fairy flame

Chapter 390 Ice Moon Blue Flower

"Haha, Luo is going to stay in the Jiupan Mountains for quite a few days. A month's work is nothing to us cultivators. Speaking of which, I really need a lot of flowers."

The second update of "Xianyan", there will be a fourth update today, everyone supports it! g

Luo Yu fixed his eyes and saw two strange blue flowers appeared on the table first, only the mouth of the bowl was big, and the flowers were supported by two strangely shaped blue leaves. A lot of cold fog condensed out automatically, which was very strange.

After thinking for a while, Yan'er said sincerely.

"Hehe, no need. Although Fellow Daoist Yan has many treasures in your store, Luo doesn't need them right now. It's just that the ice moon blue flower is helpful to me, and Luo doesn't need a high age, but I don't know. How many of these strange flowers do Fellow Daoist Yan have in hand?"

Finally, when Luo Yu paid enough spirit stones to his heart's content, and claimed that he would come back on time in a month, he strode out of the shop with a happy face.

It is extremely rare for sellers to worry about selling too much of their goods.

Seeing that her husband was doing nothing to help and make trouble, and she really thought that Luo Yu was an ordinary low-level Qi training monk, so she opened her mouth without restraint. The woman was really angry, and her face was full of anxiety, but she didn't know what to say. What's good, just make up something random, I hope Luo Yu doesn't mind.

And on the table there are several unnamed exotic fruits, dark gray ore materials, etc., but Luo Yu couldn't move his eyes away after seeing the blue strange flower, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes, as if he had recalled it in a daze. After half a sound, he suddenly opened his mouth and said in surprise.

"This is the 'Ice Moon Blue Flower'! A cold treasure that can greatly increase the cold resistance of a cultivator! I thought this flower only existed in the classics, but I unexpectedly encountered it today!"

Luo Yu, as a cultivator in the foundation-building stage, would never be mistaken. Since he bluntly said that this thing is useful to him, it must be true. It is also a good thing for this woman to be able to sell this flower to Luo Yu. , because Luo Yu is an acquaintance after all, if he sells it to other people, once the other party realizes that his husband and wife are of low cultivation, they will probably grab the treasure unreasonably.

With a foundation-building cultivation base, the blue ice flower may have little or no effect on her, but Yan'er dared not hide anything from Luo Yu, let alone offend Luo Yu because of the two spirit flowers, so she simply confessed Tell each other.

"You idiot! Fellow Daoist Luo has excellent physique. If there is any problem after taking this ice moon blue flower, wouldn't we have harmed others? You must know that this batch of goods has not been long since it arrived, has anyone tried it?" of."


"Fellow Daoist Luo also knows this flower? That's right, this is the treasure that only exists in the icy cold land of Rongzhou. It's just that what Fellow Daoist Luo said about greatly improving the cold attribute resistance of cultivators is a bit unrealistic. According to Yan'er's understanding Even if it is a thousand-year-old ice moon orchid, it is impossible to greatly improve the cold resistance, it can only be improved to a certain extent, not to mention that Yan'er here is only three or four hundred years old. Forgive Yan'er, these two ice orchids Moon Orchid is probably not of much use to Fellow Daoists."

Luo Yu said with a smile, from the words of the two, Luo Yu knew that the two of them were not lying at all, it was only because the honest young man didn't know his true cultivation, that's why he said so, but now Luo Yu also I won't mind it.

From the dictation to that Yan'er girl, I know that most of the treasures in their shop come from the extremely cold place in Rongzhou, because the shop in charge of her cousin is doing business in the extremely cold place , so this small shop has been provided with several kinds of treasures that can support the facade.

At this time, the Yan'er girl saw her husband's urgent expression, she was too rude in front of Luo Yu, a foundation-building cultivator, she couldn't help being slightly annoyed and wanted to curse angrily, but when she thought of Luo Yu's Looking at it from the side, he had no choice but to lightly stamp his jade feet, and slapped the storage bag with a reddish face. Suddenly, a row of brilliance of various colors fell on the wooden table with a 'crackling'.

"Fellow Daoist Luo might as well take a look at some other items, such as this piece of 'gold, silver and ice jade', which is an excellent material for refining ice-attribute magical artifacts, and this 'Hanyin wood' is also a good material for refining water and ice-attribute talismans. , this 'Bing Yuan Guo' is even more "

"Yan'er, Fellow Daoist Luo is not an outsider, why don't you tell the truth, when you introduced this thing to me last time, didn't you say that this ice moon blue flower has certain effects on monks in the Qi training period? The cold nature is quite severe, and ordinary low-level Qi training cultivators, if they are not cultivators with spiritual roots of water and ice, should remember to take this substance with caution."

Meeting a treasure like Bingyue Blue Flower by chance, Luo Yu really felt that his trip was worth it, until after he walked out of Lingyun Residence, he still wandered among the various small shops full of items for cultivating immortals, a little bit lingering. , I want to have another good luck.

After Luo Yu chatted with the two of them for half a stick of incense time in this Lingyun residence, he said a number that surprised the woman surnamed Yan and the young man. They couldn't figure out why Luo Yu needed so many. Nothing very useful, but seeing Luo Yu needs so much, the thick young man couldn't help but smile on his face, thinking that he could earn a lot of spiritual stones, but Yan'er was secretly a little worried if Luo Yu bought it. If you have bought so much, but find that this flower is not of much use to them in the future, will you come to trouble them again?

"Since Fellow Daoist Luo said so, Yan'er will stop making a fool of himself in front of Fellow Daoist. Our store doesn't have much stock of Bingyue blue flowers. There should be only about ten or so plants, all of which are 400 years old. But if the quantity required by Fellow Daoist Luo is not small Yan'er can also send someone to inform my cousin, there should be a lot of goods to be purchased from there, but Rongzhou is too remote, and now the outside is in chaos, it will take at least a month to go there."

Luo Yu directly interrupted the other party's words, and the other types were all ice-type treasures, but Luo Yu either couldn't recognize the calendar, or didn't have much use for it, only the Ice Moon Blue Flower was related to Luo Yu's. Assassin's magical powers, he is absolutely bound to win!

"Hehe, it's okay, Luo has always taken care of his own safety, so Miss Yan'er doesn't need to worry too much."

The honest young man standing aside scratched his scalp and said with a strange expression.


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