection, he will always go left or right. This way, the possibility of reaching the central hall will be higher. Of course, if Brother Luo has something more feasible You don’t have to do what Feng said, and you don’t have to do what Feng said.” Feng Xiaohou said slowly.

Luo Yu nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, and didn't say anything more, while the other two immortal cultivators seemed to be thinking about the secret story Feng Xiaohou said, and the spaceship fell silent for a while.

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