fairy flame

Chapter 313 Many Treasures

After Feng Xiaohou and the two finished speaking, there was a gap in the defense circle, and Luo Yu jumped in with a single step, and then let go of the centipede shield magic weapon, so that the shield and Feng Xiaohou's Qingyu The mirror and the other person's white ruler-like magic weapon hover together to form a three-color aperture, and the three of them are hiding in the three-color aperture.

Regarding Luo Yu's sudden appearance, the monks present had different expressions, most of them were ashen, only a few people, such as Qian Ya and Zhang Meng, moved slightly.

"Fellow Daoist, since there is a half-demon, half-ghost monster in this blood mist, why don't you run away?" Luo Yu had many doubts in his heart, but he entered this place later and did not understand the situation. Temperament, this opening is naturally a question that is most closely related to life.

"Run? Which of the monks present didn't plan to do this, but those who dared to run were all eaten by the half-demon half-ghost monster 'Blood Wolf' whose cultivation base was equivalent to the late foundation establishment stage, but we are also I can't protect myself, so wait for a while, after the ghost blood wolf eats up a cultivator, there are still cultivators who will fall next, but I don't know who the next target of the ghost blood wolf will kill, but Judging from the situation just now, no matter which blood wolf wants to kill which immortal cultivator, none of the monks present will be able to escape." Feng Xiaohou said at the end, his face was full of wry smiles and worries.

"The fusion of ghosts and ghosts? It's still the cultivation base of the late stage of foundation establishment!" Luo Yu took a deep breath, his face was full of shock, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be something wrong.

"If it's just a ghost blood wolf, it shouldn't be enough to beat our group of disciples into such a mess. If everyone disperses and runs away, no matter how high the ghost blood wolf is, it is impossible to kill them all. There should be something here It is something that cultivators are desperate for, otherwise everyone would have scattered and fled away."

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he glanced at Feng Xiaohou, as if he was waiting for the other party's answer.

"Ahem, you really can't hide anything from Brother Luo. Yes, in this central hall, there are indeed many ancient artifacts, jade slips of ancient cultivation techniques and other types of ancient treasures, and they are hidden in this blood mist Ashamed to say, we Cuixia Sect and Nine Swords Valley were the first to arrive here, but before we could break the barrier protecting the treasure, we were trapped in the blood mist by the sudden appearance of this ferocious 'blood wolf' Inside, the reason why everyone refuses to leave is probably because of the treasure inside the restriction." Luo Yu analyzed the key point, Feng Xiaohou naturally couldn't hide it anymore, besides, this matter will be made public sooner or later, it is better to be honest Speaking out, at least it won't frustrate the relationship between the two.

Luo Yu was about to ask again, but suddenly there was a sinister roar in his ears!

"Jie Jie! It's all here, I guess no one will come in, big brother, remove this blood mist, let me kill you brother!" Just as everyone was discussing and planning, a voice suddenly came from above the hall, It turned out to be the same voice as the person who attacked Luo Yu just now.

And after this person finished speaking, everyone felt the blood mist around them roll and quickly dissipate!

Seeing this, everyone stood up in shock, but before they saw the danger around them, they felt three extremely powerful auras soaring into the sky, pressing down on everyone!

"Three monks of the Foundation Establishment Stage!" Faced with this completely overwhelming power, everyone immediately thought of a possibility of panic, and their hands and feet began to tremble involuntarily!

At this moment, in mid-air, a tall monster with a wolf's head and a human body was sitting on the high platform of the hall, looking at the group of immortal cultivators with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, tearing a few bloody human stumps and pieces of flesh in his hands , and in the other two directions, there are two gold-armored puppets wearing golden gilt battle armor with majestic and lifelike faces standing in the air!

These two gold-armored puppets each held a simple giant ax wrapped in black air in their hands, and the black mist rising under their feet dragged the body of the golden-armored puppets. The sinister sound just now came from the mouth of one of the golden-armored puppets of!

After seeing the two golden-armored puppets appearing, Luo Yu looked at the giant axes in their hands, and immediately realized that the one who sneaked up on him just now was one of them. What came out was only something that even the best magic weapon could not do, but this black air giant ax was able to do it, it seems that there is a lot to be said for it.

When Luo Yu's eyes turned to look at the blood wolf with the wolf's head and human body, his expression was stunned. His gaze actually passed the ferocious and terrifying blood wolf, and he stared straight at the jade-like patch behind the blood wolf. As smooth as the wall, the eyes flashed several times.

"It turned out to be a golden-armored puppet. This is an existence equal to the strength of an immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment period. Even a general high-level magic weapon will not leave the slightest trace on it!"

"No, the golden-armored puppet is a dead thing, without the slightest spirituality, and it is even more impossible to speak, but the golden-armored puppet in front of me clearly spoke just now!"

Facing the inexplicable danger, the disciples of all major sects exclaimed one after another.

Luo Yu was also secretly vigilant, and withdrew his gaze from the jade biscuit, and if there was something wrong later, he would immediately run away. No matter how good the treasure is, it can't compare with his own life. He only had the cultivation level at the early stage of foundation establishment, but the monster with the wolf's head and human body sitting on the high platform made Luo Yu feel unfathomable, far surpassing the average immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage!

However, when Luo Yu turned his gaze to other disciples, he found strangely that powerful monks such as Qianya Zhangmeng were all looking behind him with unconcealable greed in their eyes, but after touching his gaze, they quickly turned pale. With a flash of complex color, he turned his attention to the golden armored puppet and the blood wolf.

Curiously, Luo Yu looked back, and brilliant colors appeared in his eyes in an instant!

There was a sealed wall behind him, but that wasn't the point, Luo Yu looked at a huge purple mask in front of the wall eagerly.

now!There are more than ten groups of colorful auras flying inside the mask, tossing and turning, the spirituality is extraordinary!

And these auras are all treasures that can arouse the deepest greed in the hearts of immortal cultivators. Luo Yu's eyes were only slightly shaken by these auras, and then he looked intently.

I saw that each group of aura was wrapped with a kind of treasure. There were many kinds of these treasures. Luo Yu stared at some of the auras that emitted the most dazzling brilliance and looked in. Through this dazzling light, one of them was carved with fish scales. The cyan long sword with patterns is two feet long and two inches wide. The fish scale pattern on the sword stretches from time to time, like autumn water playing with waves, but it exudes a thick and simple atmosphere strangely.

And around the cyan long sword, there is also a yellow inkstone, six inches long and wide, with four micro-carved golden dragons crawling on the four corners of the inkstone. The small golden stones continuously overflowed with golden arcs, crackling and crackling, and the momentum was astonishing!

Next to these two treasures, streamers of light flew by from time to time, this is the light emitted by other treasures, there is a big red umbrella, a small bronze bell, three small golden bells connected in series, and an earth-yellow demon circle. Pearls, a purple dragon-patterned belt, and several pieces of jade slips and book pages with different brilliance!

And when these precious jade slips are flying, every time they touch the purple mask, they will be bounced back. Repeatedly, these treasures can never break through the mask, and if someone wants to get the treasure inside, I'm afraid I have to smash the mask first!

"These are all ancient artifacts and jade slips of ancient skills!" Luo Yu almost couldn't help exclaiming, no wonder everyone stayed here, even though they knew it was dangerous and refused to leave, it turns out that there are so many treasures here. If it were Luo Yu, I'm afraid he would risk his life to gamble and steal one or two treasures in the chaos!

This temptation is too great!

Covered by the blood mist just now, Luo Yu just heard that there are treasures, but how could he have thought that there are so many treasures, I am afraid that the number of ancient artifacts in the entire Yuanjiang Kingdom is not as many as here!

"The three seniors of Ghost Dao, here are the disciples of the Nine Swords Valley. This time, they came to the secret realm for trials under the order of the master. I don't know that the three seniors are surnamed and dare to kill the disciples of all major sects. Don't be afraid of our master. The elders came in to trouble you!" At this moment, Qian Ya, who was originally silent, suddenly spoke, and his gaze immediately turned to the blood wolf sitting on the high platform.

"The three seniors, the junior Feng Xiaohou, are disciples of the Cuixia Sect. We, the Cuixia Sect, have been hunting for treasures in the secret realm for many years. We have never met the three seniors. We have no disputes with the three seniors. This time there must be something. What misunderstanding, if we have offended seniors in any way, please let us go, and don't care about us juniors." At this moment, it was Feng Xiaohou who spoke, which was just the opposite of Qian Ya's domineering tone, but he wanted to reconcile This matter, but this is undoubtedly a fool's dream. If it were in normal times, he would definitely tell many people that he was a child. Feeling lucky, hoping that the other party just wants to vent their anger or find out who offended them.

"Haha, you two little dolls are so naive, I haven't enjoyed this funny feeling for a long time." The ghost blood wolf put down a bloody broken leg that had just eaten half, and a humane smile appeared on the wolf's head. The body of black mist under the wolf beast also trembled uncontrollably.

"Xianyan" is updated with [-] words, and there are two days left for the exam. Youdao will go home from vacation, and it will be updated violently then!


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