fairy flame

Chapter 310 Collecting Ancient Puppets

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yu looked back and forth at the fire armor puppet just now, and even touched and knocked on the fire armor puppet's armor from time to time to make strange moves, and finally seemed to touch a certain mechanism of the fire armor puppet, the puppet's back It opened to both sides with a 'sloshing' sound, as if two windows had been pushed open, revealing the space inside.

"It really is here!" Luo Yu worked hard for a long time, and now he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The back of the fire armor puppet in front of him was empty, like a fiery red drawer, but Luo Yu took out more than ten spirit stones without saying a word. , put it inside, and then Luo Yu took a few steps back, tapped with one hand, and said loudly: "Forward! Take two steps!"

The voice was a little different from usual. According to the "Li's Puppet Art", Luo Yu used the special method of using spiritual sense to cooperate, which is a simple way to make a puppet!

As soon as Luo Yu finished speaking, a strange light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Fire Armored Puppet who had been standing still, and it was incredible that he followed Luo Yu's order, raised his foot, and took two steps forward. And stop immediately when you're done.

"Haha, as expected, danger and opportunity coexist. The builder of this secret realm is indeed a stranger!" Luo Yu just finished speaking, and made the same handprint with both hands again, and said in a concentrated voice: "Go!"

Luo Yu pointed to a jade wall and gave the order to attack. Afterwards, the fire armor puppet immediately pulled out a long knife from the armor, stomped his feet hard, and shot his body away like a cannonball. After getting closer, the puppet burst out with fire-attribute spiritual power fluctuations, opened its mouth, and shot out a large fireball and a beam of flame light. First, the beam of flame light sprayed on the jade wall, making a loud roar, but the jade wall It was safe and sound, and then the fireball swallowed by the fire armor puppet attached to the long knife again, turning into a flame knife and slashing towards the jade wall!

"Ding!" There was a clear sound of metal friction, and there was an inch-deep scratch on the wall. The attack power of the fire armor puppet was also extraordinary, and after the attack, the fire armor puppet seemed to continue, The fire attribute spiritual power all over his body began to gather again. Seeing this scene, Luo Yu quickly issued an order to fix the fire armor puppet in place.

"These nine fire armor puppets can completely withstand a foundation-building stage cultivator. If they can cooperate with the Jiuli Yanhuo Formation, I am afraid that as long as there are enough spirit stones, it will not be a problem to trap a foundation-building stage cultivator. If we can find some more complicated fire-attribute formations, then the power of these nine fire-armored puppets will be even greater!" Luo Yu thought after thought, thinking that the fire-armored puppets would definitely become one of his own soon. Great help.

Even now, as long as Luo Yu spends some time researching the Jiuli Yanhuo Formation, and refines the formation flag, and cooperates with the [-] fire armor puppets, I am afraid that the power will be astonishing. The Jiuli Yanhuo Formation just now should be some kind of The formation is prohibited, and once the nine fire armor puppets appear within the eye range of the Jiuli Yanhuo formation, the power of the restriction will be activated.

Luo Yu got nine fire-armored puppets at once, and was just about to be happy, but suddenly an idea popped up, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured down suddenly, making Luo Yu's heart drop again!

"The magic weapons refined by the ancient monks cannot be stored in the storage bag. These nine fire armor puppets are obviously refined by the ancient monks. If they can't be stored in the storage bag, then everything just now is a dream. .”

Thinking of this, Luo Yu immediately took out the storage bag, issued another command to the fire armor puppet, and then shot out a wave of spiritual power with one hand, and saw the puppet turned into a flame and quickly flew into the storage bag. Seeing this At the beginning of the curtain, Luo Yu said with joy on his face, and immediately slapped the storage bag again, only to see the fire armor puppet reappear in front of his eyes amidst the flash of fire.

"Fortunately, I was shocked." Luo Yu exhaled and sighed softly.

And the next thing is much easier, Luo Yu installed the remaining eight fire armor puppets one by one with Huayuan stone milk and more than ten pieces of spirit stones, and now Luo Yu is sure that the black sticky puppets in his hand The liquid is huayuan stone milk. It seems that in the future, it will need to use the mysterious flame in the body to extract more.

When Luo Yu used his spiritual sense to control the actions of the nine fire-armored puppets in one go, he suddenly felt that his spiritual sense reaction was a bit slow, as if he was holding a heavy object. After proficiency in various movements such as squatting or squatting, the heavy feeling just now dropped a little.

Luo Yu is clear about the reason for this. To control a puppet, one needs to use spiritual sense, but for a general immortal cultivator to control three or four puppets of the same level is considered too much. It becomes slow, and the power it exerts is not as expected, and the spiritual sense is invisible and invisible, deep in the mind, even the immortal cultivators are somewhat unpredictable. In case of controlling a puppet that exceeds the spiritual load It is likely to lead to impaired spiritual perception and eventually become crazy.

However, Luo Yu's own spiritual perception is much higher than that of monks of the same level. In addition, he is at the peak of the twelfth floor of the Qi training period, and it is not a problem to control the fire armor puppets on the eleventh floor of the Qi training period. It's very easy, but it seems a little slow to control the nine fire armor puppets at once. Of course, the problem is not too big, and it will probably not work if there are more.

After Luo Yu initially grasped the key to control, he waved his sleeves and put all the nine fire armor puppets into the storage bag. Afterwards, Luo Yu adjusted his mood, regained the state of no waves in the ancient well, and walked quickly to the star anise red puppet. Near the tripod, there is no danger this time.

As the distance got closer, Luo Yu felt more and more that the octagonal red cauldron had a faint aura fluctuation, but this fluctuation was still very weak, not even as good as a low-level magic weapon. Luo Yu was very strange, but he would not take it As an ordinary item, after all, Luo Yu did not believe that the owner who built the secret realm would make such a joke, especially now that Luo Yu admires the builder's cultivation base.

Luo Yu stretched out his hand and slowly brushed the fiery red body of the octagonal red cauldron, and immediately felt a warm breath passing over, even mixed with a faint medicinal fragrance.

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, and there is a third update today!


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