fairy flame

Chapter 398 Remembrance

, Luo Yu walked slowly through the noisy streets, and when he passed by several small shops that Luo Yu worked so hard to make a living in his childhood, he stopped, stopped for a while, and thought about it in his heart All kinds of past events, no matter how hard-hearted I am, I will downplay them in my heart.

Among them are the hard work shops that Luo Yu did in order to allow himself and his mother to have the most basic food and clothing when no one was taking care of him in his early years. Some of the small silk and satin shops where Yu saw people's faces delivering goods were closed, some were getting better and better, and some were still as usual, and even occasionally you could see familiar smiling faces or cold eyes.

But looking at them now that things are different and people are different, I feel far away from myself

For a while, Luo Yu was savoring the various aspects of life.

But he no longer belongs here, Luo Yu feels like an illusory shadow from the future, no one will pay attention to him, even those who are familiar with him will only take a quick glance, and then look away like a stranger, Similarly, in Luo Yu's mind, they were like reading a book, and then closed the pages, never opening them again, forever sealed in dust.

Along the way, Luo Yu released his divine sense and began to quietly search for the aura of the immortal cultivators in Anding City. Luo Yu's divine sense was not much worse than ordinary immortal cultivators in the foundation establishment period when he was on the twelfth floor of the Qi training period. After the base stage realm, the power of the spiritual consciousness may be comparable to that of ordinary peak monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, but after Luo Yu's spiritual consciousness extends, within a radius of four or five miles, any immortal cultivator below the middle stage of foundation establishment will have aura. Fluctuations are hard to escape his induction.

The powerful spiritual consciousness spread out in all directions centered on Luo Yu like an invisible storm. Gradually, because Luo Yu had to check the distance this time, he kept Yuan Yi guarded and stood there motionless as if Wood carving, if passers-by on the street pass by his side, they will think that this person fell asleep standing up in broad daylight.

"Well, there are a few immortal cultivators in the Qi training period, but none of them in the foundation building period?" After a while, Luo Yu opened his eyes leisurely, and his consciousness was also taken back by him. This investigation did not even find a foundation-building cultivator. Could it be that there are no foundation-building cultivators hiding in Anding City?

Luo Yu wouldn't believe this possibility too much. When he thought about it, if he wanted to hide himself, and he hadn't practiced the resting formula, he would definitely choose to open an underground secret room, as long as he hid underground, that way Luo Yu couldn't sense it either.

After finding nothing with his spiritual sense, Luo Yu strode towards the direction of the Luo Mansion in his memory, and slowly turned several streets, and gradually the wide bluestone road in front of the Luo Mansion Gate and the pair of glaring eyes in front of the gate gradually opened up. A staring stone lion appeared in front of his eyes.

Standing at a corner of the street, Luo Yu's mood suddenly became disturbed. Even if he looked at it from a distance, he could deeply feel the familiar aura of Luo Mansion. A scroll of childhood memories.

The busy sound of the servants getting up early and late at night, the urging and cursing of the housekeepers, and the sweating sound of Luofu's private soldiers practicing

Time flies so fast, within a short while, the sky gradually darkened, this is a rare and lively time in Luo Mansion, the whole family will gather together to share the dinner, and there will be many servants busy serving on the side.

At this moment, in the brightly lit hall, a cyan round table with a radius of several feet was placed in the center of the hall. It was covered with a thick layer of golden and silver-edged tablecloth, which was very delicate, and several tables had already been placed on the round table. Ten delicious dishes, colorful, exude bursts of tantalizing aroma.

Suddenly, an extremely loud neutral voice shouted!

"Master is here!"

After finishing speaking, the man stood respectfully at the door with bare hands, and the servants who had placed all kinds of wine and dishes in the hall also made a gesture of greeting.

"Hehe, Yun'er, Qian'er, come quickly, let grandpa give you a hug."

Before the words were finished, a middle-aged figure in a Confucian robe gradually appeared at the door of the living room, his temples were already white, his beard was long, his body was slightly arched, he looked like an old man in sixties, with his hands left and right. On the right hand is holding two young children who are only three or four years old, with satisfied smiles on their faces, perhaps because the young children are too small to make the middle-aged people unable to stand up, or it may be because of their real age Already tall, has begun to hunchback.

"Hey, good grandson, come to grandpa soon, let grandpa hug him, haha."

This middle-aged man in a Confucian robe is Luo Yu's father——Luo Zeng. Luo Zeng, who should have been in his prime in his fifties, looks much older now, which is different from his busy life of daily affairs. It doesn't matter, I saw that he showed an old and gratified expression, picked up the two young children with pink and delicate faces, and strode forward.

"Grandpa has a prickly beard." Among them, the young girl who was held by the old man in his left hand said in a childish voice with red lips and white teeth.

As soon as these words came out, the old man and the servants at the side couldn't help laughing in their hearts. It seemed that these two children were cared and loved by everyone in the mansion.

When Luo Zeng picked up the two children and walked into the hall, he glanced and found that there was nothing around the round table except the servants. He couldn't help showing a look of hesitation in his eyes, and he sighed slightly at the corner of his mouth.

But soon, when Luo Zeng's gaze turned to his two grandsons, the expression on his face returned to normal, and he smiled happily and said, "Come on, Yun'er, Qian'er, let's go eat delicious food."

After finishing speaking, he put the two children by his side, one on the left and one on the right, and personally filled two bowls of hot soup and brought them in front of the two children.

At this moment, a figure behind the screen in the hall moved slightly, and a square-faced middle-aged man in white brocade clothes appeared like a ghost, and silently came behind Luo Zeng, standing with bare hands.

"Master, Madam said that in a few days, it will be the day when Master Yu left seven years ago. Recently, she has no appetite, so she won't come to eat. Madam also said that she has made ginseng soup for the master in the evening. It's too late, lest the ginseng soup catch cold."

The middle-aged man said indifferently, standing erect behind Luo Zeng.

Who else is it not Luo Yu's guard leader Feng Commander!

The first update of "Xianyan", because it is about the past and memories of those feelings, so Youdao must be meticulously crafted, it will be slower, today there are three updates, and there are two more!


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