fairy flame

Chapter 307 Nine Flame Formation

"Well, it's almost time now, it's time to go to the central hall to absorb those top-quality souls, hehe, this can't let the third sister and elder brother take the lead." After the golden-armored puppet finished speaking, a ball of black mist appeared under the feet of the golden-armored puppet. Then it flew forward quickly under the wrap of black mist, and soon disappeared.

Similarly, in front of a stone hall with the words 'Huanshui Pavilion', there was another golden armored puppet looking down at a small piece of colorful silk cloth in his hand, as if in deep thought.

"Hmph! This woman's cultivation is not simple. I didn't expect that she ran away with an earth shield talisman due to a negligence. The next time I see her again, I have to absorb all of her pure yin energy." The golden armored puppet The sound was very similar to that of the slender ghost. It seemed that the female ghost called Third Sister had also successfully controlled a golden armored puppet.

"However, since I have already arrived at the 'Huanshui Pavilion', the next step is the central hall. I'd better go in first, because the inside is a good place to really wait for the rabbit." After the spy's piercing voice finished, he quickly flew into the attic.

And if Luo Yu were here, he would definitely be surprised that the colored silk cloth in the golden armored puppet's hand was worn by the nun Liu Sisi of the Yunhuan Sect. When it came to the golden armored puppet controlled by the ghost spirit, it was very lucky to be able to escape in the end.

However, this ghost actually judged that Liu Sisi still had pure yin energy. Generally, female cultivators would gradually lose their yin energy after breaking their bodies. Could it be that Liu Sisi is still a virgin?

The silent killings in the labyrinth are not limited to these. In addition to the two ghosts and the ghost combined to kill many immortal cultivators, many immortal cultivators who died were killed by puppets of the five elements inside, and some of them did not. The lucky immortal cultivators who encountered too much danger also gradually approached the central hall after constant groping.

At this moment, in front of an exquisite jade pavilion, Luo Yu was standing in front of the attic door, quietly looking at the attic door in front of him, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while, the corners of his mouth moved slightly and murmured: "True Fire Pavilion! "

And the name Luo Yu mentioned happened to be the three big characters written on a fiery red plaque hanging above the attic, and the font showed a simple and vigorous atmosphere!

After thinking for a moment, Luo Yu looked around, then stepped inside.

"It's such a strong fire attribute spiritual power!" Luo Yu's feet had just entered the attic, and suddenly felt a hot feeling, but under the perception of a fire attribute cultivator like him, it was another kind of warm and strange I feel that if he can stay in this attic and practice, Luo Yu estimates that his cultivation speed will be faster, and this place is no worse than some middle-grade spirit veins with fire attributes.

Looking around, I saw that the entire attic was actually made of some fiery red jade, but I don't know what kind of material it is, but it is really scary to build a loft with so many jade.

When Luo Yu's gaze turned to a corner of the attic, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that the attic was empty everywhere, only this room, and there was no decoration in it, but there was an octagonal red tripod quietly placed there, like a statue.

Luo Yu had great hopes for some utensils in this kind of room or attic every time, but after careful inspection, he had to be disappointed. However, the octagonal red tripod in front of him gave him a strange feeling. The feeling seems to have a weak aura fluctuation!

But this fluctuation of mana is not as good as that of low-level magical artifacts. Luo Yu can be sure that this is not an ancient artifact, but it is a bit strange to see that the complicated patterns painted on the red tripod are indeed ancient artifacts.

Luo Yu walked over with doubts on his face, just as he was about to feel the strangeness of this tripod with his own hands, suddenly several red clouds fluttered in front of his eyes, and a hot breath rushed towards his face. The attic is shaking!

Luo Yu was startled, and immediately guarded his mind. When he looked again after the Quiet Art was running silently, he found that he was actually in a burning attic!

Looking around, the field of vision is red!

Fierce flames shot out from the jade walls just now, like long fire snakes swimming on them, the flames danced wildly, faintly forming a closed world of flames!

"Formation!" Luo Yu thought about it, and immediately understood that someone had used a formation in this attic, but it seemed to be aimed at those cultivators with greed. When Luo Yu came in just now, the formation It didn't activate, but when he was about to collect the octagonal red tripod, he just took a few steps and triggered the formation mechanism.

"This is the Jiuli Fire Formation!" Luo Yu immediately deduced the formation as soon as it was activated, only to find that the formation in front of him was not an advanced fire formation, and it was not even simple. Elementary formations can only be regarded as ordinary, and this kind of formation can be easily broken for disciples who are at the peak of Qi training.

However, although Luo Yu saw the mystery of the formation at a glance, he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack and break it. The formation in front of him was too simple. Luo Yu didn't believe that those ancient monks would do such a useless work and set up such a set in vain. The garbage formation must have another mystery.

Sure enough, when Luo Yu called out the name of the formation, the walls of flames around him shook, and nine tall humanoid puppets in fiery red armor came out of the flames. They all stared at Luo Yu with cold faces. The whole body exudes a strong fire-attributed breath, and the cultivation base seems to be at the eleventh level of the Qi training period, but it always gives Luo Yu an extremely dangerous feeling. The aura of Jiuli Yanhuo Formation is connected together, the two seem to be a whole!

"How could the nine fire armor puppets appear at the same time?" Luo Yu was so shocked that his eyelids twitched wildly!

After entering the attic just now, they didn't find any danger at all. The nine fire armor puppets seemed to appear out of thin air.

Now that he is in the formation, in a passive position, and is firmly locked by the fire armor puppet, escaping is undoubtedly a dream.

Luo Yu gritted his teeth, took out the Biling Hanhalberd with a pat on the storage bag, and threw the halberd with one hand, the halberd instantly grew to several feet in size, and the translucent octagonal crystal inlaid on the halberd immediately released a burst of light. There was a burst of cold mist, and as soon as the cold mist swept away, Luo Yu immediately felt that the temperature around him had dropped a lot, and the Biling Hanhalberd released nearly a hundred white silk threads without stopping for a moment, and ruthlessly entangled the nine fire armor puppets!

It is better to act first, Luo Yu can only use his strong strength to break through the situation in front of him, otherwise there is no other danger in the attic!

At the same time Luo Yu was attacking, a gleam of fire appeared in the eyes of the nine fire-armored puppets, and the nine puppets seemed to be one. At the same time, they flipped their hands, and each took out a fiery red long knife from nowhere, with sparks on the back of the knife. Go, the aura is compelling!

Facing Luo Yu's Biling Hanhalberd's white silk attack, nine fire-armored puppets jumped up one after another, slashing fiercely with their long knives!

Immediately, nine fiery red horses shot out from the blade and met Luo Yu's white silk!

"Zizi!" It was like the sound of thunder and lightning striking the body, the white silk in the air was under the slashing strikes of the nine fiery red horses, the white silk kept bending and twisting, as if it couldn't resist the attack of the fiery red horses, However, under the waves of white silk behind them, they were still in a stalemate with the nine fiery red horses. At the intersection, the aura flashed wildly and trembled non-stop, and then there was the sound of weapons colliding and rubbing, which was extremely ear-piercing. .

However, after Luo Yu's divine sense swept away, he found that he didn't know that the white silk of the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd had attacked at first, but in the end he overturned the situation and was slowly advancing, faintly suppressing the nine fiery red horses, and the white silk Silk is not only capable of cutting, but also has a strong ability to entangle. I saw nearly a hundred white silks entangled nine fiery red horses one after another in a flash of inspiration.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu's heart has not yet relaxed, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes. He saw that the blazing flame jade was so radiant and generous, and quickly shot out dozens of flame beams. These flame beams touched nine The nine fiery red horses were immediately sucked away by the latter, and immediately the nine fiery red horses emitted a dazzling red light again, with a layer of spiritual flame wrapped around them!

"Auxiliary formation!" Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was startled. No wonder this formation is so simple, and it is not aimed at the intruding immortal cultivators. It was unexpectedly used so wonderfully. Luo Yu was horrified at the same time, But there was an inexplicable understanding in his heart. Looking at the positions of the nine fire armor puppets and the brilliance of the Jiuli flame formation, he seemed to have realized something, just like a layer of window paper, only a little bit away. It was about to be pierced.

"Bang bang!" I saw that the nine red horses were assisted by the Jiuli flame formation, and after a few slashes, they smashed Luo Yu's white silk to pieces. Luo Yu was even more surprised by the fact that the attacks he practiced increased so much at once.

And at the same time that Pi Lian fell towards Luo Yu, the nine fire-armored puppets also flew towards Luo Yu with long knives in their hands. , In one breath, he came not far from Luo Yu.

The first update of "Xianyan", these two days have been a bit busy, the only free time is Saturday, Youdao will definitely make up for everyone, the third update will break out on Saturday!

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