fairy flame

Chapter 367 Fire Rat?Fire swallowing mouse?

"Ping Ping!" There was a clear sound of weapons clashing, and the light flashed slightly. The two monsters separated immediately after touching each other. The big squirrel was safe and sound, but the belly of the flamingo was much bigger. There were several scratches, but the wounds were not deep, and were blocked by its hard feathers.

It was just one blow. From the perspective of someone with rich fighting experience like Luo Yu, these two monsters should have fought more than once. Just now the big squirrel stopped so suddenly that even Luo Yu couldn't take a look. Come out, if it is said that this flamingo has not suffered from the sudden attack just now and has learned a painful lesson, Luo Yu will not believe it at all. Could it be that the reaction of the first-level monster is faster than him!

Right now, after the two monsters are separated, the flamingo seems to understand its own advantages, and it doesn't care about the scratches on its body, and it flies into the air with a light flap of its wings. Passively beaten.

The flamingo that flew into the air became arrogant again, a crimson flame protruded from its mouth, and rushed towards the big squirrel with a scorching air wave.

This crimson flame is naturally nothing in front of Luo Yu, an expert who plays with fire. It can be seen after a little feeling. This fire should be about the same power as the innate true fire of a cultivator in the Qi training period. Let's look at the squirrel next. How did Destiny' deal with it? If there is danger, it will not be too late for him to stop it.

However, what Luo Yu didn't expect was that seeing the waves of fire coming, the big squirrel didn't use his flexible body to dodge. Instead, there was an expression of excitement on its small head. Loud "Zhizhi" blew twice, and the whole body of the rat suddenly turned bright red like blood. This bright red color was still spreading and getting thicker and thicker. In the blink of an eye, the big gray rat just now turned For an exquisite sculpture carved like fire jade, it is brilliant!

It is as beautiful as glass carefully poured!

Immediately afterwards, the delicate glass-like 'Streaming Mouse' leaped upwards and plunged headlong into the flames of the Flamingo. Luo Yu couldn't help clenching his fists while watching this scene, hesitating whether to make a move.

But immediately, the expression on Luo Yu's face relaxed again. When the demon fire fell on the glass-like squirrel, it was first knocked away, turned into waves of fire and swept away in all directions, and then even weirder Yes, not long after the fire wave overflowed, the face of Tianming's mouse suddenly tightened, as if it was puffing up!

Then, the big mouth opened and closed, and the waves of fire that drifted away suddenly seemed to have been summoned, and they were sucked back one after another, falling into the mouth of Tianming one after another.

After devouring the flames, the jade-like mouse Tianming gritted its mouth twice, showing a delicious expression, and then danced happily to the flamingo, with a provocative expression on its small face.

"Yanhuoshu! No, Yanhuoshu is a famous fire spirit monster in ancient times. Its body is red and has four eyes. It is very different from Tianming's current appearance, and Tianming only has two eyes. It shouldn't be Fire-swallowing mouse, but why does it have the ability to devour flames? Could it be a general fire-swallowing mouse, but it doesn't seem like it!" After seeing Tianming swallow the demon fire released by the flamingo in one gulp, Luo Yu's face was still full of anger. With an expression of enjoyment, I immediately thought of a strange beast I had seen on the Beast Spirit Book, called the Fire Rat, which has the magical ability to devour flames and refine fire spirits after adulthood, but in ancient times this kind of beast Strange beasts rarely appear.

Although the Destiny in front of him has the ability to devour flames initially, but its form is too different from the Fire Rat, so it should not be the rumored strange beast.

But if it is an ordinary fire-eating mouse, Luo Yu thinks it is unlikely, because the fire-eating mouse has a gentle temperament, automatically produces flames in its body, and can also absorb some low-level ordinary fire, mainly because it was forged by some master craftsmen. It is very common to assist in watching the fire, and it is absolutely impossible to have the ability to swallow the first-order demon fire. From this point of view, what kind of monster is Tianming?This really made Luo Yu feel so ignorant that he couldn't even tell what kind of monster it was.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu couldn't help but shook his head and turned his gaze to the field where the two monsters were fighting.

There are too many rat monsters, and it is normal for there to be some rare and exotic species that have not been recorded in the "Beast Spiritual Spectrum".

At this moment, Tianming's tail was swaying, jumping around on the ground, looking eager to try, but the flamingo in the air spit out several balls of flames continuously, but they were still easily absorbed by Tianming, and the bird's face showed With a sluggish expression, as if he had exhausted too much energy, he flapped his wings and wobbled away to the distance.

Seeing this scene, Tianming on the ground immediately became joyful. The two monsters have fought many times. Because of the land-type monsters, it has never been able to really kill this firebird. Now that the other party is weak, it is a great opportunity.

Therefore, Destiny did not hesitate, and jumped out suddenly with a light wag of its tail, and those beasts brought by the flamingo, as long as they stood in the way of Destiny's running, they were immediately torn by a pair of sharp and sharp claws. Open, blood splashes!

Within a few breaths, the group of beasts in the bamboo forest began to scream wildly, screaming wildly and biting the beasts beside them!

All of a sudden, the bamboo forest became extremely hot and noisy!

After Tianming chased him out, Luo Yu naturally followed his footsteps and blessed himself with a 'light body technique'. Coupled with the ethereal and mysterious of the Shining Spirit Step, when Luo Yu passed the group of wild beasts that were fighting fiercely, unexpectedly Not a single beast found him.

Originally, in order to save time, Luo Yu was going to kill the flamingo directly, but when the flamingo flew away, Luo Yu suddenly heard a very small sound of incantation. If Luo Yu hadn't beheaded the disciples of Lie Beast Mountain, and hadn't obtained the secrets of controlling beasts in the Beast Spirit Book, he probably wouldn't be suspicious of that tiny voice just now.

The first update of "Xianyan", there will be a second update soon, and it is almost over in the collection, haha, he exploded!

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