fairy flame

Chapter 315

Right now, the golden-armored puppet in the air is moving at an astonishing speed. It has covered tens of meters in one step and arrived at the top of the disciples of Nine Swords Valley. The disciples at the peak of Qi training attacked together. Although the body of this golden-armored puppet is as hard as a magic weapon, a pair of iron fists can easily smash a magic weapon, but these people seem to have a certain degree of cooperation. With the combined efforts of several people, The magic weapon is always at a tricky angle, making the golden armored puppet a little uncertain, and the burly black shadow has to control the blue giant ax to attack other immortal cultivators. The two sides are distracted, but they are really entangled by these people The golden armored puppet!

However, everyone could see that the hardness of the golden-armored puppets was not something that these magic weapons could break through, so their attacks didn't have much effect, they were just waiting for time!

Just when Qianya activated the true spirit card!

At the same time, on the other side, just after another purple-black giant ax split the cultivator surrounded by three-color moths in half, it immediately attracted the eyes of the Beast Valley fellow next to him, and let out a beast-like roar from his mouth. !

"Die together!"

As soon as the words fell, the face of this person became extremely crazy for some reason, and bloody marks were made on both hands. These bloody marks were attached to the forehead of the two-headed giant snake in a flash, emitting a strange light, and then this The two-headed python that had been protecting this person was covered in blood, and the two slender snake eyes turned blood red, like a huge cocoon that just broke out!

"It's the secret technique 'Spirit Beast Blood Devouring' of the Valley of the Beasts! Go back!" The three of Luo Yu stood closer to the two disciples of the Valley of the Beasts. When Luo Yu saw the other party's bloody expression, he started He thought he was about to explode himself, but it seemed to be different from self-explosion, and at this moment, Feng Xiaohou who was beside him suddenly retreated to the side as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

Although Luo Yu didn't know what 'Spiritual Beast Blood Biting' was, but seeing Feng Xiaohou's panicked appearance, he didn't care about other things. He quickly commanded two green knives to kill the ghosts around him, and then followed with a single step. Step aside.

Just as Luo Yu's figure moved away, the giant two-headed python in the distance finally changed. It leapt forward, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the disciple of the Beast Valley into its mouth When the fangs stirred, the cultivator's body was torn apart, and then swallowed by the two-headed giant snake. The huge snake's mouth was covered with blood, and it looked terrifying!

"Roar!" The blood on the body of the two-headed giant snake that swallowed its master became thicker and thicker, and finally turned into a viscous shape. The surface of the snake's body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of 'blood mud'!

At this moment, the aura of the two-headed giant snake was also stimulated to the peak of a third-level monster!

After the snake let out a roar that shook the sky, it wagged its tail, viciously imitating that slender black shadow!

The tail of the snake swept down like a black light curtain, and appeared in front of the slender black figure in a flash, but the latter remained unmoved. The other golden-armored puppet beside the slender black shadow collapsed its feet, and its whole body bounced up like a cannonball, right in front of the snake's tail!

I saw that the puppet was expressionless, exuding a dazzling golden light all over its body, and its casserole-sized fist was completely turned into pure gold, and it suddenly smashed towards the giant tail!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise at the intersection of the giant tail and the golden fist, like a thunderous explosion, shaking the immortal cultivator's blood and blood, and his brain couldn't function for a while!

And everyone looked up one after another, only to see that after the collision between the giant tail and the golden fist, they separated immediately, and the 'blood mud' on the giant tail was broken a lot, and the golden light emitted by the golden puppet seemed to be weakened a bit. The opponent is evenly matched, this double-headed giant python is now the pinnacle of the third-level monster, and the monster is born with amazing strength, and it does not have the upper hand in the competition of pure strength!

Everyone gasped!How powerful is this golden-armored puppet? With this huge force alone, it can sweep the audience!

Luo Yu also had a sudden shock in his heart, secretly thinking that his ghost general and the golden armored puppet had a good chance of winning, but in the end he shook his head. Although the ghost general is also amazing in brute force, he is not as good as the golden armored puppet. Small gap!

The two-headed giant snake seemed to have lost consciousness at this moment, relying entirely on a burst of blood to support it, and when it saw that it could not hit itself, it immediately swung itself up and went up again. The golden armored puppet was not to be outdone, and the two brute force monsters collided fiercely again. got together.

"Look! What is that, such a strong light!"

"It was sent by the disciples of Nine Swords Valley!"

Just when everyone was shocked by the power of the two-headed python and the golden-armored puppet, a powerful wave of spiritual power suddenly erupted from Nine Swords Valley. After the wave spread, Luo Yu seemed to have a familiar feeling.

"True spirit card!" This feeling came to Luo Yu after a little thought, but he couldn't understand why Qianya didn't save some mana to escape, but wanted to activate this spiritual power-consuming True spirit card. Huge, but it may not be able to kill a ghost, not to mention the threat of only one ghost!

"Pfft!" After Qianya held up a ball of dazzling white light with both hands, the ghost blood wolf sitting on the high platform finally couldn't sit still, because he felt the tyrannical mana from the white light that was enough to threaten it. The blood shadow disappeared in a flash.

"Everyone have any means to use it quickly, if it is too late, you will lose your life, Feng Xiaohou! I know you still have a 'True Spirit Card' in your hand, do you really want to watch everyone die together! "Qianya's true spiritual card was activated until the last moment, and even started to encourage everyone to fight to the death. Although it seemed normal, Luo Yu always felt that there was something wrong with it, but right now no one dared to run, and he himself Know how to do this early bird, let people use it as a gun!

However, Feng Xiaohou was called out by name at this moment, and he had a conflict with Qianya before entering the maze. Interrupted, in the current situation, it seems that it is really unreasonable to evade.

"Okay! Feng will believe you once!" With a loud shout, Feng Xiaohou next to him rose into the air, and with a flick of his sleeve, a jade card with a blue light flew out, and the jade card turned around , suddenly issued a powerful momentum, and a blue spiritual energy vortex appeared in the air again, but it seemed to be different from Qianya's one. The power of Feng Xiaohou's True Spirit card was obviously weaker, but the speed of excitation was faster. And much faster!

The two True Spirit cards released dazzling brilliance together, illuminating the entire hall with incomparable brilliance, and for some reason, the nearly hundred ghosts were taken back by the two black shadows, and instead turned into thick black mist to envelop themselves, Thousands of ghosts are weeping inside, and howling ghosts seem to be enduring some great pain, while the black mist rolls rapidly for a while, turning into a huge mist image with a human face and a bull's nose. For the huge copper ring, there are ghosts constantly wriggling on the surface of the face, trying to struggle away, but it seems to be caught by something, very strange!

"Clang!" There was a melodious and crisp sword sound, and it turned out that Qianya's Zhenzhen spirit card was activated first, and the majesty of a Chinese-character face gradually appeared in the aura vortex that was more than twenty feet in size. For a middle-aged man, his eyes are like two broad swords, and there seems to be an indestructible idea contained in them.

And the middle-aged square-faced man just raised his hand, and four black-blue broadswords appeared in front of him, each of which was more than twenty feet long. Although these four giant swords were only formed by gathering spiritual energy , but it gives people a sense of thick and steady!

"Honorable Iron Sword!"

"It's the most powerful Patriarch of Alchemy in Nine Swords Valley!

"This person is willing to lose the Golden Elixir Essence to refine the Real Spirit Card. This power must be extraordinary!"

Just after the square-faced middle-aged man appeared, the stunned group of immortal cultivators below suddenly exclaimed. Although Luo Yu didn't know the origin of the square-faced middle-aged man, he understood the meaning of the word "Zunhou". The cultivator who symbolizes the peak cultivation level in the late stage of alchemy, who is only one step away from the creation of heaven and earth to form the supreme Nascent Soul, is also the most likely to reach the Nascent Soul stage. The existence of an opponent, only in that way can he be called a "Zunhou"!

There are quite a few Patriarchs of the Cuixia Sect where Luo Yu is now, but there is only one person who can get the title of 'Zunhou', and that is Liu Zonglin's father, Liu Qi, the head of the Cuixia Sect. The resounding name 'Cuiwei Zunhou'!

Unexpectedly, the real spirit card in Qianya's hand was obtained from a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, no wonder the power is much stronger than ordinary real spirit cards!

And when the middle-aged phantom saw the four black-blue iron swords condensed in front of him, he immediately separated his fingers and flicked his fingers away. The four giant swords seemed to have spirituality, and disappeared after a flash, and the next moment , among which three huge swords appeared in front of the two huge grimaces and the half-demon half-ghost blood wolf, and slashed down fiercely!

The faces of the two ghosts were dignified. The aura of the black-blue broadsword was too strong, and they were afraid to step forward for a while, but a frightening bloody light flashed in the eyes of the half-ghost, half-demon blood wolf!

"Finger twisting is a treasure! It only carries one-tenth of the power, nothing to fear!"

"Fairy Flame" has been updated with [-] words. After the exam today, I will go home tomorrow, and it will explode the day after tomorrow. All eyes are on it!


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