fairy flame

Chapter 361 The Doubt of 'Lanzhou'

It turned out to be about Liu Zonglin!

Regarding the troubles Liu Zonglin's death brought to him, Luo Yu had already thought about it countless times in his heart. After all, he is now a member of the Feng family, and he is in the limelight. It is really not sure whether the Liu family will go crazy. Let's start, since Li You talked about this matter, it seems that he has already figured out a way out for Luo Yu.

"Master, after leaving the Cuixia faction, where should the disciple go? On the way back, I heard that the 'state war' broke out, and the disciples of our sect will be sent to the 'junction battlefield' between the two states. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to leave." Luo Yu did not question Li You's words, on the contrary, he would definitely obey, such a question was just expressing the doubts in his heart.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. When the state war broke out, the school will indeed arrange many disciples to go to the border battlefield, but not all of them will be sent out. As a teacher, you have already received a mission to protect the royal family of Yuanjiang Kingdom. And your elder brother Xiao De is also there, by the way, he can take care of you more." Li You said slowly.

"Actually, even if there is no such thing, I don't intend to let you participate in the state war. It would be too dangerous." When Li You talked about the state war, there was a complicated expression on his face, but he did not continue go down.

"Master Xie, this disciple takes orders. It's just that my third sister, Luo Qingqing, will be sent out to participate in the 'state war'?" Luo Yu was naturally very happy with Li You's arrangement, but after thinking about it, she began to worry about Luo Qingqing again. Come on, speaking of it, Luo Yu came back too hastily, and hadn't had time to visit Third Sister.

According to what Li You said, the third sister might be sent out.

"I'm not too clear about Qing'er's matter. After all, the elders of the Nascent Soul Stage asked their names to be called this time. Our immortal cultivators in the Alchemy Stage can't interfere. After you go back, you can go to Baixia Peak to inquire about it later." Got it, but you don't need to worry too much, Mrs. Fang is famous for protecting her weaknesses, and with her doting on Qing'er, even if she is really sent out, she will try her best to protect Qing'er." Li You know that Luo Yu cares about Luo Qingqing, and the two have a deep relationship. Luo Yu's fame battle is also related to Luo Qingqing, but this is not a good thing. The later the cultivation of immortals, the more they test their hearts. On the contrary, it is easy to be distracted and be backlashed by the demons, and fall into a place of eternal doom, but these things are definitely not effective if I tell Luo Yu now, and I can only wait for his cultivation base to be high in the future, and experience it by himself.

"Okay, about the details of the task of protecting the royal family, you can go to the Hengling Hall and ask the elders who assigned the task. Remember! The sooner you start, the better." Li You waved his hands after finishing speaking in a deep voice. After signaling Luo Yu to go down, he closed his eyes and meditated again.

Luo Yu thanked him respectfully. Now that he has learned a lot of news from his master, he has to go back and think about what to do next. He always thinks clearly before doing things, and deliberates over and over again. Many times, any accident must be counted!

And just after Luo Yu got up, before walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Master, I still have a question. Since this 'Youri Boat' is a damaged ancient artifact, what else is there?" There is no possibility of repair?"

After Luo Yu had seen Feng Luan's Seven Beast Mirror, he knew that some powerful ancient artifacts could be repaired, but it was very difficult to repair, requiring a lot of expense and an excellent opportunity, but there was some hope, at least I have a bottom in my heart.

"Do you want to restore this top-notch flying artifact?" Li You frowned, asking hesitantly.

Luo Yu on the opposite side is the best at observing words and expressions. When he saw this expression, his heart suddenly jumped for no reason. fixed.

"The disciple also knows that it is very difficult to restore a top-level ancient artifact. It may be difficult to do it with the disciple's ability, but everything always pays attention to chance and luck, and the master will regard me as arrogant." Luo Yu paused , before showing a cramped expression and opening the mouth.

"Oh, it's a good thing that you have this mentality, but the restoration of this ancient artifact has little to do with chance. Speaking of which, you have seen the other half of this ancient artifact, the 'Moon-chasing Banner'." Li You looked at it. Looking at Luo Yu, his expression suddenly became strange.

"Have you seen it before? Why did the master's words make the disciple a little confused?" Luo Yu had indeed seen a lot of ancient artifacts, but none of them were called 'Chasing the Moon Flag', but Li You didn't seem to be either. It seems to be fooling myself, the alchemy cultivator in the alchemy stage has a full golden core and a clear altar, and it is even less likely that there will be oolong incidents that are misremembered.

"Haha, I really can't remember? Do you still remember how you were caught in Wonderful Soul Cave?" Seeing Luo Yu's stricken expression on his face, Li You clapped his hands and laughed a few times before reminding him.

"Arrested into Wrath of Souls? That's right! It's that little golden flag!" Luo Yu's eyes lit up, and the sound of that day, that old ghost Xu used to use a little golden flag when he caught him. While fluttering, it was like escaping into the void, traveling thousands of miles in an instant, at a frighteningly fast speed!

At that time Luo Yu had no power to fight back!

"That's right, it's that little golden flag. It's just that this flag is in Xu Laogui's hands. It's really impossible to snatch it back with your ability. Of course, your potential is amazing. Maybe a hundred years later, you will reach the alchemy stage. Cultivation is the only way to pull out teeth." Li You's expression didn't fluctuate at all, it seemed that he didn't pay much attention to the restoration of ancient artifacts.

And once the immortal cultivator reached the alchemy stage, he would not place too much value on ancient artifacts. The rumored natal magic weapon is what the immortal cultivator needs to devote his whole life to.

Xu Laogui also became famous because of the 'Moon-chasing Flag' he relied on when he was young, so he is very nostalgic for that ancient artifact and has always regarded it as a treasure.

Li You's meaning is obvious, but if Luo Yu wants to repair it, he can only rely on his own ability and strength, but with Luo Yu's current level of cultivation to snatch the treasures of the immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage, it is undoubtedly a slap in the face , to die.

"The disciple understands the meaning of the master." Luo Yu bowed to Li Youying, and then walked away slowly. Li You just waved his hand, then closed his eyes, and didn't say anything more.

After Luo Yu walked out of Chaoyang Peak, he took up the light and flew towards the Hengling Palace again. On the way, Luo Yu was a little puzzled. He didn't see his wife in the master's cave. Could it be that he was in seclusion? According to rumors outside, the identity of Li You's wife Shuangxiu is very mysterious. Some people say that she is from 'Lanzhou', another big state next to Hezhou!

'Lanzhou' is the largest area among the seven Linhai states, and it is also the land where the cultivation of immortals is the most prosperous and prosperous.Even the martial arts masters in Lanzhou have become famous with their swords. Many martial arts innate masters use their changeable body skills and sharp sword aura to make even immortals in the Qi training period able to Hurt, very badly.

Luo Yu didn't care about these things, but after Li You and Shi Niang held the Double Cultivation Ceremony, there were rumors outside that Mengzhou and Lanzhou were going to join forces to deal with many demon sects in Hezhou. With the help of Shanglanzhou, I am afraid that Hezhou is the one to worry about in this state war crisis. Of course, these are just Luo Yu's guesses without real evidence, and now he can only think in a good direction.

Luo Yu's escape speed was not very fast, but after a short while, Luo Yu came to the Hengling Palace, and saw that there were still many people outside the gate watching the many exchange treasures on the red list, and they still expressed their amazement from time to time Excited by the sound, Luo Yu couldn't help shaking his head, no one thought that he was the real winner of this secret realm.

When Luo Yu quickly passed through the crowd, he was immediately spotted by some interested people. Now things about Luo Yu are being spread everywhere in the sect, and many disciples without the slightest background are greatly encouraged and look after him very much.

Seeing Luo Yu appear, this group of disciples naturally wanted to flatter and flatter them, hoping to gain some relationship with Luo Yu, and then they could show off in the Cuixia Sect, and many people even claimed that I am the representative of Xiuxian Trading Company in Fangshi, and I want to invite him to be a guest elder. You must know that the major shops in Fangshi have invited many elders to protect them, but I want to be an elder guest. The minimum requirement is to have a cultivation base in the foundation building period. Luo Yu is a disciple of the Qi training period, and it is extremely rare to receive such treatment.

It's just that Luo Yu wants to quickly build a foundation now, and doesn't want to spend time on these messy things. Seeing this kind of noisy scene of being "famous" and being embraced, he, who has always been low-key, really feels uncomfortable, so he can only smile wryly Responding politely to everyone, he walked up to the second floor accompanied by the disciples on duty in Hengling Hall.

About half an hour later, many of the people standing below were still holding elixir, treasures, or invitations from a certain cultivating family. When waiting downstairs, one was wearing the same color clothes as Luo Yu, but his face was different. The monks who were completely different squeezed out of the crowd under the eyes of the people who did not pay much attention, and then let out a sigh of relief, and quickly flew in the direction of Baixia Mountain with the magic weapon.

After a cup of tea, Luo Yu came to the foot of Baixia Mountain. With his current status as a disciple in the Qi training period, he only needed to be polite to the two female disciples guarding the mountain, and he would immediately make the latter beautiful. With extraordinary splendor, shy and shy, she blushed and quickly flew to the mountain to communicate.

"Fairy Flame" has been updated with [-] words. These days, I have been visiting New Year's greetings and giving gifts. It is very hard to write a chapter. This is the limit. I guess it will be around the [-]th before I can calm down and write a book. Wang Yan The children are very considerate.


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