fairy flame

Chapter 406

I saw that for a short while, the special skin texture on the green 'Luo Yu' was under the command of his mind, and in conjunction with the mantras constantly chanted from the green mouth, the bones all over his body were crackling, and the green man At the same time, the green man's eyes could not help showing a look of pain, but Luo Yu didn't feel distressed at all, but the expression on his face became more and more excited!

"Chi la la!"

Suddenly, a weird sound came from the green man's body, and the green veins on the skin of the body fell off piece by piece, but they didn't fall to the ground, but were entangled little by little, like a red woman in the secular world. Like a needle threading through the skin, the textures on the skin connected the peeling green skin together, and quickly sewed up the gaps and disconnections. It was as flexible as a snake swimming in the water. After a cup of tea, the green skin on the green man was completely intact. Strip off, like being reborn from the ashes!

Today's green man has transformed into a frowning young man with pale skin, no different from a 'human'!

But at this moment, after the bursts of brilliance wriggled, the pieces of green skin began to gradually connect and change, and finally, they were also woven in series into a green tight-fitting strange clothes!

This strange clothes has a strange style, with leaf-shaped patterns intertwined on it, like the reflection of green trees on it, and the green spiritual power visible to the naked eye travels through the patterns, obviously this newly formed green strange clothes has mana fluctuations breath!

At this moment, Luo Yu's eyes lit up when he saw this green cassock, and after a little bit of curiosity, the green cassock was lightly worn on the identical fake 'Luo Yu'!

This new green dress originally fell off from the body of 'Fake Luo Yu', and now it is worn on the body again, it turns out to be seamless, as if it was tailor-made for him!

"Hahaha! Alright, "Wuxiang Fenggu Jue" has been continuously studied by me for many years, and it is only today that I have come up with a little bit of follow-up. It combines the essence of "Bone Shrinking Technique" and "Painting Skin Technique", and it is actually my own creation. With the technique of disguise that can change the shape of the entire body, there is no difference between the current wooden shadow clone and me, even a cultivator in the foundation period can't tell the difference, because he is separated from my body, which is equivalent to another One me! It’s just a matter of primary and secondary!”

Luo Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing!

After breaking through to the foundation-building stage, Luo Yu has been thinking about how to change the green skin of the wooden shadow avatar, but only recently has he realized a little bit from the exercises, and he was able to successfully transform it today because of it. Luo Yu was very happy.

After Luo Yu condensed this spirit wood avatar, although he has been amazed at the impressive strength of this avatar, because the current realm of the spirit wood avatar is exactly the same as Luo Yu's, and they are both in the early stage of foundation establishment. Because the spirit wood is the main body, it is equivalent to a wood-attribute immortal cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, and his whole body is full of long wood-attribute spiritual power. The basic five elements are not the main attack, but they are unique in healing and defense, which has always made Luo Yu coveted. It's just that Luo Yu doesn't have wood attribute spiritual roots, so he can't practice wood attribute spells.

Now that this spirit wood avatar exists, it is undoubtedly equivalent to Luo Yu having an extra wood spirit root. The spirit wood avatar can also help him a lot by using wood attribute spells, but the only thing that Luo Yu is depressed about is that what he cultivated And everything he knows, this spirit wood avatar can easily swing his arms like an arm, but in the future, if this spirit wood avatar is allowed to practice wood-attribute skills or wood-attribute formulas by himself, Luo Yu will not be able to share it with him. , but Luo Yu is not the kind of greedy person, because even the out-of-body incarnation practiced by the Nascent Soul cultivators recorded in the classics are not completely indiscriminate.

And I only have the cultivation base of the foundation stage, and I can make the spiritual wood incarnation to such a degree, which is enough to prove that this "Second Spiritual Wood Incarnation Technique" is very extraordinary.

Now that there is an extra self, there is no doubt that he has made great progress in catching the enemy by surprise and confusing the opponent's line of sight when escaping. Moreover, the Spirit Wood Avatar, which is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, already has half the strength of the main body according to the above mentioned skills. When Luo Yu reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, the avatar could possess the strength of the main body at about the eighth level, which is simply unbelievable. The future growth of this spirit wood incarnation made Luo Yu look forward to it even more!

"Well, since you will appear in human form in the future, it's better to give you a name. I think it's called Luo Muying. Hehe, it's a good name. If that's the case, then the vestment outside your body is called 'Lingmu Fa' Robe', tsk tsk, this has just been practiced, I don't know how the defense is?"

Luo Yu snickered happily in his heart, and then raised his hand, a golden saber light shot out from his sleeve, and came to Mu Ying as fast as lightning, but the latter was under Luo Yu's control, standing in front of Mu Ying. He didn't move, but the wood attribute spiritual power in his body gushed out continuously, and all of it entered the green brocade clothes outside. Suddenly, the latter suddenly became green and generous, and the leaf-shaped textures on the brocade clothes seemed to come alive. Generally, there is a rustling sound when a large leaf shakes!

"Pfft!" The bright yellow sword qi slashed above the green light, piercing through the layers of tree shadows at once, but the further you went in, as if encountering a wave of tree shadows, they slapped the yellow sword qi one by one. , immediately made it difficult for the saber energy to move an inch, and gradually after a burst of yellow light and green light burst slightly, both disappeared at the same time.

"It's so powerful! My Tian Luo Dao Qi is cultivated in ancient times. Now, even a mid-level defensive magic weapon can be cut off at once. Could it be that this spiritual wood robe has reached the level of a high-level defensive magic weapon?" level!"

Luo Yu said in a surprised voice, just now Luo Yu used the green skin on the surface of the spiritual wood to refine the clothes on a whim, but he never thought that the defense power of this vestment would be so strong. Immortal cultivators don't have much contact with it, but they didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. After the combination of spirit wood skin and wood attribute spiritual power, it must not be weaker than ordinary high-level defensive magic weapons. The security of the shadow identity has also been greatly increased. After all, because of the connection between the soul and the soul, if the Muying clone is seriously injured, Luo Yu will also suffer.

"My Tian Luo Dao Qi is really powerful, but it's not top-notch. Many top-level exercises are much more powerful than the ancient ones at the beginning. Why don't you try the Tian Luo Dao Qi and Cuiwei Sword Qi?" Which one is more powerful?"

Such a curious idea suddenly popped up in Luo Yu's mind, and he took two steps back to keep a certain distance from the Muying clone. At the same time, with a thought, he issued an order to the Muying clone!

The second update of "Fairy Flame", and the third update today! (Favorite!)


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