fairy flame

Chapter 319 Fighting the Ghosts

At this moment, the black iron chain that reappeared was very close to Luo Yu, but at this moment, the golden canopy above Luo Yu's head suddenly released a large amount of golden brilliance, as if a golden wall appeared in front of Luo Yu, the glass was shining brightly, Impressive!

In the blink of an eye, the black iron chain hit the golden wall straightly, like a winding python, wrapping around the golden wall and beating fiercely. This Yin Qi iron chain is indeed the method used by the cultivators in the foundation-building period. After the white net was destroyed once, it was still so tenacious. The golden mask of the Xuanjin Baozhu had no effect on it, and the iron chains became tighter and tighter around the golden wall. Although it failed to break through directly, the opponent seemed to intend to consume Luo Yu's mana, I want to overwhelm Luo Yu with the thick and long mana!

In such a situation, how could Luo Yu fail to see it? He swung his wrist without hesitation, and saw the string of mind beads on his wrist fly out and stop quietly above the golden canopy. Luo Yu quickly made a formula with both hands. , the string of white jade Buddha beads suddenly emitted a majestic white cloud, and the voice of Tian Lai Sanskrit came faintly from within the white cloud!

After the white jade-like bright Baixia appeared, the golden wall seemed to be coated with a layer of white paint, and the majestic black iron chain met Baixia just now, as if it had seen something extremely terrifying, it quickly disappeared. Shrinking back, the black light was shining brightly and wanted to leave, Luo Yu naturally refused to give up, rolled up Bai Xia fiercely as a hood, and wanted to beat the dog in the water!

"Buddhist treasure! It seems that I have underestimated you, but that's all." The Buddhist treasure can restrain evil ghosts, and the scene in front of it can fully prove it, but the other party doesn't seem to be very afraid.

"Hmph! No matter how good the treasure is! It depends on the owner!" Heiying laughed darkly, and the purple giant ax beside him instantly appeared in Heiying's hand. Flying out, the light and shadow were extremely fast, and it touched Baixia at once. With just a slight shake, the light and shadow sliced ​​through Baixia like tofu. In front of Yu.

"Boom!" Ziying slashed onto the golden wall continuously, like two sharp weapons colliding, making a huge rubbing and piercing sound. After breaking Luo Yu's two defenses, Zi Ying seemed to have been weakened a lot, and finally hit Luo Yu's centipede shield, and finally collapsed uncontrollably, and Luo Yu also let out a muffled groan, his face ugly Incomparable!

One hit!The opponent absolutely didn't use all his strength, and he broke through his own two layers of defenses before being blocked, and the mind bead on the top of his head didn't have much power left. Right now, he really can't have any more secrets. You can only die with peace!

"Seven stars in one! Slash!" Luo Yu shouted loudly, and the seven-star yin fire blades hovering behind the centipede shield came out one after another, and then stopped in the air and intertwined rapidly, transforming into a gigantic [-]-foot-long spear in just one breath. The giant sword of the sky, the giant sword appeared above the head of the slender black shadow in a flash, and with a powerful spiritual wind, it slashed down fiercely!

This move can be said to have poured most of Luo Yu's spiritual power, and the fifteen-foot-long sword released was astonishingly powerful. Knowing that such spells as 'Great Sword Technique' and 'Great Sword Technique' are not trivial, I was a little surprised.

I saw a lot of yin qi emanating from the black shadow all rushing towards the purple axe. With the help of the thick yin qi, this giant ax known as a ghost weapon finally showed its power. Under the package, it quickly flew to the top of the black shadow, and then a hazy purple light was emitted from the giant axe. It is formed by the gathering of purple brilliance, dazzling, like stars.

And Luo Yu's giant knife cut to the top of the purple ax that was less than half the length of the blade, green light and purple air intertwined and exploded, and a violent wave of wind and air burst out, blowing Luo Yu back again and again, and then a faint purple awn flashed at the center of the explosion , came to Luo Yu in the blink of an eye, but when he was about to hit Luo Yu, he was dodged by the latter's black and blue brilliance flashing.

Just when the ghost wanted to continue to command the giant ax to pursue, he suddenly felt an inexplicable danger in his external consciousness, and something faint and undetectable broke into his consciousness!

"Pfft!" There was a slight cry, and an invisible long needle suddenly appeared between the brows of the ghost, and plunged into the black mist!

When the thin needle appeared, it was already less than a foot away from the shadow of the ghost, and even Luo Yu's face showed a hint of triumph after the plot had succeeded, but the expression froze on his face the next moment!

I saw the ghost floated back unhurriedly, and then spit out a cloud of black wind with its mouth open. The black wind seemed to be formed after compression. After reaching the thin needle, the Yin wind suddenly exploded, and the explosive airflow hit the thin needle, and immediately sent the latter flying!

Between calcium carbide and sparks, this ghost was able to react, which was beyond Luo Yu's expectation!

"Flying needle sneak attack? You really have a lot of means, but our ghosts have already possessed the same consciousness as the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period, and the power of the divine consciousness can be understood especially by you immortal cultivators in the Qi training period! "The high-pitched voice in the shadow didn't fluctuate at all. After taking a few steps back and stopping, he said disdainfully. It seemed that Luo Yu's long-planned sneak attack just now couldn't arouse the other party's interest!

"Really, how do you know that the flying needle is my last resort?" Luo Yu waved his hand expressionlessly and retracted the soulless needle. Stormy storm, wave after wave will not stop!

"What!" Hearing the words, the ghost immediately felt that something was wrong, but before he could make a move, several red clouds suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and a hot breath rushed towards his face. After she calmed down by running her consciousness, when she looked around again, she found that she was actually in a burning attic!

The first update of "Xianyan", I'm still not used to typing all night at night, but Youdao will definitely be able to adjust it, thank you for your concern recently.


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