fairy flame

Chapter 357 Qingfeng Sword and Fire Bell Throwing

I remember that at that time, the elder on duty squinted his eyes in disbelief and counted and looked at the plants carefully. The more he looked, the more surprised he became. In the end, Luo Yu couldn't help asking, "Is this elixir fake?" That's why the elder on duty turned his face back in embarrassment. It's a shame that he lost his composure in front of a junior in the Qi training period.

After leaving Hengling Hall, Luo Yu only wanted to return to his cave quickly, so he didn't have the slightest nostalgia for the green mountains and green mountains under the light, and flew at full speed!

After spending a cup of tea, Luo Yu returned to his cave, lowered the light, walked in and found that the restraining formations he had arranged inside were still there, and there was no sign of being passive, so he was relieved.

Then, Luo Yu immediately tidied up the inside of the cave, and then completely sealed the entrance of the cave.

Afterwards, Luo Yu hid in the training room at the deepest part of the cave, and began to count all the gains in this secret realm. First of all, he classified the things one by one. The first thing Luo Yu took out was the blue long sword full of simplicity. , covered with some fish scale patterns, Luo Yu took the long sword in his hand and spun it slightly, suddenly a glare of silver light refracted into his eyes, this silver light was emitted by the Moonlight Stone that Luo Yu had placed in the cave earlier. It came out, but the scattered rays of light gathered on the sword body were actually gathered. This may be related to the materials used to refine the sword.

Based on this alone, Luo Yu can guess one of the effects of this sword. Only by the faint moonlight in the cave and Luo Yu has not poured any mana, the sword can gather such a strong light. Launching an attack during the day and absorbing the scorching sun's light will definitely stab the opponent's eyes by surprise, causing the opponent to lose his sense of control in an instant.

Afterwards, Luo Yu tried the weight of the sword again, but it was actually heavier than ordinary magical weapons, and it seemed that it was going on an indestructible path.

The hilt and blade of this sword are completely integrated, like a piece of natural cyan jade, with a hint of sharpness in the ancient meaning, it is definitely a good sword for cutting gold and breaking jade.

However, based on these two points alone, nothing can be judged. Luo Yu poured a little spiritual power into the sword body. Immediately, a light blue brilliance lit up in the closed stone room, and then a crisp and melodious sword came out from the brilliance. The sound of the ringing was endless, but there was no other change except for the sound of the sword. When Luo Yu curiously increased the infusion of spiritual power again, the light blue brilliance flashed instantly, and then the blue light flashed. It exploded and turned into hundreds of cyan light spots. When these light spots first appeared, their aura was weak, flickering.

But at the next moment, the light spots suddenly expanded, and each light spot gradually turned into a blue lightsaber in the rotation, so many blue light spots all turned into spiritual lightsabers, Luo Yu felt his own strength at once. The rate of mana loss has been accelerated a lot.

And these cyan lightsabers seem to be flying along a strange trajectory. At first, they look like a whirling hurricane, and then they look like a cone top. At first glance, they look like they are about to converge into an evergreen pine tree, but All the branches of this tree are made of lightsabers with handles, but at this moment, Luo Yu immediately cut off the spiritual power infusion of this long blue sword, and all the people in the stone room immediately The lightsaber slowly drifted away again.

But at the same moment, the three ancient characters of "Qingfeng" appeared on the blade of the blue long sword, which appeared out of thin air, but it was only a flash in the pan, and immediately sank into the blade and disappeared.

"Qingfeng Sword? Could it be the "Great Sword Rain Technique" just now!" Luo Yu looked at this ancient sword in horror. It can stimulate so much sword energy at once, and the "Sword Rain Technique" attack like a cultivator can't do it at all. For example, the rumored "Great Sword Rain Technique" in ancient times can only be used to "transform a thousand", and even an expert in the Nascent Soul Stage can refine sword energy to the extreme state of returning thousands of swords to one's ancestors.

However, judging from the situation just triggered, if you want to use this ancient magic weapon to exert its greatest power, you must consume a lot of spiritual power at once. Luo Yu estimates that he can launch two or three attacks at most, and more It must not be able to support it, no wonder it is recorded in the ancient books that to fully exert the full power of the ancient magic weapon, it can only be done when the cultivation level reaches the foundation building stage.

When he thought of how he had built his foundation and swept away everything with this 'Qingfeng Sword' in hand, even with Luo Yu's concentration, he couldn't control himself, so he snickered.

Afterwards, Luo Yu put away the ancient sword with great joy, and took out the three small golden bells that were linked together. At the beginning, he didn't have time to look carefully, but after looking at it for a while, he saw it from above the small golden bells. Found some traces!

"Fire-throwing bells!" Luo Yu murmured looking at the notches on them. These three small golden bells are named 'Throwing Fire Bells', which should be related to fire, but I don't know how they compare with his own three-flavored real fire. ?

Luo Yu shot a wave of spiritual power into the little golden bell, and the three bells vibrated rapidly, and they rang together, and a golden sound wave shot out from the bell and spread out. When this golden wave touched Luo Yu's body, , causing the latter's body to sway slightly, and then he pretended nothing had happened.

Then three clusters of golden flames gradually emerged on the three small golden bells, swaying unsteadily, seemingly unable to withstand a little wind, wobbly, but it gave people a thick feeling.

After Luo Yu thought about it for a while, he flicked his fingers, and a fist-sized two-color flame appeared on his fingertips. The flame slowly came into contact with the golden flame along Luo Yu's fingers, and then all of the golden flame was blown away. wrap it up!

"Zizi!" The cluster of weak flames of the golden flame was not swallowed all at once, but began to struggle violently, like a golden whip kept whipping the red and yellow flames around him, trying to get out of trouble!

In the past, Luo Yu encountered some immortal cultivators who used special flames to attack. The flames driven by those people were vulnerable after encountering his own three-flavored real fire, but now the golden flames in front of him are invincible, but they can be fierce. His struggle was not absorbed immediately, obviously its power should not be underestimated.

The second update of "Xianyan", Youdao wishes everyone an early year!


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