fairy flame

Chapter 391

It's just that according to Luo Yu's understanding, the Bingyue Blue Flower is very rare in the world of cultivating immortals, at least in the city of cultivating immortals in Yuanjiang country, and Luo Yu can't help but find it hard to believe that the other party can come up with so many at once. However, regarding Luo Yu's doubts, this female cultivator Yan'er still has nothing to hide. It is said that her cousin got the news from the inside of the big trading firm that there are immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage behind their firm, and after several After a hundred years of practice, they have already figured out several methods of transplanting and cultivating ice-attribute spiritual creatures in extremely cold places, and this ice moon blue flower is among them.

Such news surprised Luo Yu quite a bit. He never thought that such a strange person existed in the world. According to Luo Yu's understanding, the technique of transplanting and cultivation is not difficult, but each of them will definitely take hundreds of years at least, thousands of years at most, or even Sometimes, after spending such a long time, it is difficult to find a suitable method of transplanting and cultivation, which is the thing that makes immortal cultivators vomit blood the most.

And the other party can spend hundreds of years studying this way, and still have a little achievement, he is really a generation of strange people, once this method is successfully tested, he will definitely be able to earn inexhaustible spirit stones, this cannot be said to be opportunistic , It's all hard work, it's their business that makes money like crazy!

For a while, Luo Yu thought about going to Rongzhou to see the world!

It's just that Luo Yu doesn't have any interest in this technique of transplanting and cultivation, at least he doesn't care about it now, unless he has the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage and the super long life span of a thousand years, then it is possible to get in touch with this way.

Just like this, thinking secretly in his heart, he casually looked around to see if there was anything he liked in the various types of shops around him, but after searching several shops, Luo Yu found nothing that could tempt him.

Half an hour later, when Luo Yu walked out of a merchandise store named 'Jinhua Pavilion' with a calm face, saw the noisy and lively scene in the Jiangfang, and was about to walk away, suddenly a voice came from his ear. An exclamation!

"It turned out to be you! It's really a narrow road for Yuanjia! Surround him!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Yu suddenly felt that the voice seemed a little familiar to him, but now he is already a cultivator of the foundation stage, so Luo Yu is not as startled as before, but turned his head calmly and looked at Going, I saw a thin young man wearing a brocade suit and a jade belt looking at him with a fierce face, and beside him were several middle-aged guards wearing Jiang's costumes faintly scattered. After the thin young man's order, they all surrounded Luo Yu with cold faces.

"So it was you? You are Jiang Yuanshan's son, Jiang Lang. Why, it must be that Luo's humiliation to you was not enough, and now he wants to do it again." Luo Yu didn't even look at the few Qi practitioners who surrounded him. The high-ranking guard, on the contrary, laughed at the thin young man with a calm expression.

Isn't the thin young man in front of me the young master of the Jiang family who was going to poison Tianming back then, he was humiliated and despised by himself in the end, unexpectedly he met this person here, and the latter was even more ignorant and wanted to make trouble for himself , What a coincidence.

At that time, this person only had the cultivation base of the ninth level in the Qi training period, and he was a spoiled frog in the well. I haven't seen him for more than a year, and his cultivation base has still not changed. This kind of dude Luo Yu is the most despised.

"Okay! You are brave enough to even dare to break into the hinterland of my Jiang family. You really want to die. Do you think you can escape today? Haha, don't think that your cultivation at the peak of your Qi training period is enough. You have run amok, this young master has already notified the nearby Jiang family guards, if you are now obedient and you can get caught, but if you don’t obey and resist, then you will have to taste this young master’s power."

The thin young man narrowed his eyes, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he immediately retreated with a wave of his sleeves, it seemed that he was about to be surrounded by these middle-aged guards.

But at this moment, the originally lively scene in the square city immediately quieted down, and some passers-by panicked and moved away. This Jiang Shao was usually regarded as the kind of character who could not be provoked, and he often bullied others. Maybe something cruel will be done, even the "Jinhua Pavilion" shop that Luo Yu just entered, a few servants rushed out, and closed the shop door with a bang bang, looking like they didn't want to. It seemed that there was some relationship, and several shops close to Luo Yu also closed down one after another, for fear that he would be involved in it.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu's heart was also filled with anger. Although the other party did not see his strength in the foundation establishment stage, but the status of the immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment stage was noble, and he was despised by a group of juniors. How could he explain it in turn? It's amazing! Jiang Yuanshan spared his son's life for the sake of treating him well, but if any of the Jiang family guards dared to attack him, they would come and kill as many as they wanted!

"Hmph, kid, I think you'd better catch it without a fight, otherwise, my 'water thorn' won't have eyes." A middle-aged guard with eagle eyes and a cunning face seemed to want to do something in front of the thin young man. He walked out one step ahead, took out a two-handed mace magic weapon, and said with a sinister smile.

Seeing this, Luo Yu sneered in his heart. He shook his right hand hidden in the sleeve robe slightly, and suddenly a cluster of two-colored flames stirred rapidly like a spirit snake appeared in the palm of his hand. If you observe carefully, you will find that the two-colored flames are actually There is a hint of light blue in the air!

Seeing Luo Yu's unresponsive response, the eagle-eyed middle-aged guard immediately became ruthless, clapped his hands and shot out a burst of spiritual power into the Shuishui thorn, and the latter quickly burst into a cloud of dazzling blue light. Under the control of the eagle-eyed middle-aged man, Turning into a cloud of blue shadows, it shot towards Luo Yu quickly. There was a sound of water waves between the whistling of this water-dividing thorn. Coupled with the degree of fluctuation of this spiritual power, it should be a water-attributed weapon. There is no doubt that the middle-level magic weapon.

To be able to get a mid-level magic weapon in the hands of the Jiupan Mountain Range is an extremely remarkable thing. It seems that this person has some skills to dare to take the initiative.

It's just that the distance between Luo Yu and the eagle-eyed middle-aged man is only a few feet away, but Luo Yu never looks at each other.

The third update of "Fairy Flame", and the fourth update today. g


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