fairy flame

Chapter 308 Self-enlightenment '7 Astrolabe'

Crisis is approaching!There was not much fear in Luo Yu's eyes, instead he was extremely calm. With a single hand shake, the dark golden gourd hanging around his neck flew out first, and then Luo Yu spit out a ball of red and yellow flames and shot it into the gourd. , the two-colored flames immediately wrapped the dark golden gourd, and at the same time, the black cyan brilliance under the feet flashed slightly, and the whole person appeared not far away. In terms of speed, these fire armor puppets are no match for Luo Yu of.

And after Luo Yu flew out, the nine fire armor puppets were able to slash their long knives at the place where Luo Yu was standing just now, but they slashed to the empty space.

At this time, the purple gourd released by Luo Yu just now suddenly made a clear sound, and the mouth of the gourd aimed at the nine horses above the sky, and suddenly burst out dozens of red and yellow fireballs, and all the fireballs merged instantly. Together, a giant fireball with a diameter of more than one foot was formed.

The nine horses cut into the fireball without any scruples, but it was as if nothing happened, without a sound, and nothing happened, as if they were swallowed by the red and yellow fireball. Such a strange scene even made the nine The fire armor puppet was surprised, its movements were no longer coherent, and there was a slight sluggishness!

Sanwei Zhenhuo is the nemesis of ordinary fire, how can ordinary flames compare with Sanwei Zhenhuo, and such a result is naturally expected by Luo Yu.

When Luo Yu stabilized his body and saw this scene, he threw out two treasures without saying a word, a huge net with purple light flowing and a giant brown shield half the height of a person. The purple net flew out first, and instantly rose to ten. About the size of Yu Zhang, he moved towards the net of the nine fire-armored puppets, and the centipede shield firmly protected the surrounding area. At the same time, Luo Yu's sleeve robe was slightly shaken, and seven green flying knives came out in a file. Killed seven of the fire armor puppets!

The sharpness of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade could not even be resisted by a high-level magical weapon, Luo Yu did not believe that the fire armor puppet in front of him could withstand it!

The purple light of the huge net came to the top of the fire-armored puppet just right, and when it was about to envelop it, the nine-handled long knives of the nine fire-armored puppets suddenly flew out of their hands, and the red light flashed wildly. With the handle in the middle and the four handles behind, it faintly flew along a very mysterious trajectory, and collided with Luo Yu's purple net in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" There was a tearing sound from the collision, and Luo Yu looked intently, only to see that the nine long knives seemed to have turned into nine mysterious flames, and dozens of flames emitted by the surrounding Nine Li flame arrays The fire light was absorbed by the nine-handled long knife, and the long knife hit the purple net, which directly tore Luo Yu's giant net open, and then collided with Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, and the two collided with aura Lasing, loud noise again and again.

Luo Yu only felt that his seven-star Yinhuo blade hit a huge force, and it was difficult to make an inch of it. Moreover, with the help of the power of the formation around him, nine long knives pierced through a line, and under the flickering flames, it was like a roaring Fire dragon, the momentum is astonishing!

Such a strange way of attack is unimaginable, and although the nine long knives attack separately, it always gives Luo Yu a feeling of being completely integrated.

"Bang bang!" With the continuous assistance of the surrounding Jiuli flame formation, Luo Yu's seven-star Yinhuo blade was knocked into the air, and then the seven long knives slashed on the centipede shield in front of Luo Yu in succession, immediately hitting The huge shield vibrated continuously, and Luo Yu only felt that the seven long sabers contained ferocious strength, one was stronger than the other, and the attack power of each wave was twice that of the previous one, and the boosts were superimposed one by one, and in the end they directly killed Luo Yu. He was knocked into the air, flying seven or eight meters before falling to the ground, but this time, Luo Yu turned over and stabilized himself!

At this moment, Luo Yu didn't care about the hissing blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, his eyes shot out a strong divine light, he laughed loudly and said, "So that's how it is, that's how it is! Use weapons to control the formation! The magic formation is in harmony!"

After hearing Luo Yu finish speaking, he closed his eyes and took out the main control banner of the Seven Absolute Yin Flame Blades. With one hand, seven black beams of light shot out from it, and the beams of light were attached to the seven-handed green flames. On the top of the knife, the green knife immediately trembled uncontrollably, and then the seven green knives released seven black and green beams of light to wrap around the knife body. The light curtain tightly connects the seven beams of light.

But at this moment, the nine fire armor puppets seemed to realize that something was wrong, and opened their mouths to spit out a raging fire, which wrapped around the long knife, increasing the power of the long knife with flames, and at this moment Luo Yu's seven black and green light curtains were faintly moving It became a big circle, enclosing all the fire armor puppets inside.

The nine puppets flicked their arms at the same time, and the nine long knives hit the black-green light curtain with long flame tails instantly. After a violent collision, the black-green light curtain was safe and sound, but the nine long knives trembled and flew away with a whine. back!

From the beginning to the end, Luo Yu's eyes were closed tightly, as if he was in a kind of mysterious perception, but the hands controlling the Qixing Yinhuo Blade did not feel the slightest sluggishness, but became faster and faster. Under control, the black and green beam of light slid along a mysterious and abnormal trajectory, and then there were countless black and green brilliance converging in the middle of the beam of light, and even the body of the seven-star Yinhuo blade magic weapon appeared inside, but the seven green knives turned into Seven beams of stars were formed, and between the flying dance and the black-green brilliance, the black-green brilliance was stirred and rotated together, gradually converging into a huge black-green astrolabe, and at the same time, the seven black beams of light continued to emit black-green brilliance, and then Constantly being absorbed by the swirl-like astrolabe, within a moment, under the endless black-green brilliance, the phantom of the astrolabe gradually turned into a substance, and finally completely turned into a two-foot-sized black-green star. The plate is dotted with seven small starbursts, making it even more mysterious!

At this moment, the nine fire-armored puppets below also occupy nine strange positions at the same time. The nine long knives transformed into shadows of knives all over the sky, and the flames above were surrounded by red light, directly colliding with Luo Yu's black and green astrolabe!

"Boom!" An astonishing and shocking scene appeared, the originally majestic long knife broke apart inch by inch, and then the black and green astrolabe pressed down without any scruples, covering the nine fire armors puppet!

However, the puppet beasts are known for their bodies as strong as magic weapons, so after losing their long swords and weapons, they did not panic. The nine puppets either opened their mouths to breathe fire, or waved fire pillars or fireballs, like a flame Haiyang all rushed towards the black and green astrolabe, and in the face of this pure consumption of spiritual power, Luo Yu's combined attack was actually blocked, and the speed of falling was much slower.

However, the black and green astrolabe was not far from the nine fire-armored puppets, and now it was falling slowly. Luo Yu felt that it would not be long before all nine puppets could be wiped out.

But at this moment, mutants are born!

Outside the seven black and green light curtains, the Nine-Li Yanfire Formation once again released red clouds all over the sky. After the red clouds absorbed the fire-attribute spiritual power, they turned into tumbling clouds of fire and immediately rushed into the light curtains. Entering the body of the fire armor puppet is actually replenishing the fire attribute spiritual power of the fire armor puppet!

And after being supplemented by Hongxia, the nine fire-armored puppets became radiant again, and the flames and fire pillars released were much more powerful than before. Luo Yu's black and green discs were under such intensive attacks. Not being fixed in place, the spiritual light flickered wildly at the intersection of the sea of ​​fire and black light, and the sound of crackling and cracking continued to come out!

"The light of rice grains, dare to compete with the sun and the moon!" Just as the black and green disc stopped, Luo Yu, who had closed his eyes, suddenly moved his arms, and after shouting loudly, he saw the original tight The red and yellow fireball tightly suspended in mid-air burst with a chirp, turning into a two-color fire curtain and spreading outside the black-green light curtain. After the two-color fire curtain appeared, the red cloud glow gathered by the nine-distance flame formation Once in contact with the two-color fire curtain, it will be absorbed directly like a hundred rivers returning to the sea. Luo Yu's hand just cut off the connection between the nine fire armor puppets and the outside world!

And without the assistance of the Jiuli Yanhuo Formation, the sea of ​​flames and the pillars of fire that filled the sky did not last long, and their spiritual power collapsed and disappeared. At this moment, the nine fire armor puppets were wrapped in a black and green light curtain, and there was no way out. Those who could escape were completely hit by the black and green astrolabe. In a burst of 'crackling', the armor on the surface of the nine fire armor puppets was smashed into pieces, and then the fire armor puppets' bodies were also hit. Unable to bear it, it turned into countless fiery red fragments and scattered away!

After the fire armor puppet was wiped out, the Jiuli flame formation around Luo Yu was destroyed without attack, and the brilliance disappeared immediately, and the original jade attic was reappeared.

Seeing the fire armor puppet turned into pieces, Luo Yu's flying handprints stopped immediately, and the blood on his flushed face gradually faded.

Under Luo Yu's spiritual glance, after confirming that there was no danger, he slowly wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth, let out a long sigh of relief, and with a wave of his sleeve, the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, Bilinghanhalberd, Ziyang The gourd and other magic tools were all put away, and Luo Yu looked at the black and green astrolabe that was slowly dissipating in the sky, and a thoughtful look seemed to flash in his eyes.

"The method of formation can be used so wonderfully. I used to be too rigid in the rigid method of the basic method of formation. Now that I have changed it all at once, it can exert such a huge power. The method just now is called "Seven Star Disk." Luo Yu showed a look of understanding, and said to himself.

"Fairy Flame" has been updated with [-] words, and there will be three changes tomorrow. I hope that book friends will give more support!Favorite Vote


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