fairy flame

Chapter 328 The End of the Secret Realm

Although at the moment, Luo Yu doesn't know what the specific effect of this 'Liu Li Ying Hua' is, but the tenth-ranked 'Millennium Void Spirit Stone Milk' can instantly restore the magical effect of the whole body's magic power, Luo Yu still knows something , since the golden-yellow grains of sand in front of me are still ranked before the 'Empty Spiritual Stone Milk', they are naturally very unusual treasures, but my current cultivation is still low, and I can't get in touch with that high-level thing, but sooner or later , I will understand.

Just like the "Huayuan Stone Milk" in my hand, I don't know what it does, but I just think it is a treasure, but now I don't understand, Huayuan Stone Milk is the "condensation" that controls the fire puppets. Soul Milk'!

Luo Yu quickly took out a vial of jadeite, uncorked the bottle, lay down on his stomach without saying a word, and began to collect golden sand grains one by one, as if he had found a treasure, with a joyful expression on his face, watching Glittering sand grains, I feel like I have a dream in my heart!

good!It's just a dream, afraid that all the treasures he got in the secret realm will not belong to him after waking up from the dream. Indeed, his harvest this time is really too big. If it were an ordinary cultivator who got this opportunity, he would probably feel a little bit in his heart. Can't take it.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is extremely poor and cruel. Not to mention the lack of resources and chaotic conditions in the world of cultivating immortals outside the secret realm, at least the low-level cultivators are very poor in the world of cultivating immortals. Only a few of them are better off because of their family background .

On weekdays, even the elixir needed for cultivation has to be worked for a long time to get together the spirit stones to buy. To provide daily practice, there are almost no spirit stones willing to spend on magic tools, talismans, and formations. The appearance of a high-level magic weapon in the city is a shocking event, but now, in Luo Yu's hands, there are at least twenty high-level magic weapons, and fifty or sixty middle-level magic weapons are like broken copper. Like rotten iron, Luo Yu casually threw it in the storage bag. With these things alone, Luo Yu didn't need to worry about the problem of spirit stones for a long time after the foundation period.

So Luo Yu felt that he didn't seem to be living in the world of cultivating immortals in the eyes of ordinary people, but rather like a rich man who suddenly broke out in the secular world. Everything about him had undergone earth-shaking changes in this secret realm.

Thinking about it, before he knew it, Luo Yu had already picked up all the golden sand grains on the ground and put them into the bottle, even the few scattered grains in the ashes powder. In the end, Luo Yu felt that he had obtained it for nothing. The great benefit of this old sword sage, it seems unreasonable to let the other party's ashes be ignored like this.

Luo Yu commanded the Qixing Yinhuoyan, and after infusing the remaining spiritual energy on his body, he dug a small hole in the ground and put the ashes of the old man Daosheng in the black iron box. As for the name, Luo Yu thinks it still counts up.

Ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, you don't bring it with you, you don't take it away with death, and Luo Yu doesn't know the real name of the sword saint, so there is no need for this.

If Luo Yu practiced the technique of the Heavenly Saber lineage in the future, he would be regarded as half a disciple of the old man Dao Sheng. Although he did not formally become a teacher, since he had read the will and took other people's things, it could be regarded as acquiescing.

After tidying up everything, Luo Yu adjusted his mood and returned to a state of peace of mind, so as not to get carried away and ignore any key points.

At this moment, Luo Yu didn't want to take out any treasures, elixir, etc. to admire. He didn't need to look at it to know that the blue long sword and three small bells he got this time were great ancient artifacts, and the fierce The storage bag, the big disciple of the ancient medicine school, must have a lot of panacea and panacea formulas on him, all of which are extremely precious things, as well as that ghost weapon and so on.

Luo Yu, who has a lot of treasures, is a little confused, but the most important thing now is to stay calm, stay in this secret cave and meditate to restore mana. When the time comes for the puppet hall on the third floor to be closed, it will naturally be safe. Send it out, and after you go out, it won't be too late to study it slowly after you get down safely.

Moreover, the teleportation restriction inside the secret realm is not a joke, it will not let you stay for a while, when the time is up, even if you hide in the crevice of the stone, you will not be able to escape.

Of course, Luo Yu couldn't explain why the ghosts and monsters inside were not sent out. The teleportation array and the teleportation restriction are extremely profound things, and they are not what he can understand now. .

Right now, I killed one of the ghosts, and the other two monsters must be searching for their traces. If they are discovered, they must be a dead end. However, I don’t know how to open the secret cave. Unexpectedly, Luo Yu would hide here, but in this way, the anger of the ghost spirit and the blood wolf must be borne by the disciples in other places in the maze.

At this moment, Luo Yu was still thinking about implicating other people because of his own reasons, but he didn't know that in order to find him, the remaining ghost spirit and blood wolf let go of many disciples in the qi training period, and the blood wolf and ghost spirit If they couldn't find him, they would go to the entrance of the maze to guard in the end. If that was the case, many disciples hidden in the maze would be lucky not to find out, and they would be sent out together with Luo Yu when the time came.

Luo Yu didn't know about these things, he had already entered the recovery state of meditating while holding his breath, with a concentrated expression!

Half a day later, as a bright colored light swept across the entire maze, all the disciples who had not yet escaped from the maze were teleported out one after another, and at the same time as the colored light rose, there was also a scream of howling ghosts and wolves in the maze. And the sound of a wolf roaring, it lasted for a long time!

When all the disciples who were still alive were teleported to various parts of the Lingxu Mountain Range, a strong three-color aura burst out suddenly at the entrance of the first floor of the secret realm, trembling and intertwined, and then burst open, a line painted with A golden brocade handkerchief with a colorful phoenix pattern, a small jade flute with three black shadows, and a fiery red ball were ejected from the stone wall at the entrance of the crack.

When the three treasures appeared, three streaks of aura shot out from the bright green grass next to the stone wall. The aura just rolled slightly, and each of them took one of the treasures and shot them back quickly!

Among them, a golden aura flew into the place where the disciples of the Cuixia sect were sitting. After a while, a generous voice suddenly came out.

"Xiaohou! What you said is true! There is a blood wolf combined with ghosts and ghosts in the secret realm?" At this moment, on a green grassy hillside, there are more than a dozen people dressed in Cuixia Pai. Immortal cultivators in the costumes of disciples of Qi period sat together, their faces were full of expressions of fear and luck, and the aura that swept away the golden brocade came from among these disciples, a bloated middle-aged man sitting upright He put away the brocade handkerchief with a ferocious and gloomy face, and then said to a young man in a green brocade suit beside him in a concentrated voice, his voice seemed to contain disbelief and panic!

"Master Sun! What I said is true or false. You only need to look at the number of disciples from various sects who have escaped. Fortunately, I was quick enough to find the exit in the maze of the puppet hall. The child has long since been dissipated, and there is no bones left." The one who spoke was Feng Xiaohou of the Cuixia sect, and at this time his face was full of fear and paleness, and he crossed his legs and closed his eyes, as if he was healing his wounds.

"According to what you said, Liu Zonglin hasn't appeared yet, and you haven't seen him in the maze, which means he didn't go to the third floor, but if he didn't have an accident on the second floor, he should have returned long ago. I didn't see any shadows, I'm afraid it was an accident, this time the matter is too serious, the current six faction alliance has just come together, and it has lost so many elite disciples all at once, I'm afraid it will alarm the people in the sect The only son of the senior elders, especially the senior brother in charge, was killed, and this is really a big deal!" The bloated middle-aged man is the grand master Sun Shizu who led the team led by the Cuixia faction, but the current grand master Sun It was no longer possible to maintain his usual calm expression, he stood up and murmured to himself in a panic.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding disciples didn't even dare to vent their anger, they all knew that the situation was serious!

"Listen to me, all of you. After returning to the sect, everything in the secret realm is not allowed to be revealed, not even the brothers of the sect. If I find anyone who dares to chew their tongues, the old man will directly use the pill fire to kill him." Refined into fly ash! Can you hear me clearly?" Grand Master Sun paced back and forth, his face becoming more and more anxious, and finally he roared without any alchemy.

Some of the disciples in the qi training period below were teleported out after going through the first floor, and some even broke through the second floor, but at this moment, they are all glad that they did not encounter the monsters mentioned by Feng Xiaohou, otherwise their lives would be lost Yes, you must burn incense and pay homage to your ancestors when you go back.

When Master Sun finished speaking loudly, these disciples who had escaped could not help but shake their heads like rattles, they dared not lift them up at all, and secretly vowed in their hearts that they must forget the things in the secret realm, and no one would doubt this The words of Patriarch Jiedan were just a simple scare and threat.

It's just that no one noticed that among the disciples of the Cuixia Sect, Li Lingyu in a blue dress heard that Liu Zonglin hadn't come back, her eyes were full of hatred, but she immediately stretched out her right hand to look, and then Stretching out his left hand, the two fingers moved slightly and were surrounded by a wave of spiritual light, and then he quickly pressed it to his right wrist, and after a short press, he slowly released it, and saw a red light spot appearing on the wrist, This is the Shougong Sha that only appears when a female cultivator's vital yin has not been broken and her true yin has not been lost. It is the best proof to identify whether a female cultivator is still a virgin.

Seeing that her Shou Gong Sha was still there, the woman's expression seemed to be puzzled, as if she was thinking about something, but immediately the expression on her face became a little painful and confused, and finally she had to shake her head and fell silent.

"Fairy Flame" has been updated with [-] words. Today is the end of this chapter. I have been too tired recently. Please be more considerate.


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