fairy flame

Chapter 405 Spirit Wood Incarnation

At that time, Luo Yu really couldn't help but want to go out and recognize his mother, maybe he would degenerate and become a cultivator willing to be ordinary, but surely the rest of his life will be happy and carefree?

But on second thought, he is now a cultivator in the foundation stage, with a lifespan of two or three hundred years. If he really develops feelings for the comfortable life in this secular world, I am afraid that this happiness will eventually turn into a nightmare After a hundred years, you will have to bear the burden of your loved ones growing old and dying in front of you one by one, but you will be treated like a monster by the people around you. This kind of pain will be more tormenting than making a hard-hearted decision now. Will it be ten times a hundred times more?

It's a pity that the hypothesis just now is absolutely impossible to happen. Luo Yu is destined to entrust his whole life to Manman Xiandao. If he is a mortal without spiritual roots, he will probably be tempted by that beautiful girl named Qingti , Luo Yu still has a good impression of this girl's Xiaojiabiyu's attitude, but it's a pity that he is separated from her. Once his heart softens, he will not only harm himself, but also harm others. Why don't you think about it selfishly?

But in the end, Luo Yu secretly put a jade talisman to ward off evil spirits that he wore on his body when he first stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, and put it on this girl, as a thank you for her filial piety for him?

Having figured everything out, Luo Yu shook his head and laughed at himself. After waking up this morning, he seemed to understand a lot at once, and the melancholy mood from yesterday was greatly relieved?

Afterwards, Luo Yu sat down cross-legged, and when he was about to meditate, his eyes suddenly moved, as if thinking of something, he closed his eyes, closed his hands together, formed a complicated handprint, and silently practiced an obscure mantra?

After half a sound, Luo Yu's eyes opened suddenly, and at the same time he shouted in a low voice: "Wood Shadow Dharma Body! Ning!?

The voice just fell?

At this moment, there was a scene in the hut that made people's eyeballs fall off. Luo Yu's body suddenly burst into green light, and endless green light spots seemed to be born from the void, without any warning?

After the green dot appeared, it flickered and danced like a firefly, but after the change of Luo Yu's handprint, a strong grassy smell suddenly emanated from his body?

No!To be precise, it should be that Luo Yu's shadow that fell on the ground gave off a strong smell of fragrant wood. After this strange smell appeared, the green light spots that had been spinning rapidly around Luo Yu seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and emitted a strong smell. The brilliance of Luo Yu became more and more dazzling, and the original spinning flight path stopped suddenly. After trembling for a while, he abandoned Luo Yu like moths to a flame, and all rushed towards the black shadow on Luo Yu's ground!

All the green light spots were thrown into Luo Yu's shadow, as if sticking to the black shadow. As the green light spots followed one after another, the color of Luo Yu's black shadow kept changing from head to toe!

Not long after, the green light spots filled the shadow, and then a more surprising and terrifying scene happened. The green light and shadow gradually squirmed, and slowly left Luo Yu's feet, and slowly stood up.

At this time, the green light spots in the void poured into the green shadow faster and faster, without any tendency to stop. Gradually, the green image stood up alone like a thin leaf. At this moment, the light outside the house hit Luo Yu His body, as if he had passed through the air, the ground was empty and there was no shadow left!

If any servant girl from Luo Mansion ran in to see this, he would probably be so frightened that he would faint. How could a living person have no shadow? The rumored evil spirit and Li Gui couldn’t see the shadow?

At this moment, Luo Yu looked at the mysterious green shadow on the opposite side, his eyes became extremely dignified?

At the same time, he quickly punched out various seals in his hand, and the spirit power like a gossamer flew into Lu Ying's body!

At this moment, when Lu Ying stood in front of Luo Yu, the surrounding green light spots were still pouring in, and at the same time, Lu Ying's body was constantly changing, starting from the head first!

The originally blurred facial features began to emerge one by one from the eyebrows, eyes, nose, etc. from top to bottom, and then extended to the neck, arms, legs, etc., and slowly grew out, green light The image is like a paper-thin ball being blown, constantly expanding, and the body is gradually solidified one by one?

Finally, when a green man with exactly the same appearance as Luo Yu appeared in front of him, the surrounding green light spots suddenly stopped pouring in, the brilliance ceased, and Luo Yu also stopped casting spells, and his gaze was in front of him. On the silent green man?

I saw that the green man in front of him was very similar to himself in addition to his strange turquoise skin color, his height and face, and even the faint frown between his brows. From the appearance alone, Luo Yu might not be able to tell the difference. Who is the real self, of course, excluding the use of color to distinguish?

And at this moment, the green light and shadow are naked all over, imitating Luo Yu's expression and staring at Luo Yu endlessly?

"Haha! The things in the world are really a coincidence." After Luo Yu looked at it for a long time, he suddenly burst out laughing out of nowhere, while the green man opposite was still expressionless?

"I'm the same!" After Luo Yu laughed, he returned to normal and pointed one hand at the dull green man. Immediately, the latter's eyes flashed, as if he had been awakened, and he opened his mouth skillfully to shout Luo Yu frequently used spells come!

Immediately, I saw that the green man was not under Luo Yu's control to cast spells by himself, and the gestures of casting spells were not unfamiliar at all, the speed was as fast as after long-term training, and his appearance and body began to gradually change again. The green skin on the face began to change color under the washing of the bluish brilliance, the green epidermis gradually faded, the epidermis fell off, and the new skin wrapped inside was unexpectedly white?

After the green man has successfully changed his color, looking at it now, he is no different from Luo Yu. Luo Yu's original skin was slightly yellowish and darker, but after being baptized by the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the foundation building period, his whole person changed drastically. , the skin has also become fairer, the current green man is completely imitating Luo Yu and changing a little bit?

At this moment, when the skin color of the face changed to be exactly the same as that of Luo Yu, the exposed skin below the head, which was not covered at all, also fell off and changed. The green skin on the body had a diamond-shaped curved pattern , like the intertwined texture growing on the bark, this is not surprising, the wooden shadow clone in front of Luo Yu was originally transformed from a piece of heaven and earth spirit wood, naturally it is based on the wood spirit?

The first update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it! g


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