fairy flame

Chapter 385 Armor and Poison Pill

"Excuse me, senior. I have never had any contact with my brother. It is normal for senior not to know about this matter. If senior doesn't believe me, then the villain has no choice but to take senior to my brother for verification." Rough Face Although the big man had a higher level of cultivation, he was quite frightened by this momentum, but he had no choice but to say with an unnatural expression on his face.

But at this moment, the thick-faced man was anxiously thinking whether he really wanted to take this senior Luo to his brother's place. If his brother was not there, his life would be ruined.

Didn't you hear that when your brother introduced this person, he said that Senior Luo was kind?How could I make things difficult for myself!

Just when the rough-faced man was at a loss, the opposite Luo Yu thought about it, and then withdrew his momentum calmly. Seeing this, the rough-faced man ran closer and saluted like an amnesty: "Junior Mei Yuanlin, It is the owner of this shop, the receptionist of this shop does not know what is good or bad, offended senior Luo, I will definitely punish him severely, and please calm down, senior."

After the rough-faced man begged for mercy, he secretly turned his head and gave a stern look at the terrified boy who was lying on the ground, and this boy just woke up from the coercion, and he saw it at the first sight The rough-faced man's vicious expression couldn't help but a mournful expression on his face, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

"Okay, you haven't answered my question yet." Luo Yu waved his hand silently and said impatiently.

"Yes, I'm really a pig's brain. It's like this. When I went to meet my brother a few times ago, I overheard my brother talking about the senior, saying that the senior's formation is extremely good. The junior asked curiously. At that time My brother casually drew a portrait of Senior Luo in ink and wash, and told me that if I meet Senior Luo in the future, I must treat you with courtesy."

After the rough-faced man finished speaking respectfully, he stared and told the boy to leave quickly.

"So that's the case, then Fellow Daoist Mei really has a heart. In this case, let's forget what happened just now. I came to you because I have a big deal, but I don't know if you dare to accept it?" Luo Yu withdrew his stern face. , said with a smile.

"I don't know what the senior has ordered, but the junior will definitely do his best."

When the rough-faced man heard that Luo Yu was coming to do business, he immediately regained his energy. After looking around, he whispered: "There are many people in the hall, seniors, please follow me to the back hall for a talk. After coming out of the refining room, it is really rude to see senior in rags like this."

After finishing speaking, the rough-faced man blushed, and made way for Luo Yu in an awkward manner to let Luo Yu go first.

Seeing this, Luo Yu raised his head slightly, and strode into the back hall. On the way, he passed a small courtyard. Luo Yu found that there were a lot of hardware and iron piled up in the courtyard, as well as several neat piles. Unknown ore material, and in a corner of the yard, several first-class 'fire-eating rats' locked in iron cages were found, all of which are necessary for refiners. These things attracted Luo Yu looked at him a lot, and his footsteps paused slightly.

After a while, the two walked into a cabin that was a little cleaner and tidier than the outside. Luo Yu went straight to a wooden table and sat down. A set of exquisite tea sets came out, the teapot and teacups were simple in color, and one could tell that they were old things at a glance.

"You are a bit elegant."

After seeing the thick-faced man carefully tinkering with the configuration, he poured himself a cup of spirit tea with his own hands, and there was a slight fragrance and pleasant mist in the tea. People who have mastered the way of tasting tea are generally more delicate in mind, but it is unexpected that this person is actually quite thoughtful under his rough appearance.

"This junior personally purchased some top-grade 'Jinwu tea' from a tea merchant in Chizhou, a close neighbor of this state. Please taste it first, and then go change your clothes first. Senior wait a moment." said the rough-faced man. Then he turned around, but it might as well be stopped suddenly by Luo Yu!

"Okay, Luo is not a polite person. For the sake of this expensive spirit tea, I will speak frankly."

Luo Yu picked up the teacup, held it in his hand, brewed it for a few moments, then put it aside, whether this spirit tea is worth a lot, Luo Yu, an outsider, would never know, if he praises it indiscriminately, he just pretends to understand. But no matter how much he cherishes this spiritual tea, Luo Yu never takes risks in a strange place, and being cautious is the way to longevity.

"Senior is here, so what is a mere spiritual tea? Since senior doesn't mind, I will naturally obey. If senior has a myth, just tell me." Seeing Luo Yu's refusal to taste the spiritual tea, the rough-faced man asked without changing his expression.

"Since this place of yours is called 'Tianjia Pavilion', it must be that the armor-making technique is quite sophisticated, but since Luo wants to do business with you, with my cultivation, I can't see the middle-level defensive armor outside." If not, there should be some top-grade goods in your small shop?" Luo Yu asked with a flat face.

"Top-grade armor? This this..." Seeing Luo Yu's question, when the thick-faced man heard the word "top-grade goods", his face immediately shrugged, as if hesitating what to say.

"What! Don't tell me you look down on Luo! You can't deliberately not do my business!" Luo Yu's face turned cold, and his voice suddenly became cold.

"Senior is happy and angry! How dare I have the slightest negligence towards senior, but there were indeed several pieces of high-level defensive armor in our store a few days ago, but these days they were bought one after another by some strange immortal cultivators at the foundation stage Now, what is displayed outside our store is all our belongings, there are really no top-grade goods, and the villain dare not lie to the seniors."

The rough-faced man fumbled his hands repeatedly, and replied with a nervous expression.

"Unfamiliar base-building stage cultivators?" Luo Yu's heart moved when he heard this. There were not many foundation-stage cultivators in the Jiupan Mountains, and foundation-building stage cultivators with faces were even rarer. Is it really like the big brother said? As you said, the monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance have come here?

Luo Yu was suspicious in his heart, but he continued without changing his expression.

"Since there isn't one, then forget it. It's just that Luo Mou came here this time and happened to have a batch of refining materials in his hand. You are an expert, so just help me see what I can make and open it. If I am satisfied, then of course I won't." You will lose your benefits."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu patted the storage bag lightly, and suddenly four green lights flew out from the storage bag, and then fell to the ground. It turned out to be a huge snake body divided into four sections, with its fangs still exposed. Horrible!

After the corpse of this giant snake was released by Luo Yu, it completely filled the entire room, and the rough-faced man was stunned. After staring at the corpse several times, he lost his voice and said: "It turned out to be a vine wood spirit snake monster at the peak of the third level, and its skin is still intact. It's incredible. I am afraid that only an existence like senior can kill this beast, and it is still possible without damaging the snake skin material. With such a precious material, I wonder what kind of armor the senior wants to forge?"

"You are an experienced expert. If such a large piece of material is refined according to Luo's idea, it will definitely waste a lot, so you don't have to tell me, just say, what I want is armor, use these snakes Leather forging, how much can you refine for me?" Although Luo Yu doesn't know how to forge weapons, he is not so stupid as to let others take advantage of it, so he pretends to know it well to scare him.

"Well, since the senior said so, the junior can only show off some preliminary experience. If it is for refining armor, such a large piece of snake skin is enough to refine about ten sets of armor or inner armor. The snake tail material I also cherish it very much. It moves against the wind and is extremely smooth. If the senior doesn't mind, I can create a pair of good-quality spirit boots for the senior. As for the last fang, if the junior owns this item, it is unlikely to be used for it. It would be too wasteful to refine magic tools." When the rough-faced man talked about the professional knowledge of tool refining, his face lost the restraint he had just now, and became extremely serious.

"Oh, how do you explain this?" Luo Yu knew that he was not as good as the other party in this respect. Although the cultivation base of the rough-faced man was not as good as his own, his knowledge of weapon refining was many times higher than his own. Talk is often very valuable.

"This is actually just a suggestion from me, because if these two fangs are now refined into magical weapons, not only will the materials appear to be less, but even the best refining masters will not be able to refine them into top-quality magic weapons for seniors." , after all, the highest-grade magic weapon can only be refined by the immortal cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage, and if it is only refined into a high-level magic weapon, it is also dispensable for the cultivation of the seniors." The rough-faced man said Here, he suddenly found that Luo Yu had stared at him at some point, and couldn't help but make the subsequent words in his mind choke in his throat as if being choked.

"Hehe, it's okay, what you said is true, let's continue."

Luo Yu withdrew his gaze, he just didn't expect that this person was exactly the same as he thought in advance, he couldn't help but habitually looked twice more in surprise, but Luo Yu didn't get used to it for a while, his identity had already changed However, any immortal cultivator in the Qi training period would feel uneasy if he stared at him like this.

"Fairy Flame" was updated today. There are a lot of classes recently, and I am not used to it, but I promise that there will be no less crazy outbreaks next week. In the last few days of this week, I will post a little less, and I will save the manuscripts for the outbreak. g


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