fairy flame

Chapter 332 Generous

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Hong. How could we guess what Master Sun was thinking? It was probably because Senior Brother Luo had reached the peak of the Qi training period and was talking to him about breaking through the bottleneck of the Foundation Establishment period. It's normal to support a good friend's disciple if you have a good relationship with Master Li." Feng Xiaohou said kindly and humbly.

However, he naturally understood in his heart that the balance of the Cuixia faction would be broken. Although he would appear on the cusp of the storm, his identity would undoubtedly undergo a huge change. Maybe as long as he broke through the foundation-building stage , with the support of the Feng family, I am afraid that he can directly sit on the position of the deputy head of the Cuixia sect.

Needless to say, the advantages of being the deputy head of a sect are the best resources in the sect. You can find some elders of Jiedan for advice on cultivation at any time, and skills and spirit stones are no longer a problem!

"Hehe, yes! Brother Feng must have gained a lot this time. When the time comes to break through the foundation building period, I will have to ask Brother Feng for advice." The young man surnamed Hong said quickly and politely. In just a few words, I chatted like a friend I haven't seen for many years, very kind.

"Senior brother Hong is also at the peak of the Qi training period, maybe he will build a foundation one step ahead of the younger brother, and I hope that brother Hong will not forget the younger brother." Feng Xiaohou said politely.

And this brother Hong's look of kindness and friendliness naturally made the other disciples understand a little bit, regardless of whether the friendship was weak or deep in the past, they all came forward to chat with Feng Xiaohou flatteringly.

Feng Xiaohou is really talented in winning people's hearts. Anyone who talks to him is always welcome, and it seems that they have a very happy conversation.

"Well, Senior Brother Luo is here." Just as Feng Xiaohou was joking with everyone, Luo Yu, who was standing next to Master Sun, suddenly turned around and walked towards the crowd, his face was a little unsightly, while Master Sun was driving towards the crowd. Flying to the top of the mountain, almost at the same time, after Master Sun set off to escape light, several alchemy elders from all major sects also flew up to the top of the mountain one after another, without using any magic weapon, it was purely the spiritual energy gathered under their feet to form auspicious clouds , so angry!

It seems that this group of patriarchs gathered together to discuss matters.

"Brother Luo, your identity is different now. You can get the guidance of Grand Master Sun, and you will naturally improve your cultivation." Seeing the unhappy look on Luo Yu's face, Feng Xiaohou seemed to have thought of something, and hurried to find him. After talking about a topic to get rid of everyone, he stepped forward and patted Luo Yu on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Feng, you are asking the question knowingly, and you are still here to mock me." Luo Yu smiled wryly, as if he felt that Feng Xiaohou's arm exerted some strength, Luo Yu understood, and the two walked slowly aside while laughing and chatting , deliberately avoided the crowd.

When the two walked away, none of the Cuixia sect's disciples followed. They knew that they were going to talk about some secrets that they didn't want others to hear, so who would be so ignorant.

"Brother Luo, Master Sun must have told you something about Liu Zonglin. I don't need to say more about the stakes. It's just that Feng promises that after returning to the sect, no matter what happens, our Feng family will To protect you with all my strength, and this time in the secret realm, you and I got the ancient magic weapon, it is best to hide it first, after all, the ancient magic weapon is too important for a sect, it is no small matter, if it is found by the sect If some of the old stubborn know about it, I am afraid they will try their best to let us turn it in. This has been the case over the years. No immortal cultivator will report it to the sect after obtaining an ancient magic weapon in the secret realm. After all, this ancient magic weapon is nothing to say We paid for it with our lives.”

"Also, Brother Luo saved my life this time, and the Zhennan Plate you gave me also helped me a lot in the secret realm. There is a Foundation Establishment Pill in it. It's a small thing. Decline." After Feng Xiaohou finished speaking, he reached into his bosom with one hand and took out a square box the size of a fist.

Then there was a "pop", and one finger lifted the lid of the box, revealing a longan-sized white jade and pearl-like elixir inside. Refreshing, after Luo Yu took a little breath, he only felt comfortable all over.

"Zhu Ji Dan! Brother Feng, you are too polite. With our friendship, it is only natural to help each other in an emergency. Besides, things like Zhu Ji Dan are too precious, and Luo must never accept them." Luo Yu managed to calm down, saying that he didn't want the Foundation Establishment Pill, it was a lie. This kind of extraordinary spiritual elixir is hard to buy for immortal cultivators who spend a lot of money, but Feng Xiaohou gave it to himself so casually, Luo Yu Yu was really flattered. Of course, after instinctively refusing, he immediately felt very regretful and regretful.

But Luo Yu didn't dare to take the pie that was left in vain because he was short-handed.

"Brother Luo, why are you being polite to me? Originally, this Foundation Establishment Pill was intended to be given to the fellow Daoist Jin who was with me, but it is a pity that Fellow Daoist Jin was caught up by ghosts while escaping, and died in the secret realm. Although Dan cherishes it, I don't lack this thing, and brother Luo saved my life, so Fengmou's life is not worth even a Foundation Establishment Pill! Brother Luo, don't refuse, now Fengmou regards You are like brothers and sisters, so don't say anything out of the ordinary." Feng Xiaohou closed the lid of the box with a 'snap', and then put the box in Luo Yu's hands involuntarily.

Feng Xiaohou was very clear about Luo Yu's strength and cultivation talent during the Qi training period. Such a talent was far inferior to a Foundation Establishment Pill, and he must be drawn to his side.

Seeing the other party talking to such an extent, Luo Yu naturally couldn't delay any longer, so he put the things into his arms with a wry smile.

"It's an honor to get to know Brother Feng. If you have a job in the future, just ask." Luo Yu is a person who repays kindness and revenge. He will not trust others easily, but he will never owe anyone. favor.

This Foundation Establishment Pill is really important to Luo Yu, not for him. With Luo Yu's own ability, it is not a big problem for Luo Yu to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill with dragon pattern lotus root, the main reason is that he still has concerns in his heart However, the third sister Luo Qingqing might hit the Foundation Establishment period soon, and I don't know if one Foundation Establishment Pill will be enough.

The first update of "Xianyan", the second update is coming soon, please bookmark and vote


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