fairy flame

Chapter 314 3 Powers of the Spiritual Ax

"Second brother, third sister! Reveal your bodies!"

As soon as the blood wolf's voice fell, the two golden-armored puppets floating in the air suddenly let out sinister and shrill laughter, and then two groups of black mist flew out from the top of the golden-armored puppets like an eruption. A burst of tumbling changes gradually formed a solid black figure with a generous figure and a black figure with a slender figure.

After the two black shadows appeared, there were thousands of ghosts roaring and screaming in the hall, and at the same time, the blue giant ax in the golden armored puppet's hand quickly flew back to the burly black shadow, while the other A huge purple ax also circled and danced around the slender black figure.

These two giant axes turned out to be the weapons of these two monsters!

"You have defiled the Three Spirit Axe into a ghost weapon. You have to kill many immortal cultivators and seize all their blood to successfully defile!" At this moment, it was Feng Xiaohou beside Luo Yu who couldn't help but speak loudly, In his hand, the Feng family has hundreds of years of information about the secret realm, so he was the first to see the mystery of the two giant axes.

"Friend Feng Dao, this weird giant ax is also an ancient magical weapon? Isn't it amazingly powerful?" Luo Yu asked in a low voice in surprise. After seeing the burly black shadow making a sound, Luo Yu immediately remembered the person who attacked him , and the voice of this burly black shadow is exactly the same, and the blue giant ax in the opponent's hand is probably the powerful ancient weapon that cut a deep gap in the centipede shield!

Just after Luo Yu asked, the burly black figure seemed to be staring at him hidden in the black mist, and a feeling of being nailed by a poisonous snake immediately emerged in his heart, and Luo Yu's whole body was shocked, secretly vigilant!But he still had a calm look on his face.

"It's more than just amazing power. If we were to rank high and low among the more than ten ancient artifacts, the Three Spirit Axes deserved to be ranked first. It's a pity now that the majestic Xeon ancient artifacts have been filthy. The evil ghost weapon can no longer be used by us immortal cultivators, and the ancient weapon has transformed into a ghost weapon, and the power it exerts in the hands of these two ghosts is immeasurable." Feng Xiaohou shook his head and said with a wry smile. After finishing speaking, his eyes seemed to glance at the countless wind tunnels on the mountain wall, and he didn't know what it meant!

When Luo Yu saw this scene, he immediately figured it out. Feng Xiaohou probably saw the mystery, and the idea of ​​running away was born in his heart!

This is enough to show that the danger faced this time is extraordinary!

It's just that only two of the three spirit axes have appeared, and the remaining ancient giant ax has not yet appeared, and it is probably in the hands of the ghost blood wolf.

"Hey, you little doll has good eyesight, and you even recognized the old man's magic weapon, but it's useless. With the old man's mid-stage ghost spirit cultivation base, combined with the power of the ghost weapon, killing you is easy. Stop talking nonsense and accept it." Die!" The burly black figure suddenly yelled sharply, and the blue giant ax in his hand turned into a blue-black light curtain, with a strong sense of oppression, it rushed towards the immortal cultivator in the hall, and the blue ax Halfway through the flight of the huge axe, hundreds of ghosts appeared in the air, flying all over the sky, crying and howling wolves, and the terrifying faces of ghosts revealed their true colors, making people extremely creepy!

After the burly black shadow shot, the slender black shadow on the side seemed unwilling to lag behind. There was the sound of silently chanting a spell from inside the black room, and at the same time, he flung his purple giant axe, which instantly turned into a stream of black and purple light and hit everyone. In the middle of the journey, nearly a hundred ferocious ghosts were transformed into the same as the previous one, and they rushed towards the crowd fiercely!

"Fight him!"

"Isn't it just a ghost in the foundation building period? We have a lot of people!"

"Yeah, let's all fight together!"

Seeing the two ghosts jokingly disregarding everyone, but which immortal cultivator who can come here has two brushes, and is usually looked up to by other ordinary disciples in the sect, so naturally there is no been so humiliated.

I saw that after one of them opened his mouth, the others echoed and agitated one after another. The more than ten immortal cultivators present released their magic tools together, and dozens of magic tools with dazzling aura rose into the air, converging into a colorful light Meteor, one after another, went up to meet it, it was really aura that was compelling, so imposing!

"Puff! Puff!" These magical artifacts collided with hundreds of ghosts, and there was a loud noise. Some ghosts were unlucky and were hit by a few top-grade magic artifacts, and naturally wailed and dissipated into black smoke. However, those low- and middle-level magic weapons had less restraint on the ghosts. After being bitten by the ghosts a few times and knocked into the air, they ruthlessly pounced on the cultivators hidden under the magic weapons.


"Help! Ah..." In this first confrontation, the immortal cultivator's side immediately became overwhelmed, and the ghosts rushed down. Originally, the immortal cultivators were close together in twos and threes, and they still had the power to defend, but what was frightening was not Li Gui, on the contrary, it is those two majestic giant axes. As long as the brilliance flashes, no matter what magic weapon the cultivator uses, it will be chopped open like tofu. It will take away a life, and at the same time, the fierce ghosts will rush in while the defensive magic weapon is broken, and entangle the body of the immortal cultivator again!

After being entangled by the ghost, the face of the immortal cultivator was immediately filled with black smoke, red meridian blood lines burst out, and turned into red and black in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, the immortal cultivator who was entangled let out a heart-piercing wail of pain, falling down Roll over!

When Luo Yu saw this scene, he was shocked immediately. On his side, more than a dozen immortal cultivators in the Qi training period joined forces, while the other three only dispatched two of them. He didn't intend to come up to help, just sat on it and watched them with great interest, as if enjoying the process very much.

Not only Luo Yu, but also the faces of other immortal cultivators are full of fear. In the battle between immortal cultivators during their Qi training period, even if the opponent's Qi training period is higher than yours, the battle between the two will not be one-sided Most likely, after the two sides have fought for a long time, the side with strong mana and powerful magic weapon wins, but the two will always get entangled!

And the two ghost axes in front of him completely suppressed the magic weapon of the cultivator. Every time he swung it, bloody light would inevitably take away the life of a cultivator. In an instant, four or five people were wailing and screaming. was killed!

At this moment, Luo Yu didn't use all his strength, but just drove the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade to protect the surroundings. Once a ghost approached, he would instantly kill him invisible and suck away the ghost. Mana cannot be recovered in the main hall, and the spiritual power will be less if used. Naturally, Luo Yu will not be so stupid as to try his best, and even if he tries, it will probably not work.

"Hey! The demon is dead!" I saw the blue giant ax in the air, after instantly killing an immortal cultivator of the ancient medicine sect, then turned around and flew towards the disciples of the Nine Swords Valley, but the giant ax had just turned into At the same time as the afterimage disappeared, a voice like Qianya's roar suddenly sounded from the group of disciples in Nine Swords Valley.

Immediately, a huge seven-colored lightsaber soared into the sky, like a seven-colored flood dragon, and a flash made the blue giant ax come into contact with each other!

"Boom!" There were two consecutive earth-shattering loud noises, and the lightsaber and giant ax in the air were entangled and struck each other, stalemate in the air. This scene seemed to have slightly surprised the burly black figure, but then a cold snort!

"Original Spirit Slash!"

As soon as the cold words fell, the two instruments in the air changed immediately, the blue giant ax suddenly turned into azure blue, emitting circles of azure blue brilliance to envelop Qianya's colorful sword light!

An astonishing scene appeared. The colorful sword light wrapped in azure blue brilliance gradually became smaller, and while the sword light dissipated, the azure blue brilliance outside became more and more prosperous. This strange blue light can absorb the opponent's attack!

At this moment, the two magic weapons in the air were still evenly matched, but after the azure blue brilliance appeared, they immediately broke the deadlock. The blue ax light was brilliant, and Qianya's Qiyue Ancient Sword flew out in one fell swoop, slamming towards Jiu Sword Valley disciple fell down!

"Han Chi appears!" Qian Ya was shocked, and immediately summoned Han Chi, the sword spirit of Qiyue Ancient Sword, and saw a white misty brilliance rolling in the air, turning into a ten-foot-long snake-like dragon Spirit beast, after this beast appeared, it swung its tail like a gust of wind, and slapped it on the surface of the blue giant axe. Han Chi's huge strength was also extraordinary, and he even knocked the blue giant ax into the air!

"Qi Ling!" The appearance of Han Chi was expected by the immortal cultivator, but he was startled by the demon ghost and blood wolf sitting on the high platform, causing the other party to exclaim in surprise, but after careful examination, the wolf stared again. Shaking his head narrowly, he said, "It's not a weapon spirit. This sword hasn't reached the level of a magic weapon. It can't carry a weapon spirit. It's like some kind of special spirit beast seal!"

After the ghost and blood wolf finished speaking, there seemed to be a curious look in his eyes, but he still didn't make a move. He just shrugged and sat down again, as if thinking thoughtfully.

"The cultivation base in the Qi training period can take my axe. The strength is not bad. The essence and flesh should be the best among this group of disciples. It is extremely delicious, golden armored puppet, go! Capture this person alive!" The burly black figure licked his lips with a 'tsk tsk', and said with a look of enjoyment, and then practiced a spell to control the golden armored puppet beside him, trying to capture Qianya alive!

"You guys help me guard, I want to use the real spirit card bestowed by Master to destroy this ghost!" Qian Ya took back the Qiyue ancient sword, and ordered the disciples of Nine Swords Valley next to him, and then the whole body As soon as he was lucky, all his strength was poured into a white jade tablet hidden in his hand!

The entire excitation process was hidden in the sleeve robe, so the burly black figure didn't notice it!

The update of "Fairy Flame" is delivered today, and it will explode on Friday when I go home after the exam tomorrow!


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