fairy flame

Chapter 366

Huxiao Cliff is still as steep and precipitous, unchanged, but I don't know if the little mouse "Destiny" who saved my life is still there. Luo Yu made a promise back then, and he will come back when he learns about it one day To repay this little mouse, the place I am going to is now the capital city of Yuanjiang Kingdom - near Anding City. When Luo Yu Road passed Huxiao Cliff, I suddenly thought of the past and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

When Luo Yu fell to the bottom of the cliff in a few breaths, he began to look around. Luo Yu, the old nest of the little mouse Tianming, still had some memories, and it shouldn't be too difficult to search by relying on spiritual sense.

The bottom of the cliff is still the same as before, low-lying and humid, and there are carrion bones of some animals lying in the muddy soil everywhere, and there are many tiny caterpillars wriggling through the bones, and the carrion corpses are surrounded by stench , It makes people want to vomit.

On the surrounding gray dead trees, one or two gray and white crows croaked and flew over from time to time, bringing up a burst of dead branches and dust, which looked very desolate.

Everything in front of him seemed to be very different from the greenery that Luo Yu had seen at the beginning. The place that should have been full of vitality was trampled badly, as if it had been ravaged and fought by ferocious beasts.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Luo Yu couldn't help but start to worry in his heart. Nothing will happen to the little mouse 'Destiny'. To be honest, it is very difficult for a mouse to survive in this place full of miasma and wild beasts.

"Huh? Back then, I seemed to have fallen off a cliff and landed in this mountain crevice, just to suppress the lair of destiny!" After walking through the woods for a while with the flying sword magic weapon, Luo Yu immediately saw several The 'broken heart vine' whose roots have withered and yellowed for a long time leaned against the mountain wall.

This made Luo Yu's eyes light up!

At that time, he bet his life on the 'Broken Heart Vine' and clung to it. In the end, he fell down from a high place along the vine and survived. However, there seems to be a mountain crevice under the Broken Heart Vine. Near the crevice is Destiny's lair.

Luo Yu fluttered to the front of the mountain crevice, and saw a mess below the mountain crevice, and there were claw marks of ferocious beasts tearing the ground on the ground. It seemed that there had been a fierce battle here.

Luo Yu couldn't help feeling worried.

Can't wait to release the spiritual sense, and began to extend to the inside of the mountain crevice. After a while, his face changed first, but immediately turned from surprise to joy, and he raised his hand to blow a spiritual wind into the mountain crevice. Amidst the sound of "hunting", several fresh and tender plums were blown out. Luo Yu reached out to pick up a plum, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, his expression moved!

Smell the fresh and tender smell of plum fruit, as if it has just been picked not too long ago!

Then, Luo Yu quickly patted the storage bag, and a white ghost-headed banner appeared in his hand. It was the magic weapon of the soul-refining banner. A burst of black mist was released, which was exactly the same as that released by the ghost in the secret realm last time. The black mist was as black as ink, and it did not change into the appearance of a ghost general as quickly as before. Instead, it slowed down after a few breaths. Slowly condense into a tall ghost general.

It's just that today's ghost general is quite different from the original one. In addition to the stronger aura, the eyes that were originally pale like corpses have turned into a strange dark black. It feels very strange!

Looking at the changes in the ghost general, Luo Yu was also very surprised. It seems that after absorbing the cold black mist, the ghost general seemed to have undergone some changes, but these changes did not have much impact on his control. The ghost general's ability has been enhanced. Although Luo Yu doesn't know why, he won't go to the bottom of the question to find such unanswerable things.

Throwing it with one hand, the green plum fruit in Luo Yu's hand flew to the ghost general and was grabbed by him. The next action was the same as Luo Yu just now, the ghost general also put the plum fruit in his hand to the tip of his nose and smelled it. Hearing this, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and amidst the sound of earth bouncing, the ghost general's tall body hurriedly flew into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu knew that with the help of the ghost general's sensitive nose, he had detected the scent of the little mouse left on the plum fruit, so he naturally followed without hesitation.

When Luo Yu inspected the mountain crevice just now, Luo Yu found that there were a lot of plum fruits piled inside, and all of them were the kind of immature sour fruits that little mice like to eat. After he found the plum fruit in the crevice of the mountain, he realized that the little mouse should still be there, and the small fruit piled inside must have been picked not long ago.

When the ghost general took Luo Yu to fly for less than a cup of tea time, after passing through several barren mountains, Luo Yu heard bursts of strange roars of ferocious beasts, the sound was heart-piercing, continuous, and It was very close to Luo Yu.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yu resolutely withdrew the ghost general, and went straight to the place where the voice came out just now. When Luo Yu penetrated into a green bamboo forest, he saw a scene that shocked him immediately.

Not far in front of him, there were dozens of ferocious beasts that were rarely seen in ordinary times, divided into two groups to fight fiercely, yellow eagles, lions, tigers, jackals, gray wolves, poisonous snakes, etc., divided into two groups. After two rounds, so many ferocious beasts would gather in one place, looking at each other with vicious and ferocious eyes, as if an extremely tragic bloody battle was about to take place in the next moment!

"The smell of destiny is also in it!" From the message sent back by the ghost general just now, Luo Yu knew that the little mouse had also participated in the battle of this group of beasts, and was immediately shocked. In addition to the joy of nothing, there is still some curiosity. The little mouse is just the weakest animal in the forest, so it shouldn't have the strength to fight against these beasts!

It didn't take long for Luo Yu's doubts to appear. After two powerful cries came out, the group of beasts in front of him moved out of the way in an orderly manner, revealing two small paths. Then something even more surprising happened to Luo Yu. In front of my eyes, I saw two monster-like little beasts coming out of the path arrogantly and dignifiedly, but the tall and mighty beasts beside them all looked respectful. Seeing the two little beasts, their eyes were full of fear, and they looked down. Roaring and crawling on the ground!

"The first-level monster flamingo, sure enough!" Luo Yu turned his gaze to the two 'monsters', one of which was a first-level monster, the flamingo, which was only one foot long, with flaming red feathers and cattail fans. A little bit of sparks overflowed, like fireworks exploding, and its shape resembled an owl. It has already reached the level of monsters. No wonder the surrounding giants are so respectful. All monsters are naturally noble and inherited by blood, not those wild beasts in the mountains. In contrast, they all have their own unique abilities. Of course, there are also many wild beasts who have eaten some kind of strange fruit through endless fighting or good luck. This situation is very rare.

You must know that monsters are full of treasures. Once they show up and are spotted by immortal cultivators, they will definitely be killed and ambushed by immortal cultivators.

Therefore, Luo Yu knew that apart from the Zhongling Secret Realm, there were very few news about monsters appearing in the world of cultivating immortals outside. At least in Yuanjiang Country, this was the real situation. It can be sold at sky-high prices in the square market.

Of course, the world of cultivating immortals is so big, and Yuanjiang Country is just an insignificant small place. Presumably, there will be a large number of monsters in the depths of some deserted mountains and seas, which is not impossible.

Now that I have encountered a first-level monster, I am really lucky, but the first-level monster is no longer of much interest to Luo Yu, and he can easily kill it with a wave of his hand.

When Luo Yu turned his gaze to another little beast, his face was startled!

I saw that walking slowly to the center of the group of beasts and confronting the flamingo was a big gray mouse that looked like it had rolled in the mud. Its body seemed to be nearly two feet long. Except for the color, its appearance was similar to that of a weasel. Very similar to wild beasts.

Although this big squirrel is very different from the one Luo Yu saw back then, from the playful look in the big squirrel's eyes and the swaying swaying posture of the big squirrel, Luo Yu can tell at a glance that this big squirrel is the one from back then. 'Destiny'!

It's just that the "Destiny" in front of him has also become a first-level monster, which surprised Luo Yu. Now Luo Yu has basically browsed through the "Beast Spiritual Genealogy" jade slips. I have a little understanding of rare and strange beasts, but after recalling them carefully, I don’t have any impressions about the “destiny” in my mind. It seems that most of the destiny is not born with the blood of monsters, and the ability to change from wild beasts to monsters is only acquired. .

Right now, the two first-level monsters seem to be facing each other, each leading their own group of wild beasts. Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he wanted to see how 'Destiny' would deal with this flamingo. You know Because of the fire-attribute breath, the flamingo is also a relatively powerful type among the first-level monsters.

After the two monsters appeared on the stage, all the surrounding wild beasts retreated quickly, revealing a large open space. It seemed that the two monsters were about to duel.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, the two monsters rushed towards each other with roars, the flamingo was faster, and approached the big squirrel with one dash, and grabbed the head with its sharp claws as hard as gold and iron. But the big squirrel who had just started running saw the sharp claws approaching, but in a very short distance, it stopped instantly in an extremely uncoordinated posture, and its hair stood on end!

Like thousands of steel needles waiting for momentum, long and sharp nails appeared on the four small claws, and the cold light shone!

"Fairy Flame" has been updated with [-] words. Today, there is only one chapter because there is something at home, and it is still delayed. Youdao feels ashamed, and please forgive me.

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