fairy flame

Chapter 326 "Tianluo Dao Sutra" and "5 Thunder Yan Formation"

It is not stated in which era this old sword saint appeared in the world of cultivating immortals, but this 'sword saint old man' claims to be the descendant of the Tiandao lineage, and his cultivation has reached the astonishing Nascent Soul stage!

Moreover, the kung fu practiced by this person is an ancient magical formula called "Tianluo Sword Sutra", which is very powerful after successful cultivation.

Back then, when the Dao Sheng old man practiced this technique and reached the Nascent Soul stage, he was just over [-] years old. He was considered to be the kind of person with extraordinary talents. With several great supernatural powers in the "Tian Luo Dao Jing", his strength can almost match A monk in the mid-Yuanying period, and the old man Dao Sheng is free and unrestrained, saving people and killing people depends on his own preferences, so he is also a hero in the world of cultivating immortals, and no one dares to provoke him.

And when the five-hundred-year-old upright Yuanying period was full of spirits, this "sword sage old man" also thought highly of himself, thinking that the world could go anywhere, but he didn't want to discover a teleportation from the ancient times when he was passing through the Western Xia Kingdom in Mengzhou. Formation, the old sword sage asked himself that he had achieved a little success in the formation, and after carefully studying the ancient formation written in the teleportation formation, he was shocked immediately!

The complexity of the ancient text of the teleportation array is rare in the world, and it was definitely not something that could be arranged by the world of cultivating immortals at that time. Seeing this scene, the old sword saint immediately thought that this was probably laid by a certain powerful person from ancient times. Yes, maybe there is some peerless treasure left behind on the other side of the teleportation array, I am very happy right now.

Just when this 'sword sage old man' wanted to study it carefully, he didn't expect that the teleportation array was suddenly brilliant and generous, as if it had been activated by someone, a crazy middle-aged man ran out of the teleportation, unkempt, Behaving strangely.

After this strange person appeared, he launched an attack on the 'Sword Saint Old Man' without saying a word. The 'Sword Saint Old Man' never dreamed that this strange person who suddenly appeared was a 'Spiritual Master' with dual attributes of wind and thunder. Luo Yu has never heard of the word, but it is recorded on this rag that it is the respectful title of the great monk in the world of cultivating the Nascent Soul for the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and it means "Supreme of All Souls". I thought it was an exaggerated statement.

But what happened next made Luo Yu a little suspicious. It is said that the 'Ling Zun' can control a certain type of spiritual power within a certain range. Within the enchantment of spiritual power, the power of any cultivator's five-element spells will be greatly reduced, which is equivalent to being played by others in the applause!

This is the scary thing about the great monks in the late Yuanying period, but Luo Yu doesn't seem to have much fear and surprise in his heart. Like their current world of cultivating immortals, within the scope of Luo Yu's understanding, it seems that there is still There is no great monk in the late Yuanying period, let alone the late Yuanying period, there is not a single immortal cultivator in the middle period of Yuanying in Mengzhou. For the realm of the late Yuanying period, Luo Yu is basically a myth for the so-called master of the world look at it.

But at that time, the 'Sword Saint Old Man' was facing a spirit venerable with dual attributes of wind and thunder. He raised his hand and raised his feet, thunder burst, and the wind and cloud changed color and rolled. It was really like the power of heaven descending. The holy old man was at a disadvantage. Before he could use all his skills, he was easily destroyed by the strange man, severely injuring the Nascent Soul.

Originally, the 'Sword Saint Old Man' thought he would die just like that, but he didn't want this weird man to stop his hand suddenly at the last moment and fly away from that place in an instant.

However, the 'Sword Saint Old Man' who escaped by chance was seriously injured, his body was destroyed, and his Nascent Soul was already on the verge of collapse. It won't be long before his soul will fly away and disappear into the world.

At that time, the old sword saint tried everything he could to save it, and he didn't dare to go to the Nascent Soul stage monks in Mengzhou for treatment. After all, after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, the immortal cultivators are almost like monsters. All of them are rich, and when their strength is greatly damaged, the other party will probably make trouble. Similarly, the old sword saint is afraid that the strange person who suddenly appeared will come again, so he wants to find a place to hide himself.

After asking around, I learned that there is an ancient relic in Mengzhou, which is now the "Zhong Ling Secret Realm". I heard that there is a heaven-defying elixir that can bring the dead back to life in the secret realm, and it is also a good place to hide from the world, so The old sword sage broke in, but because of his mortal body, he could only exert the cultivation equivalent to the Qi training period even if he tried his best to consume the essence of the Nascent Soul.

As a result, it was naturally Huluo Pingyang who was bullied by the dog. Not only did he not find the heaven-defying elixir in the secret realm, but he was injured again after the battle with the monster, and almost died. The man, exhausted with exhaustion, opened up such a cave in the central hall, and left the mechanism for future generations.

Moreover, because the body of Dao Sheng was broken up back then, the storage bag was also snatched away by the strange man. Only the two treasures he carried with him were saved under the package of Nascent Soul.

When the old man Dao Sheng sat on his deathbed, he put all these two treasures in this black iron box. This box was found by the old man Dao Sheng casually in an ancient residence in the maze, and it was of no great use. But it is extremely strong, and it has not decayed from ancient times to the present, so it should be used for preservation.

Therefore, the old sword saint left two copies of the unique knowledge of the Heavenly Sword lineage to future generations, hoping to continue this lineage so that the inheritance will not be interrupted in his own hands.

Among them, the shiny purple page is the "Tianluo Dao Jing", and the other half-old ancient book is the same as "Tian Luo Dao Sutra" when the previous "Sword Saint" passed on his mantle when the old Dao Sheng was not yet famous. The Sutra was handed over to him together, and it was called "Five Thunder Yan Formation", which is the unique skill of the ancient school "Five Thunder Sect". Five Thunder Formation".

The first update of "Fairy Flame", and the second update will be released soon, I hope everyone will support and vote.

Today, when Youdao wrote this chapter, he hesitated for a long time, because this chapter revealed some plots from a long, long time later. I was wondering whether to write it like this. After all, everyone said that "Xianyan" belongs to the mortal type , This is indeed true. Mortals have given me inspiration. Like ordinary people, I belong to the slow-moving kind. Usually, when the plot reaches a certain point, I will bring up things related to this realm. It shouldn’t be when the protagonist’s realm is very low. It’s time to write about some things in the future, but I think I am me, what I should write is the fairy in my mind, breaking free from the cage, jumping out of the confinement, I should write it when I think of it, otherwise it’s a waste of God It gave me inspiration, so I still wrote it like this, I hope everyone can understand.


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