fairy flame

Chapter 384 Tianjia Pavilion

I have to say that this Jiang Yuanshan is indeed the kind of person who is flexible, thoughtful and has a lot of friends. After Luo Yu went in, he found that there were several more foundation-building cultivators than last time. It turned out that Jiang Yuanshan had invited him from somewhere. At this time, you can find some casual practitioners to help you. Even if you spend a lot of money to invite them, you have to say that this person is really good.

At the beginning, everyone was naturally surprised at Luo Yu, who was such a young foundation-building cultivator. After whispering and discussing, they knew the identity of Luo Yu's alchemy master, which naturally surprised them all again. Without closing his mouth, he hurriedly put away his arrogant eyes, lowered his posture and started chatting with Luo Yu, his face was full of enthusiasm and smiling.

Luo Yu received a lot of foundation-building gifts, a large part of which was given by them. Since he took things from others, he naturally had to respond one by one in a very artificial way. Everyone has become close friends, but it's hard to say whether these people have good or bad plans in their hearts. Maybe they really want to make friends, or maybe they just want to use Luo Yu to help alchemy.

Luo Yu sneered in his heart, and looked enthusiastic. After the conversation, he discussed about Jiang Fu's two marriages. It's not like the muddy water in the stall, it's only human to have the idea of ​​staying out of it.

However, Jiang Yuanshan was far-sighted, carefully analyzed the current situation and the Jiang family's difficulties with everyone, and finally brought out many rare things to win everyone over, including panacea, elixir, and precious refining materials. , and Luo Yu was the first to give it to him. In Luo Yu's opinion, this trick is the most ingenious!

Now that he has the hat of an alchemy master on his head, even the immortal cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment would not dare to pose in front of Luo Yu. It means that he is on the side of the Jiang family. The appeal of a master of alchemy is not a joke. Coupled with the dual identity of Luo Yu Cuixia sect disciple, as long as Luo Yu is willing to nod first, the matter will be successful More than half!

Just when everyone turned their attention to Luo Yu, wondering what choice Luo Yu would make, they found that Luo Yu didn't seem to think much about taking the treasures directly, and it was obvious that he was going to side with the Jiang family.

Regarding this, Xiao De next to him smiled lightly, put on an indifferent attitude and put those treasures into the storage bag, and had a few warm words with Jiang Yuanshan, the gestures they put on couldn't be more obvious .

But after Luo Yu and Xiao De took the lead, the effect was naturally very different, and some silent cultivators in the back also stepped forward to put away the treasures one after another, even when there were only a few solitary figures left in the entire hall. , Those few people seemed to have experienced a big battle, and after a few bitter sighs, they accepted the treasure with a sad face, but Luo Yu saw all of these, and couldn't help but secretly cursed the one who finally took the treasure. A few people, anyway, are going to be involved, so it's better to be happy, those who procrastinate will probably be hated by the Jiang family, isn't this a wronged loss.

After thinking about what happened in the hall just now, Luo Yu's eyes turned to the shops on both sides of the wide street.

Looking at the huge houses and shops built purely of earth and rocks, although the layout is simple, Luo Yu's eyes are already dazzled by some of the goods and instruments placed outside, which is enough to be called dazzling. The level is no less than that of the general market, and even in the sale and purchase of magic weapons, it is much higher than that of the market, which makes Luo Yu secretly amazed.

Luo Yu stopped and walked, hesitating which one to go to with great interest, the most famous in this Jiangfang is the art of refining weapons, it is a well-known ancestral secret art, very exquisite and unique, Luo Yu has long admired the name , but he has never seen it before, and now he has a little free time, and he happens to have the whole body monster material of the vine wood spirit snake in his hand, the absolute best material, if he can find a master craftsman to help, it will surely make Luo Yu's means of dealing with the enemy has increased a lot.

However, as far as the eye can see on this street, there are probably no less than [-] refining workshops with signboards and flags hanging high just by a rough count. There are so many shops that it is really difficult for Luo Yu to make a choice, and all around are some The noisy voice of the transaction dispute, Luo Yu regretted why he forgot to ask Xiao De before coming here, which shop is the most reliable and has the best reputation?

"Well, 'Tianjia Pavilion'!" A softly murmured voice came from Luo Yu's mouth, and his footsteps also stopped.

After walking for a long time, I finally saw a family whose name on the signboard was more in line with my own wishes. The most valuable thing on the body of the vinewood spirit snake was the demon pill, and the next step was the extremely hard snake skin. There are traces left on it, now Luo Yu has no lack of means of attack, but since the centipede shield was sent out, under the circumstance that the Xuanjin Baozhu could not be used in front of everyone, Luo Yu's defense method has become one of his weaknesses .

If the skin of the Vinewood Spirit Snake could be refined into armor, then the safety of Luo Yu's physical body would be greatly increased in the future.

Standing in front of the shop door, Luo Yu paused for a moment, then walked straight in with big strides.

This is a not-so-spacious hall with a length and width of several feet. In addition to placing some necessary seats in the shop, there are only various armors hanging on the walls!

The armor is exquisite and unusual, and it emits not weak mana fluctuations. There are battle armor, helmet, inner armor, heart mirror, arm guards, leg guards, etc. all wrapped around the body. After scanning through the spiritual sense only possessed by a human being, he discovered that all these protective equipment were of the middle-level magic weapon level!

It's rare to see so many high-quality products. It seems that the refining master inside must be quite capable.

It's just why the business in the store is so deserted, and there is no one in the empty hall except Luo Yu!

After Luo Yu stopped and watched for a while, a young man dressed as a servant lazily came over, glanced at Luo Yu, and said reluctantly: "What does this guest officer need? All the armor inside is hung on it, if you don’t find something you are satisfied with, you can leave on your own, if you fancy something, there is also a price on it, and this store doesn’t talk about the price.”

The servant in charge of the reception only had five or six levels of cultivation during the qi training period, and Luo Yu also deliberately restrained his aura. How could the other party see through, thinking that Luo Yu was a low-level qi training like him, so What kind of money does a cultivator have, I'm afraid he can't afford the materials for refining these armors, that's why the servant's attitude is so cold at this moment, as if he doesn't want to waste time on Luo Yu!

Regarding this, Luo Yu shook his head and smiled, and said, "I'm not interested in these ordinary goods, so ask your shopkeeper or someone in charge to come out and talk to me!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu's body moved slightly, and his whole body seemed to become extremely tall. At the same time, an unusually thick and majestic air suddenly enveloped the entire shop, mighty and surging, those placed in the shop All the seats trembled involuntarily under the coercion, and the various armors hanging on the wall also made the sound of 'bang bang' weapons!

This incomparably majestic spiritual pressure was several times stronger than Luo Yu's before, and when it suddenly appeared, it immediately made the waiter in charge feel as if he had been hit in the chest by a sledgehammer, and had difficulty breathing, as if there was a huge boulder on his back. Immediately, he was so frightened that he froze, fell to the ground, and begged for mercy!

"Senior, please forgive me, the little one has eyes and doesn't know Taishan, he is blind, don't dare to do it again!"

Luo Yu's momentum suddenly exploded. After reaching the Foundation Establishment Stage, even he felt an inexplicable sense of nobility in his heart. He should show off and bully the Immortal Cultivators in the Qi Training Stage to show his dignity.

Many immortal cultivators will have this sense of superiority after breaking through the first big realm. After all, they have taken a big step after all the hardships, and they are already far from each other. This is also normal, and it does take a while. Smoothed out.

The aura extended from the inside of the house to the outside of the shop, spreading rapidly, like a strong wind, causing some passing immortals to run away with shocked faces, and only recovered after running far away. Pavilion, I don't know what happened in it, and even provoked a cultivator in the foundation period.

But at this moment, in the shop, looking at the shop boy who was crawling and crawling under his feet, when Luo Yu was about to regain his momentum, suddenly a rushing sound came from the back of the shop!

"Senior Luo came here, making our shop flourish. I hope that for the sake of my brother Mei Yuanqin, I will spare him just once."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a rough-faced man with naked upper body and an unknown animal skin on the lower body rushing out from the back hall. When he saw Luo Yu, he hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted without caring about his embarrassing figure.

"You know me? Your brother is Daoyou Mei? How come I've never heard of it before!" Luo Yu glanced at this rough-faced man indifferently. , but know yourself, which makes people think deeply.

During Luo Yu's more than one year of retreat, he only came out twice, and each time he lived in seclusion and went out without alarming anyone, but how could the rough-faced man in front of him know.

When Luo Yu finished speaking, with a flick of his eyebrows, his extremely fierce momentum turned, and he rushed towards this rough-faced man!

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