fairy flame

Chapter 358 "Elixir Sutra" and Orbs

The extra tenacity of the golden flame was beyond Luo Yu's expectation. However, Luo Yu hadn't been happy for a long time. The golden flame swaying in the three-flavored real fire seemed to have exhausted its spiritual power, and it dissipated with a "chi la" sound. A look of disappointment appeared on Yu Gang's excited face.

It seems that although this golden flame is tenacious, it seems to be slightly insufficient compared with my own three-flavored real fire, but it is much more powerful than the Xuanyin ghost fire, Qingming fire, etc. After all, the golden flame is just A cluster of tiny flames, Luo Yu did not fully stimulate the maximum power of this ancient artifact, there should be some improvement, but if you think about it carefully, there is still nothing to be happy about, this ancient artifact 'Fire Bell' Even if all the power is activated, it will definitely not compare to Luo Yu's Sanwei Zhenhuo boosted by Ziyang Gourd.

It's just that the golden wave at the beginning seems to contain some extremely rare sound-type attacks. Sound-type attacks are rare and strange means among cultivators of immortals.

After watching the fire bell, Luo Yu slowly put it away, and then Luo Yu glanced at the storage bag with his spiritual sense, and immediately found that large piece of cold essence of black ice in a corner. It's a whimsical idea, I want to refine this thing with mysterious flames, hoping to have a glimmer of hope to condense the 'Ice Spirit and Cold Soul', but this is not an overnight effort, and the Ice Spirit and Cold Soul is connected to the immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage Few people can master it, and they fear it like a tiger, not daring to touch it, which shows how terrifying this thing is!

Even if Luo Yu's cultivation has reached the foundation building stage, it's still hard to say whether he can drive this thing to fight against the enemy, but this matter can be put aside for now.

In the end, Luo Yu took out two jade slips, stuck them on his forehead at the same time, closed his eyes and began to check, after about half an hour, Luo Yu slowly put down the jade slips in his hand , with a look of excitement and surprise on his face.

"The "Jiuzi Dan Jing" and this "Spirit Medicine Classic" have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they just complement each other." Luo Yu seemed to have picked up a treasure. Even when he checked the two ancient artifacts just now, there was no such look on his face. smile.

There are very few alchemy recipes in the "Jiuzi Danjing", and there are only a few kinds, and they are only used by immortals in the Qi training period. It is said that it systematically described a method of alchemy, and Luo Yu searched Zhang Meng's storage bag for the "Elixir Sutra". There were quite a few of them, and what made Luo Yu most happy was getting this jade slip of the "Elitic Medicine Classic", which contained dozens of prescriptions with different effects!

Each of these pills is a priceless treasure outside, and you can’t buy it, and among the dozens of pills, there is the Zhuji Dan refining pill that Luo Yu urgently needs, although the pills of Zhuji Dan are not very good. Expensive, but it was beyond Luo Yu's expectation to obtain it so easily.

What surprised Luo Yu even more was that among the dozens of alchemy formulas, there were several alchemy formulas that were very helpful for improving the cultivation base of the foundation-building stage. It is rare to know that it can be helpful for the cultivators of the foundation-building stage At least it saved a lot of time for Luo Yu to successfully build a foundation in the future and move towards a higher level, which is equivalent to clearing away obstacles.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, this Dongfeng is a treasured panacea, but for Luo Yu who has a mysterious flame, it is not a problem.

With the pill in hand, no matter how precious the elixir is, as long as you are willing to smash the spirit stone, you will be able to find it sooner or later. Of course, this kind of thing is too important for a sect. Luo Yu doubts that these dozens of pills will It will not be the collection of the ancient medicine school for many years. The foundation is the same as Liu Linzong's nature. Both of them carry important treasures related to the inheritance of their respective schools!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu's face was suddenly startled, and he hurriedly copied all the pills that were useful to him from the "Elitic Medicine Classic" into the "Jiuzi Danjing", regardless of whether he understood it or not!

Zhang Meng is different from Liu Linzong. Liu Linzong was killed secretly by himself, and no one knew about it, but Zhang Meng died in full view. Luo Yu bumped into his storage bag and put it in his arms. What they all saw with their own eyes, the poisonous dragon cauldron in Zhang Meng's hand was taken away by Qian Ya at that time, this scene cannot be concealed.

If the Ancient Medicine Sect found out that the "Spiritual Medicine Sutra" was in Luo Yu's hands, they would definitely want it back at all costs. Most likely they would negotiate with the Cuixia faction and ask Luo Yu to hand over the "Spiritual Medicine Sutra", but they definitely would not What about Luo Yu? After all, he didn't kill people.

It's just that Luo Yu thought that when he was teleported out of the secret realm not long ago and returned to the place where the disciples of the Cuixia Sect gathered in the Lingxu Mountains, why didn't the Patriarch Jiedan of the Ancient Medicine Sect come directly to find him? Could it be that he was in the third floor? All the disciples of the ancient medicine sect died, so the patriarch of the alchemy stage didn't know about it, but Luo Yu remembered that before Zhang Meng died, Liu Sisi called out the word "Second Brother" in great grief , the relationship between these two people is definitely not ordinary.

And Liu Sisi must still be alive, she witnessed the storage bag falling into Luo Yu's hands, and she will probably inform it!

Even if there is no such relationship, as long as the disciples of the ancient medicine school broke into the third floor and escaped safely ask, they will be able to press for something. Can't keep it.

That being the case, why don't you just copy down all the pills that are useful to you first, anyway, the ancient medicine school can't find it out.

After making a clear calculation in his mind, Luo Yu couldn't help sighing. He was too nervous at the time. When he came back, so many people flattered him, and the appearance of the ancestor in the Nascent Soul Stage made Luo Yu neglect this matter. It won't be long before trouble strikes.

However, the most important thing now is to build the foundation, and it must be done quickly. Even Luo Yu feels that the entire Cuixia faction is shrouded in a chaotic phenomenon of "the mountain is about to come and the wind is full of the building", so the most important thing at present is to build a foundation. It is to improve one's own strength.

Without strength, there is no reason. The world of cultivating immortals is so cruel.

There are too many secrets in Luo Yu, and many secrets must be kept hidden all the time. Even he feels a little tired. He has to be careful everywhere, and he has to be a man with his tail between his legs, which is much more tiring than being an ordinary person.

Now Luo Yu, on the contrary, has a kind of mentality that the boat will be straight when the boat arrives at the bridgehead. Luo Yu has already seen the elixir and the jade slip, and now there are only some magical treasures left.

"Hey, this is it!" Luo Yu suddenly saw two strange rays of light in the pile of low- and middle-level magic weapons, and lightly patted the storage bag, and immediately there were two fist-sized beads in his hand. One is khaki, and it feels a bit rubbing to the touch, and the other is azure blue, but it is very delicate, moist and smooth, and there are circles of blue halos floating around in the bead, like waves.

Luo Yu first set his sights on this khaki bead, but he clearly remembered that Zhang Meng even gave up his life in order to snatch this bead, which is enough to show that this thing is very precious!

As for the blue bead, Luo Yu has no impression, but since the two beads are put together, there should be some connection.

After getting the yellow bead, Luo Yu felt a heavy feeling, but he held it in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find anything magical, but any treasure will undergo some changes after it is infused with mana, maybe Something can be seen from here.

With a movement of Luo Yu's arm, a trace of mana in his body flowed into the khaki bead, but immediately Luo Yu's expression froze. The yellow bead didn't respond at all, just like ordinary beads. Eye?

Thinking of this, Luo Yu showed an unconvinced look on his face, and immediately increased the infusion of spiritual power in his arms, but the khaki bead was like a dead thing, and still did not respond, which is strange, Luo Yu Yu poured mana into the blue bead on his left hand again, and the result was the same as this khaki bead, lying quietly in his hand without moving.

This blue bead was also found by Luo Yu in Zhang Meng's storage bag. It was put together with the khaki bead. The two should be related, but Luo Yu couldn't see anything. After trying several methods in a row, even the Sanwei Zhenhuo and Xuanbing Hanjing came out at the same time, but in the ice and fire, the two beads still remained unchanged, which made Luo Yu feel astonished, and at the same time gave up here.

Right now, I must not know how to do it. If this bead can withstand the tempering of ice and fire without being damaged, it is definitely not an ordinary treasure. It must have a great background, but I don't know it yet.

Luo Yu didn't know why, his eyes flickered, and he thought of the two round beads in his hand and his own blue wood spirit orb together, and the more they looked, the more they looked like, Luo Yu, who couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, did not hesitate. He took out the wood spirit orb, and as soon as the wood spirit orb appeared, a sudden change occurred!

The other khaki bead and azure blue bead changed instantly, and these three beads unexpectedly released their auras to the other two, and then the three beads flew up at the same time, and quickly gathered together, like a flower. The three-color flower, followed by a group of three-color auras on each of the beads, but it only flashed slightly, and then disappeared immediately. The three beads fell to the ground at the same time, and there was no more movement.

The [-]-word chapter of "Xianyan", today is the Chinese New Year, Youdao will go back to his hometown to worship the ancestors, there is no time to code words today, please bear with us, finally, "Xianyan" is about to usher in a new year, and congratulations to all All the best in the new year of Yanzi, and I will show my ambitions!


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