fairy flame

Chapter 321

After Luo Yu's Sanwei Zhenhuo wiped out the Xuanyin ghost fire like lightning, he quickly commanded the masculine fire to rush towards the ghost spirit. All the energy was poured into the purple giant axe. In an instant, this ghost weapon finally changed. The original purple color turned into purple-black, and immediately emitted a powerful mana wave, which directly broke the deadlock, fierce It smashed Luo Yu's seven-star disk, and then flew back to Soi Ying's side!

Right now, the black shadow ghost spirit seems not to dare to fight Luo Yu fiercely surrounded by the three-flavored real fire. A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the giant axe, and it swiftly slashed towards one of the fire walls. It wanted to break out of the encirclement. Her eight blood slaves couldn't care less, and with the full blow of the ghost weapon running the ghost weapon, she was absolutely confident that she would be able to hack a way out!

It's just that Luo Yu naturally wouldn't let her escape easily, and quickly typed out the seal formula with both hands, and the flames of the four walls of flames around them suddenly rose, and four beams of red and yellow flames were sprayed out at the same time, and the four beams of light quickly mixed together. Together, it immediately became the thickness of a bucket, directly blocking the purple axe!

The two powerful attacks collided in an instant, and after the purple light and flame collided, there was a 'chichi' explosion sound!

After Luo Yu's Sanwei Zhenhuo has been boosted by Ziyang gourd, it is hotter and more refined than that released by ordinary immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment stage. It can be said that it does not belong to the category of Qi training stage, and is equivalent to a mid-foundation cultivator. Attacking!

The strength of ghosts is comparable to that of the foundation-building stage, but it is the early stage of foundation-building when it reaches the sky. Previously, it could destroy several layers of Luo Yu's defenses with a single gesture with overwhelming strength, but facing so many Sanwei Zhenhuo, it is Some are struggling!

What surprised Luo Yu was that the purple giant ax was made of unknown material, but after cutting into the beam of light formed by Sanwei real fire, it was trapped and burned by several groups of real fire. But it was still able to release a deep purple brilliance to protect the ax body, and it was difficult for Sanwei Zhenhuo to refine it for a while!

But even so, the purple giant ax is connected with the ghost spirit, and the purple ax is trapped in the real fire for refining, so the ghost spirit can't bear it!

"No, if this continues, sooner or later my spiritual power will be exhausted. The Sanwei Zhenhuo won't be able to kill her until it's exhausted. It seems that I can only use that thing!" Luo Yu looked at the eight puppets and his fire armor puppet. Regardless of physical strength, you punched and kicked the fighting blood slave, then glanced at the slightly pale face of the ghost, and then felt the spiritual power that was rapidly draining from the body, and immediately made up your mind!

He quickly slapped the storage bag, and suddenly there was a purple wooden token in his hand. It was the life-saving means given to him by the third sister Luo Qingqing, and he got the "Real Spirit" token from the "Mrs. Fang" patriarch ', Luo Yu has been hiding until now to use it!

This time, Luo Yu went all out, and focused all the little spiritual power left in his body into the purple wooden sign. Suddenly, the spiritual energy in the Hall of True Fire fluctuated, quickly turning into a purple vortex and appearing above Luo Yu's head!

"True spirit card!" The ghost on the opposite side screamed, this time Luo Yu finally heard the smell of fear and fear from the other party's tone. Back in the central hall, Qianya's real spirit card forced the three monsters to work together Even if Luo Yu in front of her is not as powerful as Qianya, it is definitely not something that a mere ghost can forcefully undo, and she is still surrounded by Sanwei Zhenhuo at this moment!

"Wait a minute, fellow daoist! If fellow daoist is willing to stop, today's matter will be cancelled, and how about our three brothers and sisters never getting entangled with you?" Seeing Luo Yu exerting all his strength, the purple wooden sign absorbed more and more spiritual power , the power is getting bigger and bigger, the opposite ghost can't help but ask for mercy, it really changes as soon as it says it will.

But Luo Yu sneered and didn't answer. Believing that the other party will reconcile with you at this time is undoubtedly digging his own grave. A fool would do that, and now that he has reached a critical moment in casting a spell, if he stops halfway, he may not return. Will be backlashed by spiritual power, the two of them are already in an endless situation, saying anything more is nonsense!

Seeing that Luo Yu remained unmoved, the face of the opposite ghost suddenly became extremely ferocious, the black mist around him fluctuated sharply, and screamed, "Since you don't know how to praise, don't regret it later!"

The voice was extremely cold and full of threats!

I saw Gui Ling turned his hands over, and then slapped his chest and abdomen fiercely, and immediately spit out a mouthful of black blood essence. Under the command of Gui Ling's Yin Jue, the black blood essence turned into a black sharp arrow, directly piercing the Sanwei Zhen Wrapped in fire, the black blood essence hit the purple giant ax at once, and then the purple light and black light on the giant ax intertwined for a while, turning into a viscous purple-black aura!

At this time, the huge ax was shrouded in two kinds of brilliance, purple and black, and suddenly burst into screams of howling ghosts and wolves, which was creepy. Before Luo Yu's real spirit card was cast, the purple giant ax took a step ahead. Wrapped in purple-black light, it directly broke through the package of Sanwei Zhenhuo, and then slashed on the four walls of flames!

"Boom!" The four walls of flames were just the illusion of the Jiuli flame formation, and they were not very powerful. They were easily broken by the purple-black giant axe, revealing a gap several feet long!

And at this moment, Luo Yu's True Spirit card finally condensed a phantom image of a middle-aged beautiful woman's face, her eyes were cold and majestic. The big purple white hand fell down hard!

Spiritual Transformation!What was sealed in Luo Yu's True Spirit Card turned out to be the Spiritual Transformation Technique!It is one of the methods commonly used by the ancestors of the alchemy period!

"Haha, although your spell is powerful, it's a pity that it's too slow for you to activate it!" Hei Ying glanced at the big purple crystal hand that fell above his head, and laughed out loud!

Afterwards, the black shadow was covered by a thick layer of black mist, and Guanghua flashed and was about to leave along the passage that was just cut, but only flew a few feet away, and one of the fire armored puppets was fighting fiercely with the blood slave refining corpse , suddenly disregarding the flying fist of the blood slave refining the corpse, and turned his head to the side, just in time for the black shadow that was about to pass by him!

I saw the fire armor puppet opened its mouth and spit out, and a bright blue ball flew out of its mouth, but at this moment, the black shadow would never have thought that the fire armor puppet had hidden secrets in its mouth, and was caught by the blue bead without warning. The colored ball hit the body directly!

"Boom!" There was a thunderous explosion, and the blue ball burst open. Amidst the screams of the black shadow, several bright silver lightning bolts fell from the sky and hit the black shadow ghost directly. It was the attack of Tianleizi!

As we all know, magic tools and spells with thunder attributes have a strong restraint on monks of ghosts or demons, almost like natural enemies!

This day, Lei Zi was something that even the orthodox immortal cultivators of the Foundation Establishment period did not dare to forcefully solve. Now that it hit the ghost, the latter didn't even have time to let out a scream, and was scrambled by the power of thunder and lightning, with a buzzing in his head. The sound and the six senses are also paralyzed!

At the same time, a large amount of green smoke suddenly rose from the black mist, and a burning smell emanated from the black shadow.

From the beginning, Luo Yu used this move as the final arrangement, and has been hiding it until now. From using the soulless needle to force the ghost to take a few steps back into his formation, to now the fire armor puppet spit out Tianleizi is an ambush designed by Luo Yu's ingenuity, and the rings of schemes are closely connected. If all the previous methods can't eliminate this ghost, the True Spirit card above his head is undoubtedly Luo Yu's last hole card .

While Gui Ling was paralyzed by Tianleizi and unable to move, the big purple hand following behind Gui Ling finally came to Gui Ling, and he slapped it without hesitation!

"No!" The strength of the ghost spirit is comparable to that of the foundation building period. After roaring, he regained consciousness in a moment, but his body was still paralyzed by the power of lightning, and he could no longer escape!

Seeing the big purple hand slapping it down, Gui Ling felt a look of despair, but he was not reconciled to the destruction of a century-old cultivation base. With a movement of his divine sense, dozens of ghosts flew out of the black mist. These ghosts were all extremely vicious , after appearing, immediately pounced on the big purple hand!

At the same time, the purple ax that just flew out seemed to have a sense of wanting to fly back, but it was blocked in front of several balls of three-flavored real fire as if it had been expected. Now the ghosts cannot give the purple ax mana support, naturally not The opponents of Sanwei Zhenhuo rushed left and right under the package of Sanwei Zhenhuo, but to no avail.

"Bang bang bang!" These ghosts are overthinking their own abilities, but they don't know that this big purple hand has a trace of the power of the golden core essence in the alchemy stage. As soon as the two touch each other, they are easily smashed into black smoke by the big purple hand and dissipate. Breaking through the blockage of Li Gui, the giant hand clapped the black shadow's head, quickly pressed it down, and only heard the sound of 'pa', the latter's body burst, and before he even had time to let out a scream, it turned into a cloud of deep black mist that slowly drifted away go!

At this time, Luo Yu's gums were about to bleed from biting his gums, which was a sign of a serious overdraft of mana, but when he saw the dark black mist trying to drift away, he still managed to use a tactic, and the soul refining in his arms The banner flew out with a 'whoosh' sound, and then released a faint black light, but when this black light touched the black mist, it immediately sucked all the black mist that had not yet dispersed like a long whale sucking water!

In less than a moment, the black light emitted by the Soul Refining Banner became more and more intense, and the speed at which it absorbed the black mist also increased greatly. In just a few breaths, the black mist in the entire hall was completely absorbed.

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