fairy flame

Chapter 327

Luo Yu couldn't help his eyelids twitching wildly when he saw the end. The ashes that were thrown just now turned out to be transformed by an immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, so what he did just now was disrespectful, but when Luo Yu thought that he had gotten two books for nothing. The ancient miraculous cultivation technique, and I am very excited. There is really an ancient cultivation inheritance in this Xuanji Jade Bi.

Being able to get such a great opportunity, Luo Yu felt that his trip to the secret realm was really right.

However, if you want to practice this technique of the Heavenly Sword Lineage, you must admit that you are the descendant of the Heavenly Sword Lineage, and there is an explanation above. To practice this technique, you must have the rare golden spiritual root in the world of cultivating immortals. Only the owner of the golden spirit root can practice.

The threshold is a bit stricter, but for Luo Yu, he can satisfy both requirements. First of all, he is the owner of the three spiritual roots, and there is a faint trace of golden spiritual roots in it, which can be cultivated. The matter of passing on to others is not a big deal, it is not just multiple identities, if you don't tell it, who will know.

Luo Yu just took it for peace of mind and admitted that he was the descendant of this line. Besides, after so many years, the line of Tiandao probably disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals long ago, and most people would not know if it was said.

After figuring it out, Luo Yu slowly put away the rags, and then turned his attention to the other two items in the box. Luo Yu first took the shiny purple page in his hand, and after looking at it, his eyes A strange color flashed in his eyes, and he curled his lips with a helpless expression, and actually put it into the storage bag!

"This kind of book page was made by monks in ancient times using special materials. The spiritual sense can't see the content at all. Unless my cultivation base has reached the foundation building stage, the spiritual sense has transformed into a spiritual sense. Only the spiritual sense can read it. " Luo Yu said to himself in his heart, he had heard a little about this kind of 'kung fu book'.

In ancient times, it was not recognized that the monks in the Qi training period belonged to the category of immortal cultivators. The ancient monks believed that the Qi training period was between the world of mortals and the world of cultivating immortals, and it was an excessive time, so the Qi training period at that time Immortal cultivators who want to learn the exercises will go to the dojos of high-ranking monks everywhere, listen to the altar, and then go back to experience it slowly.

When the cultivation base enters the foundation building period, you can join the sect, and use your spiritual consciousness to read the content of the "Cultivation Book Page" in the sect.

Therefore, the purple page in Luo Yu's hand can be said to be an ancient thing. Although the ancient exercise "Tianluo Dao Jing" recorded in it is powerful, Luo Yu currently has no ability to peek into its mysteries unless he arrives. The cultivation of the foundation period will do.

Luo Yu has already tried the taste of having a treasure mountain without knowing it. Anyway, he will read it sooner or later, so there is no rush. Luo Yu carefully put away the purple page, and finally set his sights on the half-old ancient book. On the cover of the ancient book, there are a few big characters written in ancient array script——"Five Thunder Yan Array", which turned out to be an ancient array magic book, but with Luo Yu's current level of cultivation, it is impossible to read it at all. got it.

Many Taoism and practice experience quotations in ancient times started from the foundation-building period. Without the cultivation base of the foundation-building period, many things in the ancient period could not be understood. Luo Yu just flipped through two pages at random, and he was very self-aware Famously put it into the storage bag, the way of formation is no different than others, it will take a lot of time to study, you can only wait for the foundation to be established in the future, and the lifespan will increase to two hundred years old before slowly pondering.

At this moment, Luo Yu finally figured out the cause and effect of the whole matter. While feeling grateful for himself, he also felt desolate for this so-called 'sword saint old man', his cheap master. How noble and revered, unexpectedly encountering such a strange thing, a strange person randomly ran out of an ancient teleportation formation, unexpectedly had the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul, and was so powerful that it was terrifying.

After 500 years of painstaking training, I don't know how many crises and trials of life and death, and finally reached the position of a hero and overlord, but was tricked by God.

If it were Luo Yu, he would definitely curse that weirdo for life and life, and he would never die with peace in his eyes!

"Hey! According to the records on the rag, this old sword sage should have passed away here. If so, then could these golden sand grains be the rumored top ten quintessential spirits in the world of cultivating immortals—" Liuli Yinghua'!" Luo Yu felt that he had almost overlooked a crucial point, his complexion suddenly changed, and he murmured with dry lips!

The top ten quintessential spiritual objects in the world of cultivating immortals are rare treasures of heaven and earth, many of which only existed in ancient times!

Moreover, even the various classics in ancient times have very few introductions to these ten quintessential spirits. Luo Yu currently knows only two of them. Stone milk', only these two kinds are known, and the names of the other eight essence spirits have never been heard, which shows how rare they are!

Among them, Liuli Yinghua is the great supernatural power of the immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, after the power of the Nascent Soul has dissipated, but because the immortal cultivator has absorbed the purest spiritual power in the world for many years, without any impurities, Over time, the Nascent Soul has also become a kind of natural treasure, the power of the Nascent Soul will dissipate, but the essence contained in the Nascent Soul will condense and will not disappear!

The "True Spirit Card", which is highly praised by Luo Yu and other disciples in the Qi training stage, only contains a trace of "Golden Core Essence" in it, but the "Golden Core Essence" is not worth mentioning in front of the "Liuli Yinghua" , the two are not at the same level at all.

thus!It is not difficult to imagine how precious the golden sand in front of you is.

Right now, the reason for the collapse of the sword saint old man is here, and these golden sand grains are very likely to be the rumored 'Liu Liyinghua'!

When Luo Yu discovered the place where Moyun Patriarch died in the hidden cave of Huangqi Mountain, he thought about looking for the existence of Liuli Yinghua, but unfortunately, for some reason, he found nothing except a white skeleton. Moyun ancestor may have been completely refined by that monk from Tianzhu, and even the glazed baby flower of the ancestor was lost. I don't know what kind of Buddhist secret method that monk used, which can refine the Nascent Soul stage. Immortal cultivators are truly terrifying.

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