fairy flame

Chapter 333

In fact, Luo Yu knows very well that the third sister is a person who is beautiful on the surface and wants to save face. Although she is favored, her daily training needs are also very limited. Luo Yu doesn't care how the third sister spends, as long as he pays wholeheartedly.

When giving favors to others, it doesn't matter how much the favor is, the key lies in the circumstances.

When he is hungry and bullied every day, giving him a bowl of full food is more precious than giving thousands of gold to him in the future.

Luo Qingqing was undoubtedly very lucky to do this.

"Hehe, I can't talk about dispatching, you and my brother still need to be so polite!" Feng Xiaohou knew Luo Yu was a person, and since he opened his mouth, he would naturally stand by his side in the future. This Foundation Establishment Danhua is too valuable!

"Hey! This is it!" During the conversation between the two, Luo Yu suddenly frowned, and looked up at the sky with a changed expression, as if he had discovered something.

And Feng Xiaohou's Lingjue was worse than Luo Yu's, but then he also realized that something was wrong, and also looked over.

At this moment, for no reason, I saw that the original azure blue sky suddenly began to turmoil, gusts of violent wind whizzed like knives, and instantly turned into a shocking hurricane. There was a roar of landslides and ground cracks, stirring up this valley to fill the sky with dust and smoke!

This astonishing change was like thunder exploding on the ground, which naturally alarmed all the cultivators in the mountains. They looked up one after another, not knowing what happened.

But at this time, nine rays of different brilliance flew up from the mountain where the ancestors of the alchemy stage originally discussed matters, and it turned out that all the nine alchemy ancestors flew out, staring at the sky with solemn expressions.

"I don't know which senior came to this place. My grandson, Lintian, is the elder Jiedan of the Cuixia sect. I would like to pay my respects to the senior." The person who spoke was Master Sun of the Cuixia sect. Dare to break in, as the leader of the host Cuixia faction, although he was a hundred reluctant in his heart, he couldn't shirk and asked first.

But the most shocking thing is that Grandfather Sun actually called him "Senior". Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Grandmaster Sun's cultivation base is already in the alchemy stage. Could it be that the person who came here is an old ancestor in the Nascent Soul stage!

At the same time Luo Yu had a horrified thought in his heart, he saw that the hurricane in the sky was getting bigger and bigger after the Grand Master Sun finished speaking, and there was a faint booming sound of dragons and tigers. The disciples of the qi stage all flushed red and trembled all over. When one disciple fell to the ground first, there were successive disciples of the qi training stage who were unable to stabilize their bodies under the gust of wind and fell to the ground one after another. fell to the ground.

As for Luo Yu and Feng Xiaohou, their complexions also changed drastically, and they used all their spiritual energy to resist this coercion from the depths of their hearts!

It was as if an ordinary mortal in the world had to face an emperor, and he deeply felt his humbleness like an ant!

The wind pillar is getting closer and closer, the oppressive feeling is suffocating, I just feel like my heart is about to jump out, and my soul is trembling!

At this moment, even the faces of the nine alchemy masters in the sky are changing, their eyes are full of jealousy and there is also a trace of envy and worship in it!

"Haha, that's right. The disciples of our Cuixia sect are pretty good. I haven't seen you for more than 100 years, boy Sun. I never imagined that the naughty fat man who liked to make trouble everywhere in the past has also become a cultivator in the alchemy stage. It's really amazing for me. I'm quite surprised." The voice seemed ethereal and majestic, as if it came from the sky, but it also gave people the feeling of whispering in the ear.

And after the words fell, a blue hurricane of nearly a hundred feet descended from the sky. Seen from the foot of the mountain, it looked like a blue pillar piercing the sea of ​​clouds, extremely majestic and majestic!

Inside the hurricane appeared an old man with starry sky-like eyes and eyebrows like swords. Just by looking at them, one felt as if someone had pierced his heart and lungs, and the green-robed old man stood in the hurricane just like that , the whole body is filled with vast and unparalleled mana fluctuations!

When Feng Xiaohou below saw the [-]-foot blue wind pillar, the expression of fear on his face suddenly turned into surprise, and then his face was full of surprise, and he blurted out: "Grandpa!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present looked strange, only Grandmaster Sun's face changed drastically, as if he had thought of something, he immediately bowed his fists and bowed respectfully and said: "It turns out that the Supreme Elder is here, and I am so flattered and surprised by the younger generation!" After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to get up, and still bent down and waited for the other party to speak.

And the remaining Patriarchs of the Core Formation Stage also knew the identity of the person who came. Although they were not the Supreme Elders in their sect, the word "Yuanying Stage" was buried in their hearts like a taboo. Also not daring to be negligent, they flew over and saluted in unison: "Greetings to the ancestor of the wind!"

"Yeah." For these patriarchs of the alchemy period who are usually beautiful and can shake the place wherever they go, the green-robed old man just swept his eyes away from these people , it seems that you are not welcome at all.

But even so, the indifference and contempt of this ancestor of the wind control made the group of ancestors of the alchemy stage unable to complain at all. How powerful the masters of the Yuanying stage are, I am afraid they can be counted as land in the world of cultivating immortals. Gods and the like, maybe there is some kind of mind-reading technique, which can spy on people's thoughts, and if this old ancestor is upset, he can kill everyone present in an instant, there is no doubt about it.

"Xiaohou, Grandpa hasn't seen you for more than ten years. I didn't expect you to reach the peak of Qi training period. Yes, I will definitely reward you when I go back." During the Qi training period, the disciple could still stand, and his great-grandson was also in the ranks. The green-robed old man immediately stroked half of his beard, showing a comforting smile.

The second update of "Xianyan", Youdao accidentally searched Baidu today, and found that "Xianyan" has already had enthusiastic book friends to help set up Baidu Encyclopedia and Baidu Tie, etc., I feel very relieved, I remember the establishment The book friend who posted it seems to be called "Shenxian Jushi". Youdao would like to thank you here, and I hope that things will be done well. Yanzi will go to the post to exchange and discuss more. Youdao will find some good articles and post them to In the book review, the most refined ones are placed at the top, thank you everyone.


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