fairy flame

Chapter 331

However, this is not the first time that Luo Yu has lied under the coercion of the immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage. Back then, Cuixia sent the eight elders of the alchemy stage in the Law Enforcement Hall to question Luo Yu. Yu seems to have practiced in this regard.

"I haven't seen Liu Zonglin on the third floor of the secret realm." Luo Yu's voice was flat, and there was no uncomfortable expression on his face. Seeing this, Master Sun couldn't guess whether what Luo Yu said was true or not, so he had to give up .

"You must be very strange. Why did I pull you out alone to ask about Liu Zonglin? In fact, no matter whether this matter is related to you or not, you will probably be implicated when you go back." Master Sun sighed softly, as if Some hesitation, what is inconvenient to say.

"Forget it, I am an elder of the Cuixia sect after all, and I never keep things in my heart. You are considered a good young talent in my school, so I will tell you directly." Master Sun paused as if he had made up his mind. Then he said: "The only senior brother of our Cuixia Sect is Liu Zonglin, the only son. Usually, the senior brother of the sect is fairly fair, but as long as it involves the interests of the Feng and Liu families, it is not too much to let go, so Liu Zonglin Zong Lin's death will definitely rekindle the struggle between the Cuixia faction and the Fengliu family. If the head brother really wants to find the murderer at all costs, then anyone in the secret realm who threatens Liu Zonglin will be listed as a suspect by him , in fact, it is nothing more than the so-called five masters, of course, including you now."

"Including me? This junior is a disciple of the Cuixia Sect. Could it be that the master master of the sect will also attack the disciples of this sect?" Luo Yu panicked for no reason. He never thought that Liu Qi, the head of the Cuixia Sect, is such a crazy person!

But since Master Sun said so, it is really possible. Now that Zhang Meng is dead, Qianya has Nine Swords Valley to support him. Nine Swords Valley is stronger than Cuixia faction. Liu Qi's claws can't reach that far. Both Liu Sisi and Feng Luan are planning to go back to their respective sects for retreat, so if the head master Liu Qi wants to find them, he will definitely choose the nearest one, and take himself and Feng Xiaohou first!

And the Feng family on Fengjianlangkou will definitely keep Feng Xiaohou at all costs. Once Liu Zonglin dies, the most favorable contender for the position of head of the Cuixia faction is Feng Xiaohou. If the Feng family can win the headship , it will definitely completely overwhelm the Liu family, which anyone with a discerning eye can see.

The most important thing is that Liu Zonglin also carried so many high-level skills of the sect. This grand master didn't know about it, so he already had such worrying guesses. Two ancient exercises such as 'Erfa', the matter must be more serious!

"Hmph! It's ridiculous that you are a disciple of the Cuixia Sect. In your own eyes, you are all geniuses with cultivation bases and supernatural powers far superior to those of the same level, but in the eyes of our immortal cultivators at the alchemy stage, you can just do whatever you want." What do you mean by cultivating immortals? It is nothing more than seizing the heaven and earth to create spiritual energy and acting against the sky. Once the realm is high, it is not talent but chance that wants to break through!"

Indeed, if a genius does not have a strong background to support him, the possibility of dying is higher than that of ordinary disciples. After all, it is a crime to be pregnant!

"There is an old saying in the world of cultivating immortals, '[-] knots of pills, [-] yuan babies', the meaning is obvious!If you want to reach the alchemy stage, talent and chance are divided equally. If you want to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, talent only accounts for two floors, but chance accounts for as much as eight floors. This is not an exaggeration at all. No matter how great a contribution you make, it's nothing. Our immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage want your life without any effort at all. "Master Sun said so much in one breath, as if he cared about Luo Yu very much. Of course, his words really scared Luo Yu.

"Then according to what Senior said, how can I escape this calamity?" Luo Yu said with a worried expression.

"Actually, it's not a calamity. You saved Feng Xiaohou and helped the Feng family. If you can hand over a sufficient amount of elixir to Hengling Hall, and your master Li You is also from the Feng family. Man, combining all kinds of relationships, when the time comes, the elders of Hengling Palace and the Feng family will protect you, even the head of the family can't do anything to you, but the Liu family is too powerful, and there are many immortal cultivators in the foundation stage of the family , so after you go back, you should find a safe place, retreat and break through to the foundation building stage as soon as possible, so that your life will be somewhat guaranteed." Master Sun couldn't do without caring for Luo Yu, and even told Luo Yu what to do , but it was difficult for Luo Yu to accept for a while, the other party's heart was too kind.

Luo Yu and him are not close relatives, so I don't believe that the other party really has such good intentions, but there is really nothing unreasonable in the words that Master Sun said. Be careful of the head of the Liu family, his cultivation level is not enough, Luo Yu feels more and more that he is just a chess piece that can be manipulated at will in front of these powerful forces!

"You must have some doubts in your heart. Why should I help you? As for the reason, you will understand in the future." Seeing Luo Yu's silence, Master Sun was not very surprised, and said with a casual smile.

However, Luo Yu didn't know that because of Liu Zonglin's death, the Cuixia faction's power structure was about to undergo earth-shaking changes. Some of the originally conservative alchemy elders would plan their own future in the upcoming battle between the Feng and Liu families. Lu, and Master Sun in front of him has always been not helping each other, and now he is secretly planning to show his favor to the Feng family, and helping Luo Yu at this time is undoubtedly a good stepping stone. The home is very popular.

When Luo Yu was pulled aside by Grand Master Sun for questioning, the group of Cuixia disciples were all very curious about the content of their conversation, but no one dared to go over and overhear.

"Senior Brother Feng, what do you think Master Sun brought Senior Brother Luo over there to ask?" Finally, a disciple in the Qi training period couldn't bear it, and came over to strike up a conversation with Feng Xiaohou, but it seemed that he wanted to get close, and now Liu Zonglin still If you don’t come back, something must have happened. Originally, some elite disciples of the Cuixia Sect were polarized. Some joined the Feng family, and some belonged to the Liu family. But now some careful and sharp-eyed disciples have begun to make secret decisions. I'm afraid that at this moment, even some people who were very close to Liu Zonglin have such thoughts in their hearts.

The third update of "Fairy Flame", three chapters broke out today, bookmark and vote


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