fairy flame

Chapter 403 Fulfilling the Promise

"I don't know that going on like this will be a dead end. I have to do some things after all. What's so terrible about dying? Young Master Yu is back, so even if there are immortal cultivators who want to murder the Luo Mansion, this old slave doesn't have to worry too much. What will Master Yu plan next? As long as you give orders, everything in the Luo Mansion will obey the orders of the third young master. It will not disturb the master and madam."

Commander Feng slowly sat down beside Luo Yu, picked up a wine glass and poured it into his mouth with a dull expression.

Seeing the sadness on his face, Luo Yu suddenly thought of something!

"Actually, Uncle Feng doesn't have to be like this. I also know that you have never forgotten the blood feud between your master and family for so many years, that's why you forced yourself to practice crazily. But since I promised you back then, and now I have a small success in learning, I should fulfill my promise It's time."

Luo Yu suddenly smiled mysteriously, which made Commander Feng's gaze suddenly fixed after hearing this, and the whole person became excited.

I remember that when Luo Yu left, he promised to help Uncle Crazy to avenge his master's blood revenge, but after Luo Yu truly understood some basic abilities of cultivators, he understood.

At that time, my own words were too big!

He has analyzed in detail that he can easily kill several masters in the innate realm, and thinking of the opponent's killing method described by Commander Feng, and the speed at which the magic weapon is driven, Luo Yu is almost sure that the opponent was as early as more than ten years ago. A high-level monk in the Qi training period, I am afraid that his cultivation is either the eleventh floor of the Qi training period, or the peak of Qi training!

Such a person, according to Luo Yu's ability to step into the world of cultivating immortals at the time, would just die. Besides, more than ten years have passed, no matter how slow the opponent's cultivation speed is, he will definitely reach the stage of foundation establishment. Of course, these calculations are based on this person. Not surprisingly, he is still alive in the world.

"Master Yu! Are you sure you will avenge me?"

Commander Feng was shocked and excited when he heard the words, and even his voice trembled uncontrollably. It is conceivable that he has been planning this matter day and night for more than ten years.

"Yes, I think it's time to look for this person. Of course, if this person's cultivation level is too much higher than mine, I will turn around and leave immediately. After all, the competition between immortal cultivators cannot rely on luck or accidents to win. , I can only wait until my cultivation base is higher than his, and then go to kill him."

Luo Yu suddenly and calmly analyzed that he is by no means an impulsive person. Once his cultivation has reached the foundation-building stage, many methods are locked by the other party's spiritual consciousness, and most of the time it is reckless cultivation and methods. Weapons, sneak attacks and assassinations are basically impossible.

So Luo Yu knows that even now he can't give a positive answer, but Luo Yu believes that as long as the other party doesn't have some heaven-defying aptitude, how can it be possible for the other party to compare with himself who has the mysterious flame in terms of cultivation speed? One day there will be a time when his cultivation surpasses him, and then he will go to avenge the crazy uncle.

"This is the best way. In fact, Master Yu agreed to avenge the old slave. This is already a great favor that cannot be repaid. The old slave watched Master Yu grow up, and he also does not want Master Yu to do it for the sake of the old slave. And to be hurt, anyway, I have waited for more than ten years, and this time is not too bad."

Commander Feng thought for a while, calmed down, and said as if he had let go.

"Well, by the way, Uncle Feng, you witnessed the bloody massacre of this person back then, do you still remember the appearance of this person, or what magic weapon he used?"

"We don't have many immortal cultivators, and there are even fewer high-level immortal cultivators. As long as they have some characteristics or special magic weapons, they will be secretly remembered by others. Maybe, Uncle Feng I have known your enemy before."

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Yu spoke.

Because of the number of immortal cultivators, any powerful person will be remembered by others. After all, remembering who can't be provoked, it will be much safer when going out.

Just like Luo Yu himself, his Biling Hanhalberd and Qixing Yinhuoblade are almost his signature methods. Once he uses these magic weapons to fight against the enemy, he will probably be taken out by the opponent immediately. , Either beg for mercy, or turn around and leave without fighting, this is because many people know and understand you.

After Luo Yu asked, Commander Feng responded almost without thinking.

"Of course I remember this person's appearance. Even if he turns into ashes, I won't forget him." After finishing speaking, Commander Feng stopped his voice, groped in his arms silently, and took out a slightly A yellowish-looking scroll about a foot long, firmly tied by a string, and handed it to Luo Yu.

"For so many years, I was afraid that I would forget the appearance of my enemy, so I often recalled the appearance of this person in my mind, and even drew the appearance of this person with my own hands. I have drawn hundreds of pictures over the years, and only this one is mine. I think it's the most similar."

The sound of Uncle Crazy's gnashing of teeth reached Luo Yu's ears, which made him feel a little moved in his heart.

After accepting the scroll, Luo Yu untied the string, pulled the scroll outwards with both hands, and slowly spread the scroll, allowing him to see the face that had caused Feng Tongling tormented by hatred for more than ten years.

Inside was a middle-aged man in a black robe, with long narrow eyes and narrow cheeks. At first glance, he looked like the kind of scheming and vicious person, but the man in the portrait had a wild smile on his face, standing in mid-air, his feet There is no stepping on the magic weapon, but a pair of black boots seems to exude a faint inconspicuous light under Feng Tongling's description. It should be a magic boots magic weapon, and a green flying fork magic weapon is suspended in front of this person. Yu didn't see anything weird about this flying fork magic weapon, it should be an ordinary product.

Seeing this, Luo Yu couldn't help frowning slightly. This person's body shape and the magic weapon he used were so weird, it seemed that in his own memory, he had never heard of this person.

Suddenly, when Luo Yu turned his eyes back to this person's face again, Luo Yu almost ignored an obvious feature on this person's face, which made his eyes light up under the frowning expression!

I saw that there was a tiny green dot between the eyebrows of the person in the portrait, but the imprint was depicted very faintly, and Luo Yu was not sure if the green dot was a special tattoo or birthmark.

At this moment, Commander Feng saw a strange light in Luo Yu's eyes, and he said anxiously in his heart: "Master Yu, do you recognize who this person is?"

The third update of "Xianyan", and the fourth update today, fight!Want to favorite!


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