fairy flame

Chapter 374

Seeing Luo Yu's green light wheel suddenly displaying its supernatural power, when the young man surnamed Huang on the opposite side was about to raise his knife to take it hard, the green light wheel burst suddenly for some reason, and at the same time Luo Yu shot seven spiritual powers in succession and shot at the black small On the flag, after the spiritual power submerged in, the burst green light wheel turned into seven green beams of light, trapping the young man surnamed Huang inside.

Afterwards, Luo Yu's black flag also refracted seven black auras, and these black lights were attached to the green beam of light, and the color of the seven beams of light changed again, turning into a strange black-green!

"Using weapons to form an array, this guy is so clever!" Luo Yu used one array flag, but he could make the seven flying knives to attack according to his own will, and he was skilled in techniques, well-founded in advancing and retreating, and faintly formed. A set of unknown formations was used to trap the young man surnamed Huang inside. Such a brilliant method naturally shamed some of the foundation-building stage cultivators present.

Only the old man with long brows, who was quite skilled in the way of formation, could vaguely see the way in it, and couldn't help applauding and applauding.

When the other people saw this scene, they felt horrified in their hearts, and they couldn't help thinking secretly how to get out of it if they were trapped in it. The spiritual power fluctuations of the formation in front of them were enough to threaten them!

But at this moment, the young man surnamed Huang who was trapped by Luo Yu in the Qijuetu spirit array felt that his whole body was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. Even the slightest connection between himself and the blood dragon blade has been weakened a lot, and his face has changed drastically!

At this time, even a fool understands that Luo Yu cannot continue to spread, and it is best to destroy it with one blow before the formation is formed!

Thinking of this, the young man surnamed Huang suddenly recited a mantra at the corner of his mouth, and his hands became abnormally blood-red. I don't know what secret technique was activated. Rushing out from the blade, the real blade light collided with Luo Yu's black-green light curtain in the blink of an eye, and the two erupted with dazzling brilliance and a powerful stabbing sound!

After performing this trick, the face of the young man surnamed Huang gradually showed a pale color, as if he had used that kind of uncontrollable treasure, or forcibly activated the secret method that was harmful to himself. The phase of loss.

"Puff!" The blood light and the black-green brilliance were entangled continuously, and quickly dissipated after the two collided. The two were entangled for a while, and the aura flashed.

But the blood light seemed to be extremely fierce, and within a short while, it gradually cut through the light curtain. The young man surnamed Huang thought that his move, which combined the sharpness of the blood dragon blade and the strange voice of the dragon, should catch Luo Yu off guard I will suffer a big loss.

But at the next moment, a scene appeared that surprised the young man surnamed Huang and everyone else.

For some reason, the originally thin black-green light curtain suddenly became abnormally thick, and the endless black-green clouds continuously shot out from the seven black-green beams of light. The black and green light wheel with a radius of about one zhang has seven light spots floating around like stars dotted in the sky.

Luo Yu's powerful attack method 'Seven Star Disk' is finally fully deployed!

As soon as the light wheel appeared, the blood-colored saber aura that was pressed immediately deformed and distorted, as if the two were not at the same level at all, and the blood-colored saber aura dissipated faintly unwillingly, continuously releasing circles of blood-colored sound waves The waves hit the dark green astrolabe continuously like a stormy sea.

Such a powerful sonic attack, not to mention the strangeness of the sonic attack, even under a head-on head-on attack, I am afraid that it can directly shake the bones of a cultivator's whole body!

However, what is even more unbelievable is that this dark green astrolabe is like a bottomless pit. The wave-like blood-colored sound wave rushed into the astrolabe, but it was pulled into the darkness and disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea. It disappeared without a trace, and the dark green disc that absorbed the blood-colored sound wave was still threatening, and its power showed no sign of weakening!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu's mouth turned up slightly. The Qijue Tuling Formation is a so-called 'forbidden' formation. It isolates everything inside and can even absorb sound, light, spiritual energy, etc. It can be said that it is born to restrain the mouth. The Blood Flood Sword, not to mention that Luo Yu's magic power is far stronger than that of the young man surnamed Huang. It is expected that he will win.

But at this moment, for some reason, Luo Yu's right hand hidden in the sleeve robe trembled slightly. It is estimated that no one noticed this tiny movement, and Luo Yu returned to normal immediately after only a slight movement.

Seeing that the dark green astrolabe pushed the bloody knife back to the top of the young man surnamed Huang, and fell down under the gnashing eyes of the other party, the young man surnamed Huang below suddenly became pale, and spit out three mouthfuls of blood as he gritted his teeth. After the blood spurted onto the blade of the Blood Flood Dragon Knife, it immediately made the latter tremble violently. The blood knife swayed slightly, and two blurred shadows of the blade appeared at the same time, one on the left and one on the right. Under the control of the pale-faced young man surnamed Huang, the three blood knives formed a triangle and joined the confrontation with Luo Yu again.

For a while, the blood light and black light continued to shine, devouring each other, which really slowed down the downward trend of Luo Yu's seven-star disk. However, Luo Yu used the seven-star disk to increase the formation method, so it did not consume much spiritual power. With the current mana, it is definitely not a problem to support it for a short time, but the opponent's three blood knives were indeed forcibly spawned using blood essence, and they cannot last long. The longer the two entangle, the greater the harm to the young man surnamed Huang himself!

Sure enough, after a few breaths of effort, the pale face of the young man surnamed Huang gradually showed a dead gray color, and the spiritual power to control the three blood knives also began to slow down, and Luo Yu's seven-star disk was naturally merciless pressed down.

At this moment, the young man surnamed Huang complained in his heart and refused to give it up, but this competition was of great importance to him, and he really couldn't afford to lose, so even if Luo Yu's seven-star disk was overwhelming like a black cloud, the young man surnamed Huang still refused. Admitting defeat, he bit his lip violently, as if he wanted to use the secret method of depleting essence and blood again to resist.

When the two fought to such a stalemate, everyone had already seen that the young man surnamed Huang was doomed, but they didn't expect this person to be so ignorant and unwilling to admit defeat. Isn't this a joke with his own life!

Everyone couldn't help but feel a great deal of affection for the young man surnamed Huang. It is very dangerous to continuously stimulate one's own potential like this. At the least, his cultivation base will regress, and at worst, he will be killed on the spot. This person is so impulsive, his mind is too extreme up.

At this time, the few immortal cultivators present at the Foundation Establishment Stage had already begun to consider whether to help him or not. After all, it was a trivial matter for him to want to die, but it was a major event for him to kill someone within the Jiang family's sphere of influence.

And at this moment, Luo Yu was about to step up the urging of the Seven Star Disk, and when he wanted to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop, he suddenly felt the light curtain of his Qijuetu Spirit Formation tremble suddenly, followed by a "chi la" sound. It was torn open at once, and a tall and mighty figure rushed in quickly, holding a big white sword in his hand!

This person is the wolf-toothed old monster with an annoyed expression on his face. He glanced coldly at the seven star disk above his head, and without a word, he slashed over with a sword, and a thick white streak flew out of the white giant sword immediately. The ice wall, this ice wall directly collided with Luo Yu's seven-star disk, the two erupted with violent aura, entangled and collided continuously, making a substantial explosion sound, and finally canceled each other evenly.

And the wolf fang monster looked at Luo Yu with a vicious look, and directly withdrew the ice sword without making another move. As a senior like him, his actions just now would be regarded as a laughing stock by monks of the same level. , the reputation of those years has been lost, and he is not only a foundation-building immortal cultivator here, the other party can also come up to help Luo Yu.

Spike old monster analyzed the pros and cons. Although he really wanted to teach Luo Yu a lesson, he had no choice but to forcefully suppress this impulse. He turned his head to look at the disappointing young man surnamed Huang, sighed slightly, and stretched out Putting a palm on this person's shoulder, it seems to be healing his injuries!

Luo Yu withdrew his magic weapon with a calm expression, and looked at the two of them quietly.

After a while, the wolf-toothed old monster slowly retracted his arm, and at the same time, the pale face of the young man surnamed Huang gradually regained some vitality.

"Senior brother, I haven't lost yet! Why don't you let me compete?" The first thing the young man surnamed Huang said when he recovered was that he refused to admit defeat and wanted to fight Luo Yu to the death.

"Shut up! As you are now, even if you win after activating the secret method again, you will eventually end up in a state of madness. Besides, you really think you haven't lost yet! Look at the back of your neck!" Mr. Langya Guaihe shouted angrily, feeling that his old face was completely lost.

Hearing what Spike Fang said, the young man surnamed Huang still didn't understand, so he turned his head to look. When he saw this, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank!

I saw a thin, invisible needle pierced into my collar, half an inch deep, and it was only a short distance away from making a hole in my throat in an instant. He didn't realize it at all, but he didn't know that the other party would have taken his life long ago.

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