fairy flame

Chapter 316

The disdainful and arrogant roar was made by the blood wolf. When the blood wolf moved its feet, its whole body flew into the air. Afterwards, two huge wolf claws crossed and closed, and in bursts of cold light, suddenly appeared next to the broad sword in the air. Two blood-colored wolf claws, several feet in size, with bloody lights jumping on them, the wolf claws slammed on the blade of the broad sword, one left and one right, hitting the broad sword with aura, but the light emitted by the giant sword The bright sword light shot wildly like a hornet's nest, and also wiped out a lot of scarlet blood, but at this moment, the two huge wolf claws did not retreat but advanced, and grabbed and closed the broad sword fiercely. Being pinched in the air and trembling endlessly, the sword light and blood light burst out with a huge noise!

It is difficult to tell who is higher and who is lower between the two for a while!

On the other side, seeing the giant sword slashed down, the two huge ghost faces seemed to know that it was difficult to deal with them. With bloody mouths on the ghost faces, they spit out countless light green Yin Qi and strange winds. The black-blue broadsword was received, but before Grimace could be happy in the future, the broadsword broke through the blockage of the strange wind with a slight shake, and then fell down again. Countless green flames flew up and collided with the broad sword. The green flames were so spiritual that they all jumped on the giant sword. Immediately, the green light and green light of the two were intertwined, and the broad sword was temporarily blocked in the air!

"Xuanyin ghost fire!" Luo Yu was shocked when he saw the faint green flame. He had seen it in the "Sura Bone Path" exercise. The Xuanyin ghost fire is a kind of poisonous flame. Ghost cultivators are very famous, as long as they can be attached to the magic weapon of the immortal cultivator, the spirituality of the magic weapon will be greatly damaged immediately, and the drive will not work!

It's just that the three-flavored real fire of the immortal cultivator happens to be the nemesis of this mysterious yin ghost fire. The masculine flame of the three-flavored real fire can overcome all evils, and has a strong ability to restrain demons, ghosts, and demons. Of course, this so-called Restraint also depends on who it is. For example, the "Shagu Demonic Flame" recorded in "Sura Bone Path" is not restrained by Sanwei Zhenhuo, but such examples are rare. Generally speaking, ghost cultivators Immortal cultivators of the demonic way are indeed generally stronger than those of the righteous way in the Qi training period, and in the foundation building period, the monks of the righteous way of the foundation building period can suppress the monks of the two ways of ghosts and demons with the help of the three flavors of real fire. The spirit can drive the Xuanyin will-o'-the-wisp, and there is no foundation-building stage cultivator present, I'm afraid it will suffer a big loss!

Except for Luo Yu, and besides Luo Yu, I am afraid that none of the immortal cultivators present can use the Sanwei Zhenhuo that can only be mastered by immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period.

When Luo Yu was thinking about whether to help, he suddenly found that Qianya's eyes turned in midair, looking at him for no reason!

When Luo Yu saw this look, his heart suddenly jumped, and he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis. Then he saw the three broadswords fighting fiercely with the three ghosts in the air, and immediately thought of a possibility!

"Pfft!" There was a slight explosion, not far from Luo Yu's body, there was a wave of aura, and the last of the four broadswords suddenly cut out from the void, extremely fast, and with an invincible force The will shot at Luo Yu!

Facing the twenty-foot wide sword, Luo Yu's hair stood on end, and he could tell at a glance that he was invincible. Although he couldn't understand why Qian Ya, a lunatic, dealt with him at this critical moment, he had already grasped it in his hand. The jet-black iron shuttle was brilliant and generous in an instant, and at the same time, Luo Yu's whole body flashed with azure light. Under the interweaving of the two kinds of brilliance, the whole person avoided the past like a fleeting shadow.

And the other Cuixia faction disciple next to Luo Yu was not so lucky, he was chopped off without knowing why, and the scorching bright red blood sprayed on Luo Yu's body, dyeing the latter like a blood man. !

"Qianya! You dare to kill my disciple Cuixia, I will never end with you!" After the broad sword slashed, Feng Xiaohou, who had finished casting the spell in mid-air, was furious when he saw this scene. On the gleaming blue spirit card, a handsome middle-aged face appeared in it, it was Feng Yi, the deputy head of the Cuixia sect.

After the cyan Feng Yi appeared, he made a gesture with a cold expression, and a giant cyan lotus appeared in front of him, nearly ten feet in length!

The giant lotus turned around, and the lotus opened its petals in an instant, bursting out countless cyan lotus petals. The cyan lotus petals spun rapidly, like a pair of cyan sickles, flying wildly in the sky, with amazing penetrating power, high-level magic in the air All the artifacts were cut in half by one blow, and after those low- and middle-level magic artifacts were affected, the magic artifacts that were cut directly were shattered and turned into a pile of broken copper and rotten iron!

These hundreds of lotus petals enveloped Qianya, the three ghosts, and the two golden-armored puppets all at once!

Right now, the power of the blue lotus is so amazing that everyone thought that Qianya would fall, the latter suddenly burst into laughter, and then the phantom of the middle-aged man with a square face in Nine Swords Valley who had not yet dissipated in the air spit out another breath of white air, This white air pierced through the lotus flower and appeared directly at the bottom of Qianya's feet. With a flicker of white light, the latter flew out, avoiding the pursuit of hundreds of lotus petals!

And all of this, from Qian Ya's sudden attack on the disciples of the Cuixia sect, to Feng Xiaohou's hateful attack, all of this happened in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Luo Yu saw the tragic situation of being dismembered by his fellow disciples, and he was covered in blood. He had just woken up from the attack of the broadsword that gathered spiritual energy, and at the first sight he saw Qianya's feet disappearing with white air. Luo Yu Suddenly his whole body was shocked, and without saying a word, he turned into a ray of dark blue light and disappeared in place!

And at the same time Luo Yu disappeared, the purple light barrier that originally protected many treasures from flying out unexpectedly made an earth-shattering explosion, rumbling like thunder rolling in the sky, and I saw Qian Ya commanding the last broadsword just now, except to deal with Cuixia sect disciples , unexpectedly rushed towards the purple light restriction with undiminished prestige, this restriction was behind Luo Yu, even Luo Yu didn't think of this when he was frightened at the time!

It was only after Qianya disappeared that Luo Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong, Qianya wanted to kill two birds with one stone!

However, although this person has calculated everything well, the sky is not as expected. He can't calculate that Luo Yu's cultivation base has broken through to the peak of Qi training period, and his speed is not the same as before!

When the purple light made a loud noise, under the full blow of the huge broadsword, a crack like a water wave suddenly appeared, and then there was a "wave" sound, and a huge crack was cut. Almost at the same time as the crack appeared, a white One black and one blue and two streaks of light shot in at the same time!

And after these two people went in, there was a young man in brocade clothes who was stepping on lotus petals, followed behind him, and rushed in after him in a blink of an eye!

Unexpectedly, Feng Xiaohou did not know what kind of secret method he used, and his speed soared all of a sudden!

"They want to steal the treasure! Stop them!"

"Everyone go grab it!"

After the three of them went in, many people saw a breach in the barrier protecting the treasure. They were still working hard outside at the moment, but someone wanted to take the treasure first. A magic weapon for puppet fighting, I want to go in and grab the treasure!

The fastest among this group of disciples are naturally Zhang Meng from the Ancient Medicine Sect and Liu Sisi from the Yunhuan Sect. The faces of the two are full of shock and anger. , Naturally, I was extremely anxious!

"Whoever dares to take the treasure, I will kill him!" The voice was made by the half-demon, half-ghost blood wolf. After he roared suddenly, his figure disappeared in place, and then appeared in an instant. In the sky above the purple light barrier, a ferocious look appeared on his ferocious and terrifying face. Two huge wolf claws slapped fiercely, and the same huge blood-colored claw shadow appeared in the sky above the barrier, unexpectedly covering the entire barrier, and then Another puff of purple cold smoke spewed out from the wolf's mouth. As soon as the cold smoke appeared, the temperature inside the restraint dropped suddenly. Any immortal cultivator entering it would be slowed down. The wolf paw was shot to death!

All these changes happened in the blink of a finger, in the blink of an eye, after Luo Yu and Qianya rushed in first, the targets of both of them turned out to be the blue rapier with fish scales engraved on it!

Everyone can see that although there are many treasures inside, the ancient sword is undoubtedly the most well-deserved No. Time, attack is the best defense!

And the aura emanating from this cyan long sword is so strong, its power is absolutely extraordinary!

The two of them caught up with the ancient sword that was shuttling around at almost the same time. Qian Ya moved two fingers, and two or three white sword auras appeared in front of the flight path of the cyan long sword. The long sword was missed, and the direction of the deflection happened to be aimed at Qian Ya, who couldn't help but feel ecstatic!

With one hand stretched out, the ancient sword was about to fall into his hand!

But at this moment, a shadowless and invisible slender embroidery needle suddenly appeared between the two. This thin needle magic weapon is the most vicious and difficult to defend against among all magic weapons, and many of them are still poisonous. poison!

"Xianyan" is updated today, and it will explode for everyone tomorrow!

This is exactly the Soulless Needle Artifact that Luo Yu snatched from Qian Ya!

This time, Qianya's face was full of struggle and anger. Although he had taken a fancy to the blue long sword at a glance, his plan was so thorough, and there were no mistakes in the middle, but now at the most critical moment, he was raped. If you intervene, your heart will feel like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and you will fall short!


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