fairy flame

Chapter 404

After Uncle Crazy finished speaking, for some reason, his mood fluctuated violently. For so many years, thinking about an enemy who does not know his name and identity is more tormenting than adding a sword to his body!

"No, I've never heard of such a person just from the face and magic weapon. Maybe my vision is not wide enough. By the way, what is the green spot between the eyebrows? If it's a natural birthmark, then it's very good found."

Luo Yu couldn't help asking questions in his heart. There are probably only a handful of people in the world of immortals who have special birthmarks on their faces. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there is such a strange brow mark after practicing some kind of kung fu. thing.

"Well, I remember that the green dot is not a birthmark, it looks like a very small green lotus seal, yes! It's the seal of a green lotus flower!"

After recalling Wei Wei for a while, Commander Feng suddenly exclaimed!

"Green lotus seal? If this seal is still on this person's face, it will be very easy to find. Even if it has disappeared because of the practice, it's no problem. There used to be such a mark on the face. Someone who cultivates immortals will definitely know him, even if he has already been buried in the earth!"

Luo Yu's voice turned cold. Although he didn't sympathize with Commander Feng's experience, the latter had kindly saved his life, and Luo Yu really wanted to repay this favor, so

In this way, the person with the green lotus mark between his eyebrows became his target.

"Well, this old slave knows that Master Yu will never forget what he promised back then. This is also the reason why this old slave has survived for so many years knowing that he can't avenge his vengeance with his own hands. No matter whether he succeeds or not, Master Yu please accept it first." I bow to you, old slave!" After saying that, he knelt down respectfully towards Luo Yu, but just as his knees were about to bend, suddenly a gust of spiritual wind rose out of nowhere, dragging the latter up, making him unable to kneel down again .

"Uncle Feng, you watched me grow up. Although we are different, Yu'er has always treated you as the most respected elder. I also got my martial arts skills from you all my life. Being a teacher every day and being a father forever, how can I afford such a great gift, you don’t have to be too rigid, what happened before, has not changed now, we cultivators also talk about seniority.”

Luo Yu hurriedly stepped forward to support Commander Feng, and said politely.

It's just that Luo Yu lied. The seniority of immortal cultivators is indeed strict, but that is determined by the level of cultivation.

At the same level of cultivation, there may be things where the elders are called elder brothers, and the elders are called uncles. This is not much different from the secular world. Realm, even if you are 80 years older than others, you can only humbly and respectfully call the other party a senior, otherwise, if you neglect the other party and take their anger on you, you will have nowhere to complain.

When Commander Feng finished Luo Yu's respectful words, he also nodded, thinking that Master Yu's heart hasn't changed much in the past few years, he is still as humble and humble as before, but he doesn't know how much Luo Yu has changed outside After leaving, he seems to be very kind to his blood relatives or brothers and friends, but he is absolutely ruthless to those monks who are unfamiliar or have hatred and entanglements. His mind is much more mature and resolute than before.

"Since the matter is settled like this, then I can rest assured. By the way, how long will Master Yu stay in Luo Mansion when he comes back this time? If you need to move around, I still have to arrange it for you. After all, you don't want to let Sir and madam know."

Uncle Crazy looked at Luo Yu and said slowly.

"No need, it's time for me to read it all. You can arrange a clean room for me. Try not to be disturbed by anyone. I will leave after seven days. If there is no danger, I'm afraid I will come back next time." That’s when I will bring back the head of Feng Shu’s enemy.” Luo Yu picked up the wine glass and tasted the century-old wine that he stole from the cellar of the best tavern in Anding City, but felt that the wine was tasteless. Why didn't he feel drunk at all.

Alcohol can buy you drunk, but it doesn't work on immortal practitioners.

In fact, Luo Yu originally had something to say, that is, after Uncle Crazy’s wish is fulfilled, the Luo Mansion will have nothing to do with him anymore, just to prevent Commander Feng from babbling to comfort himself again, So Luo Yu didn't say anything at all.

"Well, if Young Master Yu doesn't dislike it, he can live in a side room behind my attic, where no one will disturb him." Commander Feng nodded, not thinking about anything else, but rather Suspiciously looked at the several wine jars on the table, it seemed that they were almost empty. It seemed that Luo Yu drank a lot, but in his memory, Luo Yu didn't drink at all before leaving. And judging from the taste, these wine jars should contain some fine wines from the secular world. Why don't people in the immortal family like to taste those 'immortal wines'?

Confused in his heart, Commander Feng couldn't help asking curiously, "Master Yu, this old slave remembers that Master never touched such things in the past. Could it be that you immortal cultivators still miss rough and vulgar things like us?"

"Well, yes and no, I just want to forget something"

In the early morning of the next day, morning mist filled the snowy sky, and Luo Yu finally woke up from a sound sleep. Maybe it was because he drank too much wine last night, or maybe it was because of the first time he shed tears. In the middle of the night, Luo Yu suddenly Feeling extremely drowsy for a while, when he came to the small room arranged by Feng Tongling, he fell asleep and no one came to disturb him in the morning, because he told Uncle Crazy that he had already reached the grain level. The state of "Bigu" that does not eat and only relies on the aura of heaven and earth to nourish oneself does not need to absorb the essence of five grains like in the Qi training period.

Therefore, there is no need to find someone to deliver the meal.

After Luo Yu got up, he stretched his muscles and bones, and recalled what happened yesterday in his mind. To be honest, when he hid behind the screen and heard his mother talking to the woman named 'Qingti', Luo Yu felt like a sunny day Pili, confused, thought a lot, but in the end he gritted his teeth and decided to give up and forget all about it. After all, he is now a cultivator in the foundation stage.

The fourth update of "Xianyan", after being peaceful for so long, there will be a fierce battle soon, please remember to support, bookmark!


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