fairy flame

Chapter 320 Fighting the Ghosts

The surrounding jade platforms, stone walls, etc. were all covered by a layer of flames, and the sound of fire and wind was whistling. Moreover, fire snakes about a foot long appeared continuously from the burning attic, reflecting the black shadows and the surrounding black mist. It was dyed a layer of red, and in the blink of an eye, the temperature in the attic suddenly soared!

Moreover, after the appearance of the flame wall sealed off on all sides, nine fire-armored puppets wearing red armor and holding long knives jumped out of the field. These nine fire-armored puppets occupy nine special positions, firmly locking the ghosts !

"Fire armor puppet, Jiuli flame formation! How can you control the fire armor puppet and the big formation in the pavilion!" Suddenly appeared in a large flame formation, the voice of the ghost shadow was full of surprise, screaming asked loudly!

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you!" Luo Yu directly directed the nine fire-armored puppets to absorb the fire-attribute spiritual power in the formation, and then transferred all of them to their respective long knives, gradually covering all nine long knives A layer of crimson flames, the long knife at this moment is like a red-hot iron, with a long flame tail between swings!

"Come together!" Luo Yu yelled softly, and the nine long knives of the nine fire armor puppets flew out of their hands quickly, red light flashed wildly, two were in front, three were in the middle, and four were in the back. Flying in a mysterious trajectory, like a fire dragon wagging its tail, it fiercely drew towards the shadow of the ghost spirit!

"Hmph, so what can you do with the assistance of a puppet? Today, I will let you know that in the face of extreme strength, any means are nothing more than fancy tricks!" But the purple giant ax turned into a mass of purple streamer, and slashed at the nine flame knives fiercely!

"Boom!" The nine flaming long knives and the purple giant ax collided together. After a burst of spiritual light burst, there was a series of bangs and bangs of weapons shattering. Luo Yu looked surprised and saw the nine The flame long knife was assisted by formations, but it was smashed by the purple giant axe without a single face-to-face!

Luo Yu deeply remembers that when he faced the attack of the nine-handed flame long knife, although he had some advantages at the beginning, he was immediately assisted by the fire attribute of the Jiuli Yanhuo Formation and slowly turned his advantage into a disadvantage. Before the support of the flame array had any effect, it was directly defeated!

Seeing that the purple giant ax was merciless, it slashed at the nine fire-armored puppets in a flash of brilliance. Luo Yu wanted to destroy the fire-armored puppets, but naturally Luo Yu couldn't let the other party destroy all of them. Suddenly flew out the main banner of the Qijuetu Spirit Formation, and with a slight shake of the banner, the Qixing Yinhuoblade magic weapon flew again, but it flew according to a mysterious trajectory, and suddenly the seven black and green beams of light suddenly Appeared inside the four walls of flames again, tightly surrounding the ghosts!

Then the seven black and green beams of light suddenly burst into countless black and green brilliance, all of which gathered in the center of the beam of light, and gradually a black and green astrolabe appeared, spinning continuously, absorbing the brilliance of the seven black and green beams, and the aura it emitted became stronger and stronger!

Unexpectedly, after the ghost released the purple axe, it did not break through the nine fire-armored puppets. Instead, the flames spewed out by the nine fire-armored puppets formed a long flame dragon, which continuously replenished the support of fire-attributed spiritual power on the four walls of flames. Next, it was actually entangled with that purple giant axe!

The two fought fiercely to such an extent that Luo Yu had been coping with it all the time, but Ghost Ling didn't pay much attention to it. Until Luo Yu showed endless tricks, Ghost Ling finally stopped his contempt and began to take it seriously!

Hei Ying waved his hand, first took back the purple giant axe, then stared at the black and green astrolabe, waved his hand suddenly with a sinking momentum, and immediately threw the purple giant ax out, then shook his body slightly, There were actually eight blood lights flying out from the black mist, and the blood light rolled slightly, revealing eight bloody naked corpses, every sentence of the corpses was full of dead air and blood light, and the flesh and skin were festered , the eyeballs are pale, but it gives people a feeling of hard iron!

"Hey, let my newly refined eight blood slaves and your puppets play first, and watch my mysterious ghost fire! Break it for me!" After the ghost released the eight blood corpses, he directed the blood corpses and Luo Yu's The fire armor puppet fought together, and then spit out dozens of balls of green flames with another mouth, exuding a cold breath, and rushed straight to the four walls of flames!

And at this time, Luo Yu exhausted his energy and finally managed to condense the seven-star disk and finally succeeded. He saw a black-green disk mixed with seven stars, which collided fiercely with the purple giant axe. Underneath, the three attacks made loud noises, and each released dazzling aura, and there was a stalemate between the collisions. Luo Yu's seven-star plate unexpectedly withstood the full blow of the ghost, which made the latter feel a little bit of pain. A bad feeling.

It seems that Luo Yu's strength cannot be judged by his cultivation, especially when Luo Yu's attacks are getting stronger and stronger!

"Chi Chi!" At the same time as the Seven Star Disk collided with the purple giant axe, the faint green flame finally hit the four walls of flames, and immediately pushed the latter back. The most common innate true fire is quite different from the ghost's Xuanyin ghost fire.

Seeing that the four walls of flames were about to be pierced, the ghost was not happy yet, but at this moment there was a sudden change. Dozens of red and yellow flames suddenly descended from the sky, the size of a fist, and the spiritual pressure was overwhelming!

These dozens of groups of red and yellow flames joined the battle with the Xuanyin will-o'-the-wisp at once, and it was Luo Yu's trump card 'Sanwei Zhenhuo'!

Sanweizhenhuo is the fire of Taoist Xuanmen, which specializes in destroying all kinds of evil ghosts, and it is the nemesis of the insidious flames such as Xuanyin ghost fire!

After receiving the help of the Sanwei Zhenhuo, the flame walls on all sides suddenly swelled up, and the red and yellow flames swooped down, and many Xuanyin ghost fires could be extinguished in an instant, and the remaining Xuanyin ghost fires had no time to escape , was caught up immediately, and the three-flavored real fire directly wrapped the Xuanyin ghost fire, and burned it into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated in less than a moment!

"Sanwei Zhenhuo! This is impossible!" Facing the strength of Luo Yu Sanwei Zhenhuo, Gui Ling finally shouted in horror, as if she had encountered something that made her terrified.

The second update of "Fairy Flame" has arrived, the plot of the secret realm is about to end, and Luo Yu's new road to foundation building will also begin.

There are still a lot of highlights this week, Yanzi leave a comment after reading it, you can add the essence to everyone.


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