fairy flame

Chapter 312 Central Hall

The noisy voice in front became clearer and clearer. Luo Yu hesitated for a moment, then immediately flew towards the place where the sound came from. When he entered the maze, he only got nine fire armor puppets, and the others were like ancient artifacts. I haven't even seen a trace of my treasures, and I am now the No. 1 disciple in the qi training period. If there are any treasures, I should naturally get more!

With Luo Yu's escaping speed, he flew hundreds of meters away with just a snap of his fingers, faintly approaching the end of the passage, and the chaotic and noisy sounds of exclamations, screams, and explosions coming from ahead became more and more loud. The more intense it is, the closer it is!

"It's here!" Luo Yu only felt a strong light appear in front of his eyes, as if he came out of a cave and saw the sun, it was very dazzling, but there is no doubt that the voice came from the light behind the passage !

Luo Yu's figure stopped in front of the bright light, and he didn't go out hastily, but cautiously stretched out his head. When he saw everything in front of him clearly, his expression suddenly changed!

"This is it!" Luo Yu stared ahead, and what appeared in front of him was a nearly 81-foot hollowed-out mountainside, which was scary in size, with a pointed top and a rounded bottom, like a giant funnel cone. In this square-like mountainside, Ninety-nine [-] pillars that can only be surrounded by two people hugging stand horizontally!

These huge pillars exude purple brilliance and connect together, like a palace built of purple light, each pillar is wrapped with mysterious runes, which is very eye-catching, and all the loud noises just now It came from the palace of purple light!

However, the purple brilliance outside the Ziguang Palace seems to have a miraculous effect of covering up. Luo Yu can only hear the noisy sound of shouting and shouting inside, but he doesn't know what is going on. Right now, in this cone-like vast mountainside Here, on the four sides of the stone walls, there are countless small caves like wind tunnels. The place where Luo Yu is standing is also one of them, in the middle!

"Central Hall!" Luo Yu blurted out in surprise, and after he finished speaking, suddenly there was another sinister and strange laughter from beside him!

"Jie Jie! Unexpectedly, someone came to die, let me down!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Yu's hair stood on end. Before he had time to figure out what happened, he felt a sudden force from the centipede shield behind him, as if he had been hit hard by a hard object. He was blown away and fell into Luo Yu's arms, and Luo Yu was hit and flew out with a shield!

This gigantic force was simply unmatched. The moment Luo Yu was hit by the centipede shield, he felt his brain was stunned, his internal organs seemed to be shattered, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

And Luo Yu's flying body uncontrollably hit the purple brilliance outside the hall of light, but the purple light didn't respond, and Luo Yu's body fell directly into the hall of purple light.

Luckily, Luo Yuyan's Armor Skill has some body training effects, his whole body is firm, and his internal organs are also different from ordinary people in terms of resistance. Otherwise, even if Luo Yu didn't die just now, he would not be able to use any mana for several days.

At this moment, life was at stake, Luo Yu didn't care about the numbness and pain all over his body, turned over and fell steadily to the ground.

As a result, before he could see the situation in front of him clearly, he was covered by a scarlet mist of blood. The mist of blood penetrated through every hole and rushed straight into Luo Yu's ears, nose, mouth and other five sense organs. Luo Yu just inhaled a little, Then he felt a crazy killing intent formed in his mind, and after the blood mist entered his nostrils, it was extremely pungent, and faintly had the effect of confusing his mind. Luo Yu felt that his brain was not functioning properly!

And at this moment, the string of white jade beads on Luo Yu's arm suddenly emitted white light, forming a white jade cover to cover Luo Yu inside. Those blood mist seemed to be a little afraid of the white light emitted by the string of beads, and kept lingering in the light cover. Outside, free and uncertain.

As for Luo Yu, who was enveloped by the brilliance of white jade, he immediately felt a clear stream rushing into his mind. After walking through his mind once, the murderous intent in his heart gradually subsided, and the feeling of dizziness in his mind also disappeared a lot.

However, the first thing Luo Yu did when he woke up was to infuse more spiritual power into the centipede shield and the white jade Buddha beads in front of him. When it lights up, the white light is more condensed, and the bloody mist around is pushed away at once, and at the same time, the centipede shield also emits red brilliance and firmly protects Luo Yu.

Afterwards, Luo Yu immediately released a layer of blue and red spiritual power barriers, and after the three layers of defense, he felt more at ease.

At this moment, Luo Yu suddenly looked at the Centipede Essence Shield in front of him. This shield was originally a high-level defensive magic weapon, even if it was an ordinary top-grade magic weapon, it would not be a problem to attack hard, but today's Centipede Essence Shield has many There was a strip-shaped gap half an inch deep, which was obviously cut out by domineering weapons such as knives and axes. What was even more annoying was that Luo Yu didn't even know who attacked him just now.

Luo Yu didn't even know what the strange blood mist surrounding him was supposed to do!

"Hurry up and get together, or you will be eaten by this blood wolf demon, move closer to the bright place!" When Luo Yu was puzzled, Qianya's voice suddenly came from beside him, as if it was right next to him. Beside him, but when he looked around, he was surrounded by a thick fog of blood, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Qian Ya was also trapped in the blood mist?Luo Yu looked startled, and immediately heard many immortal cultivators responding to the voice just now, and many immortal cultivators were trapped in the blood mist!

And just as Qianya finished speaking, a sharp seven-color sword light suddenly rose from the blood mist, like a seven-color beam of light cutting through the blood mist, and all the cultivators who were trapped in the blood mist felt the blood mist Wherever the colorful brilliance passed, the blood mist dispersed one after another, and where the colorful brilliance appeared, it was the bright light Qian Ya was referring to!

Luo Yu couldn't figure out what happened at this moment, but he also knew that he was in a dangerous situation. Judging from the attack just now, he was still in a predicament that he couldn't handle!

Gritting his teeth, Luo Yu supported several defenses, and slowly approached the place where the light appeared just now. At this moment, the colorful brilliance has long since disappeared, and it seems that it has been eroded by the heavy blood mist. Even the fierce sword energy of a sword cultivator like Qianya can be tainted and corroded, what kind of strange thing is it!

As Luo Yu got closer and closer, the hundreds of shields in front of him slowly pushed away the blood mist, and the thick blood color in front of him gradually faded, revealing the blurred figures of more than ten people sitting tightly together!

"Brother Luo, it's you!"

"Senior brother Luo also came in!"

As soon as Luo Yu approached, there were several exclamations in his ears, and then the two figures strode over, and when they got closer, it was Feng Xiaohou and the Cuixia sect disciple just now, who else? .

It's just that when they came in, there were three of them together, and now the other Cuixia sect disciple has disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist, what is going on here? Isn't there only five elements in the puppet hall? Why is there such a strange blood mist all of a sudden, and you are all trapped inside?" Luo Yu swept around. Getting closer, through the blood mist, I could barely see more than a dozen immortal cultivators standing or sitting in the qi training period, among them the Qianya of the Nine Swords Valley was among them, but the latter seemed to be in a bit of a mess, with several spots on his clothes It was broken, and there were several blood lines overflowing from the rupture, which seemed to be injured.

Beside him, there were five or six Nine Swords Valley disciples looking around nervously, each of them released several magical artifacts to surround the surroundings, and when a few people gathered together, more than ten magical artifacts glowed together. Flying, forming a protective circle, protecting them inside.

As for the group of Nine Swords Valley disciples, there were two disciples from the Ridge Beast Mountain and a disciple from the Sanyang Sect sitting cross-legged. A two-headed boa constrictor and dozens of three-color moths guarded him.

As for the ones closest to Luo Yu, they are the disciples of the two sects of Gu Yao Sect and Yun Huan Sect. Together, outsiders have to wonder whether the two have any special relationship.

And this small three-legged tripod was suspended tightly in front of Zhang Meng. The tripod's body was dark green, and there were two green dragons carved and painted on it.

And in front of Liu Sisi is a pair of giant gold and silver rings floating, this giant ring is very strange, faintly emits the melodious sound of dragons howling and phoenixes singing, once the surrounding blood mist comes into contact with this strange sound, it will be shaken away Quite a few, this is a very famous set of top-quality instruments of their Yunhuan Sect. It belongs to the category of a complete set of instruments. It is called the 'Dragon and Phoenix Ring' and is extremely powerful.

But at this moment, Liu Sisi seemed to have suffered serious injuries, and a piece of her clothes were torn off, revealing a seductive whiteness, but everyone didn't care to pay more attention to this seductive style, which is rarely seen on weekdays. Instead, they all looked at it vigilantly around.

"Brother Luo, there is a half-demon, half-ghost monster hidden in this blood mist. It is very bloody and bloody. It is better for the three of us to stand together." Feng Xiaohou did not answer Luo Yu's question, but gave a wry smile. He opened the protective circle for the two of them a little, signaling to let Luo Yu go in first.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yu immediately felt that his defense alone would not be stronger than that of the three of them together, and although his attack was sharp, compared with the monks present, his defense could only be regarded as upper-middle. We are good together.

The [-]-word update of "Fairy Flame" will start tomorrow. Youdao University's final exam will take six exams in three days, from morning to night, so I can only update one chapter for you. Go home on Thursday and spend a good day with your family , Friday broke out to make up for everyone, and please be more considerate, thank you.


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