fairy flame

Chapter 311 The Nameless Pill Cauldron

"It looks like it's not a magic weapon, let alone an ancient weapon. Could it be that it was specially used by immortal cultivators in ancient times to make alchemy?" Luo Yu couldn't figure out why after touching it for a long time, but if it was a magic weapon, it would naturally come out after inputting spiritual power. It will change, if it is an ancient artifact, it cannot be stored in the storage bag, so as long as Luo Yu injects a spiritual force, any weirdness will naturally be revealed.

I saw Luo Yu waved one hand, and a ball of fiery red light shot into the octagonal red cauldron in a flash. At the same time, Luo Yu took a step back and stared at the red cauldron. A faint red light flashed, fleeting.

Then there was no movement!

At first, Luo Yu thought it was because his spiritual power input was not enough. After increasing his spiritual power again, he tried several times in a row, but the result was still the same. The octagonal red cauldron did not respond except for the faint red glow.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu could only sigh secretly that this thing was too advanced, and he didn't know what it was supposed to do, but then Luo Yu took out the storage bag, and after tentatively firing a wave of spiritual power, he found that the octagonal red cauldron' With a whoosh, it turned into a fiery red streamer, shot into the storage bag in a flash, and disappeared without a trace.

And at the same time as the octagonal red tripod disappeared, the jade wall behind the tripod suddenly swayed, and after several consecutive noises, a spacious gray stone passageway was revealed, and the moonflower stone was also installed in the passageway for lighting. Not gloomy at all!

"This is..." Luo Yu looked at the passage in front of him in surprise. Although there was a light inside, there was no end in sight. The passage seemed not short.

While Luo Yu stunned the passage in front of him, he also felt a sense of spirituality penetrate into the storage bag. Sure enough, he saw the octagonal red tripod quietly placed in a corner of the bag space, and there was nothing strange about it.

However, since the octagonal red tripod can be stored in the storage bag, it means that this object does not belong to the category of ancient utensils. It seems that it should be a magic utensil with some special functions. It is just what it is used for. Luo Yu It's not so sure, anyway, put it away first.

As for the passage that appeared in front of him, after Luo Yu thought for a while, for some reason, he always felt that he should go inside the passage. The host's temperament is a bit familiar. The other party's personality seems weird, but there is always a glimmer of life in the desperate situation. Every adventure seems to be a coincidence, but there seems to be a certain connection.

For the unknown passage in front of him, Luo Yu only had one thought. The other party would not waste his efforts to build something without mystery, so he had to go in and take a look. Even if he met the most powerful golden armored puppet, Luo Yu would not Believe that you have the power to protect yourself, that way, there is nothing to worry about.

Luo Yu thought for a moment, then stepped in, but there was always a layer of fiery red spiritual power shield in front of him, and the centipede shield was constantly rotating around Luo Yu, protecting Luo Yu to death Yes, Luo Yu made these, in addition to preventing some inexplicable dangers in the passage, but also to beware of the earth armor puppet hidden under his feet.

I don't know why, since Luo Yu entered the True Fire Pavilion, the earth armor puppet's sneak attack has not appeared again, as if it disappeared out of thin air, and Luo Yu is not sure, is the earth armor puppet hidden underground Let yourself go, after all, before entering the True Fire Palace, the earth armor puppet had been following Luo Yu closely, and would come out to sneak attack from time to time, but the earth armor puppet was proficient in the earth escape technique, and it disappeared as soon as it burrowed into the ground, which was very difficult to deal with , Luo Yu has always been suffering from headaches.

Now, the soil armor puppet did not appear at the critical moment just now, and Luo Yu was not sure if the other party was waiting for him to relax before launching a fatal blow, so these protections are still necessary, at least feel at ease!

Along the way, Luo Yu thought about what he had gained just now, and found that apart from losing a mid-level magic weapon 'Purple Net', he did not have any other losses. Instead, he earned nine fire armor puppets. I think it's worth it, after all, with Luo Yu's current cultivation base, the middle-level magic tools can't keep up.

If it weren't for the fact that this purple net is a magic weapon for trapping enemies, Luo Yu wouldn't have kept it until now, but this purple net magic weapon still has a little commemorative significance, and it was the first time Luo Yu 'robbed' it. magic weapon.

Luo Yu walked in the passage, there was no sound around, only the quiet footsteps could be heard rhythmically, which meant that Luo Yu's mentality was stable and very calm!

The passage was not all straight. After Luo Yu turned a few bends halfway, the light in the passage gradually dimmed, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

"Heck!" After walking for an unknown amount of time, Luo Yu suddenly staggered, stepped on something soft, and rushed forward. After a slight pause in mid-air, it regained its balance and stopped.

But even so, Luo Yu was quite surprised, and immediately lowered his head to look at his feet, only to see that what he stepped on just now turned out to be a lump of mud, and there were his own footprints on the mud.

"Hey, that's not right!" Luo Yu didn't observe the surroundings carefully because of the light. Just now Luo Yu looked down and suddenly found something strange. It is in a humid cave, where the sand and mud will appear after the water vapor condenses, but how could he have come to this kind of place without knowing it? Touched, and immediately retracted like an electric shock.

"This is no longer a gray stone wall, but a bumpy rock in the mountain!" Luo Yu was really surprised at this moment. He felt like he was in a gray stone passage just now, so why did he suddenly come to this place like a dream It was in a cave, and Luo Yu hadn't noticed it all the time.

Could it be that the light was too dim, so he didn't notice it? Luo Yu thought, maybe the owner of the maze hadn't built it completely, and the gray stone passageway was half built and then stopped, and the maze was originally located in this desert. It is not surprising that such a cave appears in the huge lonely peak in the middle of the mountain.


Suddenly, just as Luo Yu was thinking carefully, there was a loud sound of landslides and ground cracks in front of the passage, and it was also mixed with the exclamations and shouts of the immortal cultivators, as well as the bursting sounds of spells and magic weapons. , Luo Yu felt that the cave he was in was shaking non-stop!

"What's going on?" Luo Yu immediately stabilized his footsteps. There seemed to be many people fighting in front of the passage. Could it be that he found some treasure!

The third update of "Xianyan", the explosion is over, today I would like to thank the book friend 'Masi Zhongsheng' for finding out a lot of mistakes in "Xianyan", Youdao is very grateful!

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