fairy flame

Chapter 372 Competition and lottery

When Luo Yu saw Xiao De walk up to the old man with long eyebrows and sit down, he found that several of his immortal cultivators in the Qi training period were standing erect and silent behind the foundation establishment period cultivators in the hall, so he immediately understood what was happening. To sit down in this hall, I am afraid that you have to have a cultivation level in the foundation period, and I am not qualified enough.

Therefore, Luo Yu walked behind Xiao De silently, and stood beside the elder brother with a blank expression.

But at this moment, Luo Yu found that the middle-aged beautiful woman who had been staring at him looked away, and the discomfort in his heart gradually subsided.

But Luo Yu didn't have time to relax, and immediately heard the voice of a middle-aged beautiful woman laughing softly.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, I don't know what this little brother's name is, but he looks really talented, and the heavens are full."

Hearing this alluring voice, Luo Yu's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't understand why this middle-aged beautiful woman was so interested in him. It stands to reason that Luo Yu's appearance is ordinary, and a young man who is more handsome than him is in this hall. There are many, why the other party pays so much attention to him.

Luo Yu didn't believe that the other party was praising him, he must have ulterior motives.

"Miss Qi, this is my junior brother. It's fine if you play with those juniors who have no self-control. My junior brother is my master's favorite apprentice. Don't blame me for not reminding you beforehand. How dare you say something to him?" Don't blame Xiao for being ruthless." Before Luo Yu could speak, Xiao De on the side said coldly with a cold face.

These words are also reminding Luo Yu to be careful of this woman!

"Brother Xiao's words are so frightening. My younger sister just admires some young talents, so how could she be so perverse about him? Besides, all the fellow Taoists who are sitting here now don't know that Brother Xiao's cultivation base It's amazing, the monks present are unmatched, and the little girl wants to live two more days, so she knows how to measure it." The heavily made-up woman gently stroked her temple hair, and said with a frightened expression on her face.

It's just that this woman is good at eloquence, and there is a provocation hidden in her seemingly respectful words.

Among the monks present, there were two people who were on par with Xiao De, and which one was higher and which one was lower was naturally a sensitive word.

"Miss Qi, there is no basis for what you said, not to mention that the level of strength cannot be judged by cultivation base alone, even if this is the case, you have to really compare to know." Sitting upright in the middle-aged beauty The fierce man next to the woman said in a rough voice, and made no secret of his fierce eyes on Luo Yu's side.

"Spike monster! You mean that you want to compete with me. The monks present dare not say it, but it is you. I am sure of victory. It happens that the Lingshan Mountain in the east is not easy to allocate. You and I will fight , Whoever is stronger will go to him, this is the easiest way!" Xiao De returned a provocative look to the other party, not to be outdone, and his aura fluctuated accordingly.

"Two fellow daoists, please calm down, and please listen to what Jiang said. Both of them are well-known figures in the alliance of the six factions. If they do something, they will inevitably hurt their temper. Moreover, both of them are guests of my Jiang family. Jiang Mou, the immortal master appointed by the great sect, really doesn't want to offend both sides, everyone can discuss it in an amicable manner, and each of them backs off a step, it's like giving Jiang Mou some thin noodles." Seeing Xiao De and that Langya In the tense atmosphere between the two bosses, Jiang Yuanshan, as the host, gave a wry smile and hurried forward to persuade him.

One side is from the Cuixia faction, the momentum is in full swing, and the Xiuxian family is feared by everyone, and the other side is from the Liebeast Mountain, which is also a big sect that cannot be offended. Their Jiang family can't afford to offend both sides, but there is nothing they can do about it. are caught in the middle.

"That's right, the two fellow daoists still have to play an important role in this 'state battle', so don't hurt your peace now, but brother Jiang suggests that everyone sit down and talk, Mei also hopes that this is the best, but right now Fellow Daoists know very well that everyone wants to sit on the top of the mountain with the best aura, and talking about it may not solve the problem, but I have a compromise, and I believe Fellow Daoist Xiao and Fellow Daoist Langya will agree."

The one who spoke at this moment was the long-browed old man who had been silent all this time. Seeing everyone's curious eyes looking at him, he couldn't help showing a mysterious smile.

"Oh, if Fellow Daoist Mei has any good ideas, Xiao is all ears."

"Since Fellow Daoist Mei is so confident, what is the method? I want to hear it too."

Xiao De and the wolf-tooth old monster looked at each other and said, they are not fools, they said they would fight for the sake of face, and the imposing immortal cultivators in the foundation-building period would naturally not fight angrily in front of the juniors. Disgraceful thing.

And this old man surnamed Mei is well-known for being scheming and calculating in the world of cultivating immortals. They are also afraid that the solution that the other party will say will eventually have to compete with each other. Profitable things.

It's just that the two of them couldn't give up on the matter of Lingshan because of their faces, so it's not easy to shirk.

"That's right, Brother Mei, don't be fooled. What are you paying attention to?" Jiang Yuanshan, who was sitting upright on the top, also asked anxiously. It is best to resolve this matter without hurting the peace.

"Hehe, fellow daoists, you can rest assured that the method Mei said will never cause any harm to Brother Xiao and Brother Langya. It is because I suddenly thought of something just now. Since it is inconvenient for the two fellow daoists to take action, it is better to let each other How about the younger brother during the qi training period? This way, the winner can be determined, and there will be no casualties under the supervision of a group of us immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period." The old man surnamed Mei played with his teacup and said softly .

"Senior Brother Langya, I would like to go to meet fellow Taoists of the Cuixia Sect for a while on behalf of the senior brother, and discuss it." As soon as the old man surnamed Mei finished speaking, a Qi training period standing behind the fierce man of the foundation establishment period in Lie Beast Mountain The immortal cultivator couldn't help but stepped forward to ask for his life.

And after this person finished speaking, his sharp gaze was directed at Luo Yu. Luo Yu was the only Qi training disciple sent by Cuixia to the scene.

It's just that when he said these words, the wolf-toothed old monster in front immediately nodded in agreement, and his expression eased. He had observed Luo Yu's peak strength during the Qi training period, and he was considered extraordinary during the Qi training period.The person who made the move on his side was also at the peak of qi training, and he was also the descendant of a great immortal cultivating family in the Xixia Kingdom. He had a secret treasure inherited from the family, which was extremely powerful, and there were few opponents during the qi training period.

And this time when he brought him here, the wolf-toothed old monster also had the intention of marrying him, and wanted to win over the Jiang family and advance and retreat together. Marriage is also easier to talk about.

Similarly, Luo Yu was also observing the other party. This man looked gentle, and looked like a Confucian student studying hard, but his lips were bright red like blood, which was very strange.

Luo Yu was only a little surprised by his appearance. As for the competition, he didn't need to think about it at all. He could even kill ghosts in the foundation building stage, and he was not easy to deal with the immortal cultivators in the Qi training stage.

"How is it? Fellow Daoist Xiao, there is nothing wrong with us at Beast Mountain, how long do you have to think about it!" Seeing Xiao De's silence, Luo Yu couldn't help saying slightly angrily when he saw that Xiao De was silent. , In fact, I feel a little satisfied in my heart.

"Hmph! You think that Xiao is like you, who will only use some juniors to show off his prestige. Fellow Daoist Mei's suggestion is good, but whether he is willing to compete or not, Xiao can't decide for my junior brother, he has to agree. Alright." Xiao De looked at the wolf-fang monster with disdain, and actually handed over the initiative to Luo Yu.

As soon as these words came out, most of the monks present also wanted to see what Luo Yu was doing and react.

"I'm afraid this matter is a little unfair. Fellow Daoist Luo came here after a long journey without a moment's rest. If we compete now, it will inevitably be unfair." At this moment, it was Jiang Yuanshan who was ahead of Luo Yu, and looked at the After Xiao De, he frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Senior Jiang said the same thing. In fact, this junior is not in a hurry. If this fellow Taoist of the Cuixia sect wants to rest, he can go to meditate to recover for a while, and Huang can wait!" Sarcastically said with a laugh.

"No need, just compete at the same level, the winner will be determined in a short time, and I can accompany you at any time." Luo Yu responded in a flat voice, neither humble nor overbearing. To outsiders, Luo Yu seemed to be extremely confident in his own strength. of.

In fact, Luo Yu had already figured it out in his heart. Eldest brother Xiao De had helped him and introduced him to join the Cuixia School. face.

"Okay, for the sake of your willingness to be so forthright, Huang will be more gentle later on. It's not convenient to do it in the hall. How about we go out and compete?" the red-lipped young man said impatiently. Come on, Luo Yu is simply asking for trouble.

"I will accompany you to the end." Luo Yu's expression was flat.

"and many more!"

Just when Luo Yu and a group of immortal cultivators were about to get up and fly out, the elder brother Xiao De, who was still a little dissatisfied just now, suddenly turned around and said.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, what are you?" Jiang Yuanshan said in a puzzled manner. Could it be that Xiao De still wanted to find a reason to shirk? This doesn't seem like his temper.

Not only Jiang Yuanshan, but also the other cultivators in the hall couldn't help being curious and puzzled.

"Don't worry, everyone, Xiao is not someone who breaks his promise."

After finishing speaking, Xiao De looked at Luo Yu intently, wondering if he had gotten the information of victory from Luo Yu's eyes, and then said surprisingly: "I've been stuck in this shitty place for so long, It's rare that there is something interesting, I wonder if fellow Daoist Langya dares to bet some money with me."

"Xianyan" is updated today, and I want to tell you something today. Youdao recently wrote a book very slowly due to environmental reasons, and this chapter has been inked for a long time. I am more anxious about this than everyone else.

It’s just that my parents suddenly told me today that the old house at home is going to be demolished, and before it is demolished, we have to hurry up and rebuild it, so that others will pay more compensation, but because the family is in the wholesale business, so my parents can’t leave. I can only go home during the day to supervise the work, and I can write to everyone at night, but even so, I think I can’t ask for leave or stop updating. I’m a very committed person, so I can only update one chapter a day this week. I will go to school in a week, and I will make up for everyone slowly.

Youdao is a very down-to-earth person. Since I don’t write much, I won’t ask for votes and let other fairy tales fly for a while.


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