fairy flame

Chapter 362

In less than a moment, two white rays of light shot down from the mountain at high speed, one of them was Luo Qingqing, Luo Yu's only third sister who was worried about her. In the past three or four days, the third sister seems to have undergone some changes, and she is a little different from before.

Just looking at her attire, she has changed a lot from her previous gorgeousness. She is wearing a simple and neat white robe, her eyes are flat, her black hair is tied together by a white jade hairpin on her head, and she is wearing silk boots. Dust's fairy demeanor.

Didn't the third sister say that she wanted to retreat and cut off her love? Could it be that she really had a great enlightenment, and she even changed her beauty habits for many years.

Seeing that the third sister stopped to escape, Luo Yu immediately went up to meet her, and said with a smile: "Third sister, your retreat has changed too much?" Looking at Luo Yu's slightly exaggerated expression, Luo Qingqing seemed to be pretending to be With the appearance of an expert outside the world, he responded with a calm expression: "Nothing has changed as much as you. Now the Cuixia sect is bragging that you are the number one master in the Qi training period."

If an outsider said something like this to Luo Yu, he would definitely think that the other party was extremely envious, but from Luo Qingqing's mouth, Luo Yu only felt that it was full of joy and concern .

"It's just spreading rumors, no matter how powerful you are, I can't stand a punch from you, third sister." Luo Yu rarely showed a relaxed expression. In the world of cultivating immortals, only Luo Qingqing can make him tell some jokes. It was a frowning, expressionless face.

"Okay, make me look like a dominatrix. By the way, you must have something to do with me. Go to the old place and tell me." Luo Qingqing waved her hand lightly, turned her head and gave a few words to the two disciples guarding the mountain, and then ordered With the white magic weapon under his feet, Yu Kong quickly left.

Luo Yu, on the other hand, smiled and was polite to the two disciples who were guarding the mountain during the Qi training period, and then also drove away quickly in Dunguang. The old place that the third sister mentioned naturally refers to the small pavilion on the top of the unnamed mountain.

With Luo Yu's current ultra-fast escape technique, naturally he caught up with Luo Qingqing, who left first, without any effort. However, Luo Qingqing seemed to intend to compete with Luo Yu in flying speed. The white light lit up, and the escape speed increased by a small half, leaving Luo Yu behind again.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu just smiled slightly. His current cultivation base is already at the peak of the Qi training period. Even without the help of Feng Lingli, it is still easy to surpass the third sister, but Luo Qingqing probably doesn't know Luo Yu's The cultivation base has reached the peak of the qi training period. After all, it is very difficult for a low-cultivation cultivator to see through someone with a higher cultivation base than himself. I can only stare blankly.

I saw Luo Yu took a deep breath, lifted the strong mana in his body slightly, and his whole body turned into a stream of light, and quickly chased after the white light in front. After a while, the distance between the two shortened a lot. When the small pavilion on the top of the mountain appeared in front of them, the two of them stopped their escape at the same time and fell to the ground together.

When the two of them dispersed, Luo Qingqing couldn't help but exclaimed: "Little brother, I'm afraid your cultivation has reached the peak of the Qi training period. Without the support of Feng Lingli, you can easily surpass me. See The rumors about coming outside are really true."

"Third sister, this level of cultivation may be amazing in a place the size of a grain of rice in the Cuixia Sect, but if it is put outside, it is far from enough. The world of cultivating immortals is too big, and there are countless people with high cultivation levels. We It is still too weak, especially after the outbreak of the state war, a large number of immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage will appear, and under such circumstances, it is very difficult for those in the Qi training stage to survive." Luo Yu shook his head and gave a wry smile.

The outbreak of the 'State War' will set off a shocking storm, and many reclusive masters of the foundation-building stage will be involved. In the future, the immortal cultivators of the Qi training stage will be in an embarrassing position.

Afterwards, Luo Yu seemed to suddenly think of something, and then asked with a turn of his eyes: "Sister San, I heard that after the outbreak of the state war, the major factions will send a large number of disciples to the two-week border. The mission to come is" Luo Yu said here, his heart suddenly jumped, and he had a bad premonition.

"I'm going to follow Master this time to participate in the state war. I haven't decided when I can come back." Luo Qingqing felt that there was nothing to hide. After all, the state war is a big event, and sooner or later the sect will announce the participants before departure list of.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. This time our Baixiafeng disciples are all led by Master. There shouldn't be any major problems. Moreover, my strength during the Qi training period is not too bad. I don't seek meritorious service, but I can protect myself I have some confidence." Luo Qingqing said comfortingly.

But Luo Yu didn't think so in his heart. After experiencing the trials of the secret realm, he had a deeper understanding of the intrigues in the world of cultivating immortals. Often, the harmless faces of humans and animals hide deadly murderous intentions. More serious state war!

"That's what I said, but I'm always worried, so, just this time, I got a lot of treasures in the secret realm, and I have prepared three sets of life-saving measures for you before I came to you." Luo Yu knew It's useless to say what I said now, the cruelty of the conspiracy can only be truly understood after experiencing it first-hand, and the quota for participating in the state war was set by the ancestors in the Nascent Soul Stage, and anyone has the right to change it.

However, Luo Yu still put his life on the line and planned for the third sister. If he participated in the battle himself, what preparations would he make, what would he need, and how to reasonably deal with every possible danger, etc. , Luo Yu has sorted it out in his mind dozens of times, and the things he thought about clearly seldom have unexpected changes, it is very delicate!

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he took off a storage bag and said, "Third sister, there are three thousand spirit stones, three foundation building pills, three high-level water-attribute artifacts, and one ice-attribute magic weapon." The ultimate magic weapon 'Bi Ling Han Ji', a high-level defensive magic weapon 'Century Essence Shield'."

"This is the first set of life-saving means I gave you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu threw the storage bag directly. The moment Luo Yu threw it out, he felt like a worldly rich man and nouveau riche squandering his family property recklessly, but the thought of these things would make Third Sister Luo Yu felt that it was worth the extra protection for his life, after all, he does have this ability now.

"Three thousand spirit stones, three foundation building pills! There are also top-grade magic weapons!" Luo Qingqing couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear in surprise, and the calmness between her brows disappeared, and she continued: "Where did you get so many treasures?" ? Immortal cultivators in the Qi training stage cannot possibly be able to earn so much, even ordinary immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment stage can’t do it! And the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd is your magic weapon for becoming famous, what will you use after you give it to me?”

What Luo Qingqing said was indeed the truth. Luo Yu took out so much at once, anyone who saw it would feel greedy, and even tried to grab it, but Luo Qingqing was concerned about where Luo Yu got these treasures. Now there are many casual cultivators or family monks in the world of cultivating immortals in Yuanjiang Kingdom who have been bought by the Demon Sect in Hezhou. They will give you a large amount of Lingshi treasures in exchange for the deployment of the immortal world in Mengzhou for the state war. Many cultivators cannot resist this temptation. , caught in it, and the major factions in Mengzhou will naturally not ignore it, and all spies caught will use the most severe punishment, and their souls will be refined!It is extremely cruel to be placed in the land of yin and fire to suffer endlessly until you are refined and disappear forever between heaven and earth.

It is said that a Nascent Soul Supreme Elder of the Cuixia Sect once bloodbathed a cultivating family bought by the Hezhou Demon Dao overnight. In a fit of rage, he used his supernatural power to refine several 'Yinhuo Tongtian Pillars', It was hundreds of feet high, reaching straight into the sky. After the refinement was completed, all the monks of that family were bound to the Yinhuo Pillar and turned into fly ash.

Nascent Soul was furious, blood spattered hundreds of miles!This incident alarmed the entire immortal cultivating world in Mengzhou, deterred some undecided people, and served the purpose of killing everyone.

And what Luo Yu brought out right now really made people have to be suspicious. Luo Qingqing felt that if Luo Yu really did such a thing, she would make him turn back no matter what she said.

"Third Sister, where are you thinking? I bought all these things in the secret realm with all my might. They are definitely not what you think, and some of them are rewards from sects. I put away what I need. , I don’t need these extra things for a while, and it’s more useful for you to defend yourself.” Luo Yu didn’t expect that his kindness would be taken into account by the third sister. It was really a big misunderstanding. With the help of the mysterious flame, he, There is no need to do something that offends the public.

"As for the Jade Spirit Halberd, this magic weapon is of ice attribute, and it is difficult to exert its maximum power with my fire attribute spiritual power. It would be more appropriate to let your water attribute spiritual power drive it, and now the choice of method It is best that the weapon is suitable for you, otherwise it will be easy for the other party to see the flaw." Luo Yu explained in a deep voice, now he has the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, and he has just learned how to use the magic weapon to operate the array. This path is really suitable for him, and the Jade Spirit Hanji is already a bit out of reach for him.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved, but the other treasures here are good to say, these three Foundation Establishment Pills are too precious, and you have already cultivated to the peak of the Qi Refining Period, so you need Foundation Establishment Pills more than I do. "After Luo Qingqing scanned the storage bag with her spiritual sense, she was about to take out the three Foundation Establishment Pills and hand them to Luo Yu.

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