fairy flame

Chapter 373 Blood Dragon Blade

"What! Lucky head!" The wolf-toothed old monster's expression was startled, and his eyes suddenly narrowed!

Because in his understanding, Xiao Deke has always been the kind of strict and old-fashioned person, and he would not say it easily without absolute certainty. Could it be that the kid in the qi training period in front of him really has some extraordinary skills, but he repeatedly Observation feels very unfamiliar, without any impression.

Not only the wolf fang monster, but even many people in the hall at the moment were surprised. Xiao De must have something to rely on for daring to do this, and this young man surnamed Huang is not an idler. It seems that later There's a good show to watch.

"What do you want to bet?" Spike Fang asked hesitantly.

"Hey, not much, two thousand spirit stones!" Xiao De said with a smile on his face, and then said to Luo Yu: "Junior brother, why don't you come and add some for fun, it doesn't matter how much, it's right to celebrate yourself in advance. "

"Brother's kindness, why not do it, I will add a thousand spirit stones." Luo Yu finished speaking calmly, then lowered his head and touched the storage bag, counted the spirit stones, and then said nothing He took off a storage bag and handed it directly to Xiao De, in which Luo Yu put a thousand spirit stones.

To be honest, if it wasn't for not attracting attention, and because he was afraid that if he played too much, the other party would run away, Luo Yu would definitely bet all the more than 2000 spirit stones in his storage bag. Immediate results.

Three thousand spirit stones!All the monks present exclaimed, this pair of senior brothers is really generous. Fortunately, the two senior brothers still said it was a small gamble, with a casual and indifferent look on their faces. Fatty, trying to scare the other party.

Especially Luo Yu, a celestial cultivator in the Qi training period is so scary when he makes a move, it seems that he has a lot of background.

Everyone thought about it in their hearts.

But at this moment, it was the Langya old monster brother who fell silent. Three thousand spirit stones is not a small amount. In order to successfully marry the Jiang family this time, the head of the Huang family in Xixia Kingdom naturally sent a lot of betrothal gifts. Among them are thousands of spirit stones, which can be gambled on, but in this way, if they lose, the marriage will come to naught.

However, seeing so many people looking at him, the wolf-tooth old monster couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice: "Okay, three thousand is three thousand, and brother Yuanshan is invited to be a witness for this matter."

"The two juniors can do as they please, and it doesn't matter if Jiang is a notary." Such a solution may be the best for all three parties, and Jiang Yuanshan is naturally very happy.

Afterwards, Luo Yu and the young man surnamed Huang, accompanied by everyone, turned into two beams of light and shot out of the main hall. After that, the two quickly flew to the sky above the main hall, and rushed out of the surrounding area of ​​the castle, separated by tens of feet. The young man surnamed Huang stared at each other from a distance of [-] meters, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he looked eager to try.

Luo Yu, on the other hand, was relatively calm and calm, and his gaze was calm. From this point of view alone, the two of them did not talk about strength, at least Luo Yu had the upper hand in the competition of heart and mind.

When all the seniors of the Foundation Establishment Stage stood around with their feet on various magic tools and watched the two people in the arena, the charming woman with heavy makeup stared at it for a while, but frowned slightly.

Afterwards, the woman turned to Jiang Yuanshan and asked, "Jiang Daoyou, do you know the name of this Qi training disciple of the Cuixia Sect? Looking at this person's attire, it seems to remind me of an astonishing dish that our Yunhuan Sect passed down yesterday. The news, but there is a record of a god-like figure in the Qi training period."

"Oh, there is another matter?" Jiang Yuanshan asked curiously, then paused, as if thinking about recalling: "When I greeted this person just now, I seemed to have heard him announce his name as Luo Yu."

"What! It really is this person, fellow Daoist Jiang, did you remember correctly?" The complexion of the woman with heavy make-up immediately changed, and she exclaimed in surprise.

"What? I pray that Fellow Daoist knows this person?" Jiang Yuanshan's expression changed. Could it be that Luo Yu is still some kind of special person, a mere disciple of the Qi training stage, so he wouldn't be so surprised by the cultivators of the Foundation Establishment stage.

"It's not a matter of knowing each other, but the other party is famous, known as the No. 1 Qi training period, and his strength is no less than that of us immortal cultivators in the early stage of foundation establishment. We, Yunhuanzong, have only just received the news. Hey! This time the wolf The tooth monster is asking for trouble." The woman with heavy makeup smiled wryly and shook her head several times, looked at Xiao De who was still worried on his face, and said to the old fox secretly in her heart, as if she had expected Here comes the result.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to continue explaining, Jiang Yuanshan didn't force it, and waved his hand to indicate that the two can start!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Luo Yu and the young man surnamed Huang!

"Haha, Your Excellency is out of luck. Huang came out this time and happened to bring a family treasure. You have to be careful. Huang competes with others and never tries. He will do his best when he makes a move!" Standing in Luo Yu The young man surnamed Huang on the opposite side seemed to have a lot of confidence in himself. He laughed wildly, flipped it over, and a bright red dragon scale sword appeared in his hand. With a slight shake of the blade, the blood red color on it As if the scales were alive, they trembled non-stop, and made a 'chi chi' sound, which made people shudder.

"Blood Dragon Blade! Isn't this the heirloom of the Huang family? How did it end up in this kid's hands!"

"It is rumored that this saber was once stained with a drop of dragon's blood, and after that, its spirituality soared. Every time the saber is drawn, it will inevitably be accompanied by the roaring sound of the dragon. Immortal cultivators under this sound wave will be in a state of mind, and they will go ahead without fighting. Terrified three points!"

"Really? But although this knife is powerful, how powerful can it be in the hands of a junior who has only cultivated Qi?"

As soon as the bloody sword appeared, there were many exclamations and greedy voices from all around.

"Admit defeat!" The young man surnamed Huang licked his lips ferociously, and sacrificed the bloody knife with a loud roar. Immediately, a bloody streak appeared on top of Luo Yu's head, and the tip of the knife fell down fiercely. !

At the same time, the roar of a flood dragon suddenly appeared on the blood knife, like a faint wave of blood-colored sound waves covering Luo Yu, and once he made a move, it was the killing move in the blood flood knife.

It is so vicious, once it is hit, it may be too late for the surrounding foundation-building stage cultivators to save it.

Facing such a quick attack, Luo Yu was a little surprised at first, but his subsequent reaction was extremely quick.

"Puff!" Two soft sounds seemed to suddenly appear from the void, and I saw two green throwing knives flash out of nowhere, and the green throwing knives hit the flying blood dragon blade like catching the wind. , the green light and the bloody light intertwined and burst for a while, and then the brilliance of the latter was dimmed, and it was thrown away.

I don't know what kind of treasure this green flying knife is, but it easily knocked away such a treasure as the Blood Flood Dragon Blade, whose power is very close to the top-grade magic weapon.

But before everyone was surprised, Luo Yu suddenly looked up at the sound waves slowly rippling towards him, and couldn't help but look a little dignified.

Sonic attack!It's not the first time he has come into contact with it, but this invisible and invisible thing is too weird and hard to guard against. Luo Yu feels that this is what he needs to pay attention to, so as not to capsize in the gutter!

"Chi Chi!" Everyone could see clearly this time, Luo Yu raised his sleeve robe, and saw five green lights shooting out from among them, the green lights intertwined for a while, and turned into a green halo. The wheel flashed slightly, and immediately appeared above Luo Yu's head.

Almost at the same time, the bloody sound wave also attacked, just colliding head-on with Luo Yu's green light wheel!

At this moment, the face of the young man surnamed Huang suddenly showed surprise, and he didn't care about the body of the blood dragon blade that was knocked away just now, because the sound wave attack of this blood dragon blade is the biggest trick, and it can deal with immortal cultivators in the Qi training period How could Luo Yu's hasty defensive method be able to withstand the repeated trials and tribulations? Seeing this, the young man surnamed Huang couldn't help but feel elated.

The dazzling green light wheel and the invisible blood-colored light wave collided together in the blink of an eye!

I saw that the green light showed weakness from the very beginning, the green light was dim, and was beaten by the blood-colored sound wave after wave, like a lone boat in a tsunami, swaying unsteadily, at first glance, the green light wheel is really 'woo Woo' trembling non-stop, looking invincible, the face of the wolf-toothed old monster also showed a relaxed expression, but this expression did not last long, and then became stiff.

The green light wheel was constantly swaying, and the green light was disappearing, but it didn't mean to be broken. Instead, after several rounds of impacts from the blood-colored sound waves, the blood light was unknowingly absorbed by the green light wheel. Quite a few, the green halo became more and more indestructible as time went by!

This weird green light wheel can absorb sonic attacks, which is extremely rare!

At this moment, the young man surnamed Huang was obviously aware of this problem, and he couldn't help but become a little bit pale and wanted to use other attacks, but Luo Yu didn't give him this chance.

Luo Yu patted the storage bag and took out a small black flag, flung it with one hand, and the flag flew to the top of Luo Yu's head, spinning extremely spiritually, while Luo Yu was muttering the obscure words in his mouth. Spells, and quickly typed out complicated seal formulas in his hands.

"Peng!" A dull sound suddenly appeared, and I saw that the green light wheel suddenly burst into brilliance. Under the command of the small flag's swing in the air, the green light was like a sword, and it directly broke through the attack of the blood-colored sound wave , and then appeared on top of the head of the young man surnamed Huang like lightning, and the attack was extremely fast, but this young man surnamed Huang is also at the peak of Qi training, so naturally it is not easy to deal with it.

"Xianyan" is updated today, I forgot to tell everyone a happy Valentine's Day yesterday, hehe, I forgot.Of course, being single is not a kind of happiness. In short, I wish everyone happy.


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