fairy flame

Chapter 397 Returning to Anding City

"Save! Of course we have to save. This person's potential is too amazing. We should respectfully win him over. Besides, you said that Luo Yu is not Wei Bat's enemy. Experience is still far superior to the same level in mental contests. This kind of person is full of vigor and will never be easy to deal with, but in case you really lose, as long as he shows a trace of defeat, you must take action yourself. Then he will owe us a favor, and it will be easier to ask him to help me refine the Void Returning Pill. Moreover, how could I not have thought of this, as early as a few days ago, the third brother left the Jiupan Mountains, blended into the secular world"

"Oh, why did the third brother suddenly propose to protect the nobles in the secular world? It turned out that the elder brother sent him to help Luo Yu secretly. Haha, the elder brother is really wise. The younger brother admires such a seamless plan!"

At this moment, Luo Yu's escape light was shining, and after flying back to his cave, although he was puzzled in his heart what Jiang Yuanshan's purpose was for saying those words to him, he still couldn't imagine that he was being plotted so deeply.

Now he just wants to go back to Luo Mansion to check it out immediately. If he can get rid of his own demons and at the same time eliminate some immortal cultivators who may peep at Luo Mansion, this is naturally the best of both worlds. As for the leader of the other party is Zhu Luo Yu didn't care about the immortal cultivators in the foundation stage at all. As long as he didn't meet an immortal cultivator in the late foundation establishment stage, he would have nothing left to protect himself.

Half an hour later, Luo Yu tidied up everything in the cave, looked at the black and red blood mist that permeated his foundation building room, and felt that the ghost general inside would not fully evolve in the near future, so Luo Yu gave the ghost general an order After giving an order, he went to the spirit beast room and carefully placed the destiny in the fire spirit nest. After that, he released all nine fire armor puppets worriedly, and arranged them in the entrance passage of his cave, so as not to During the days when he was away, something unexpected happened to his cave, but after Luo Yu carefully analyzed his defense methods, he felt that with the assistance of nine fire armor puppets, plus the two large formations outside the cave , I am afraid that it is the immortal cultivators of the foundation establishment stage who come, and there will be absolutely no benefits if they force their way in.

When Luo Yu closed the gate of the cave and walked outside the cave, he suddenly seemed to think of something. He suddenly looked back at the bare rock on the gate of his cave, thought for a while, then raised his hand and waved it several times. A strange sound of '嗤嗤' resounded, and several golden two-foot-long saber energy shot out from Luo Yu's palm, with a sharp screaming sound, they slashed on the bare stone wall, and then There were bursts of explosions and cracks!

After the aftermath of the saber aura dissipated, Luo Yu waved his sleeve robe with a calm face, and a swift and violent wind blew rapidly onto the rock that Luo Yu's yellow saber aura had cut through, bringing up a burst of loose stone fragments and flying away Go, the top of the stone wall became clear, and there were three vigorous and simple characters 'Xiayin Cave' on it!

This is the name that Luo Yu had already thought of for his cave in his heart. As for the special meaning, Luo Yu couldn't tell. Anyway, that's what he thought in his heart. He is now a cultivator in the foundation stage. He is qualified to rectify the name of his cave.

After helping the cave mansion to choose a name, Luo Yu no longer had any nostalgia, a blue light flashed under his feet, and the ancient flying magic weapon "Youri Boat" suddenly appeared at Luo Yu's feet, emitting bursts of blue light. Pushed hard, the blue light suddenly flowed, there was a slight sound of piercing through the air, the blue light flashed, and Luo Yu's body appeared more than ten feet away, the speed was so fast Luo Yu was not used to it.

Then the blue light soared into the sky and shot straight into the sky. I saw a blue light in the sky bending forward faintly, seeming to intersperse between the sea of ​​clouds, like a white horse passing through the gap. Walking straight forward, with extraordinary proficiency, Guanghua became more restrained and faster, and quickly disappeared into the blue sky.

The Jiupan Mountain Range is not far from Yuanjiang Kingdom, and the distance of tens of miles is only half an hour based on Luo Yu's current escape speed. However, when Luo Yu saw the tall and thick city wall of Anding City from a distance, , the thoughts in his heart began to fluctuate, Luo Yu took a deep breath, in order not to attract the attention of the immortal cultivators hidden at the gate of the city, Luo Yu did not choose to fly directly into Anding City from the sky, but packed up the flying magic weapon and tidied it up a little. After dressing up and restraining his cultivation, he slowly leaned over with a pair of business travelers entering the city.

Perhaps it was because what Jiang Yuanshan said about the bloodbath of the royal family's Prince Liang's mansion shocked the court. When Luo Yu entered the city, a group of soldiers guarding the city were very strict, and they had to search carefully to see if they were With fine iron weapons in his body, no one can let him go!

With the progress of Luo Yu's cultivation base, Luo Yu's current resting formula also has a more thorough understanding of this technique. Now he deliberately hides and restrains it. The monks in the alchemy stage dare not say it. I am afraid that no one will be able to see through it in the foundation stage. , Thinking about it this way, this group of mortal soldiers couldn't find any problems.

What made Luo Yu dumbfounded was that when one of the young forbidden soldiers in heavy armor searched Luo Yu, he suddenly touched the three or four storage bags pinned to Luo Yu's waist. It's inconspicuous, and it doesn't seem to be able to hold dangerous items such as weapons, but the young guard didn't know whether it was because Luo Yu was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked rustic, or because Luo Yu didn't have a little 'meaning' All of a sudden, Luo Yu had to be forced to untie the storage belt to take a look, which aroused the curiosity of many people around, and they all looked over.

Luo Yu didn't think about this kind of thing, where did he get the worldly copper coins and ingots to bribe him, and finally had to put on a shy expression and explained in a low voice, this is when he was buying sex in a brothel in the city. The sachets taken off from the prostitutes, every time they make some money in the countryside, they will go to the city to have fun and enjoy it, and bring some 'trophies' back by the way.

And Luo Yu's lying skills are also top-notch, and the forbidden soldier listened with gusto. In the end, amidst the contempt and ridicule of the crowd, Luo Yu pretended to be a very innocent and frightened weak expression. The group of guarding soldiers looked down on him, so they didn't bother wasting time on Luo Yu, a prodigal scumbag, and put Luo Yu in hastily.

After Luo Yu entered the city, he took a look at several main streets in the main city, and found that they hadn't changed much from when he left many years ago. The hawkers shouting and shouting around are so familiar, and all the past events can't help rushing to my mind at once, as if they are in my eyes.

The second update of "Xianyan", and the third update in the evening, collect and vote


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